Hello, I am trying to level Blacksmithing and had a few questions...
I am currently at 67 Blacksmithing and making Darksteel Picks. I mine all my ore
and sell the Picks to an NPC. I mine in Yughott Grotto, so this is pretty slow going.
I have contemplated going to the Highlands and farming Gob and Quadav stuff to
desynth into darksteel ingots. Is this a good idea or should I keep mining? I am
not necessarily in a big rush, but it would be nice to be able to level smithing a
little faster than what I am currently, without just buying ore off the AH.
Also, when I hit 73 and get my apron, I was thinking I might take a break and try
to level some sub crafts. Which crafts would be most beneficial to skilling up
Smithing and to Smithing in general? I have a few levels in Goldsmithing, Leather,
and Woodworking already, so I was thinking one of those would be my best bet.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
I am currently at 67 Blacksmithing and making Darksteel Picks. I mine all my ore
and sell the Picks to an NPC. I mine in Yughott Grotto, so this is pretty slow going.
I have contemplated going to the Highlands and farming Gob and Quadav stuff to
desynth into darksteel ingots. Is this a good idea or should I keep mining? I am
not necessarily in a big rush, but it would be nice to be able to level smithing a
little faster than what I am currently, without just buying ore off the AH.
Also, when I hit 73 and get my apron, I was thinking I might take a break and try
to level some sub crafts. Which crafts would be most beneficial to skilling up
Smithing and to Smithing in general? I have a few levels in Goldsmithing, Leather,
and Woodworking already, so I was thinking one of those would be my best bet.
Thanks in advance for any advice.