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Smithing moneymakers

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  • #16
    Re: Smithing moneymakers

    If you're just getting started, solo your thief all the way to 15 in ghelsba OP and turn all the fire crystals into bronze ingots. They're Smithing lv2 cap, so you shouldn't have too many breaks.

    Recipe is: 3 copper ore + 1 tin ore + fire crystal

    And don't worry too much about crafting. You have to either be very very patient or have tons of gil to burn. Either way I wouldn't suggest smithing if you don't have about 200,000 gil to start with =p

    edit: the thief part is optional. But you will need to solo your thief to 15 anyhow, so might as well do it there lvls 7-15 & get tons of fire crystals in return

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    • #17
      Re: Smithing moneymakers

      Smithing was a big pain for me. I just took my time and leveled it up slowly as a side hobby x_x I agree you should start slow with something like ALchemy or Cooking, as consumable are a lot more easily bought that armor pieces, weapons, and other equipment. But you need a pretttttyyyy big nest egg to do what you have to do for smithing and goldsmithing. Trust me. I've dumped a few mil in goldsmithing and I'm at lvl 52. I've heard from smithers that it's really not all that different from smithing.
      My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

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      Originally posted by Balfree
      Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


      • #18
        Re: Smithing moneymakers

        True that. Smithing is more or less like Goldsmithing - just a little bit less expensive. At least it was last year. I haven't continued my smithing, so I wouldn't know how the conditions are like nowadays. I know leathercraft can be cheaper than Smithing though, if you farm your own materials. Most leathercrafting materials are easier to farm than Smithing materials. (past the Iron phase).

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        • #19
          Re: Smithing moneymakers

          Does anyone maibe know what you can cast the best for Smithing lvl 23?
          i'm already farming my own Ore and all (sometimes even getting a heavenly Darksteel Ore)
          see i'm trying to level up my Smithing though its not going all that great
          i already know how to keep a steady balance in my gil when working on this craft
          so please can anyone put a small list of what is best to create for fast level up?
          thx for your time
          WAR 13, MNK 7, WHM 64, BLM 31, RDM 13, THF 26, PLD 14, DRK 15,
          BST 24, BRD 16, RNG 25, SAM 6, NIN 19, DRG 37, SMN 43
          Avatars: -={FENRIR}=-
          Prime fights? please let me join


          • #20
            Re: Smithing moneymakers

            some sad facts in Titan. There is 1 galka monk, name Warrior, LS less and always /anon. We all think he's a gilseller.... he farms antican paldron in eastern althepa desert NON STOP FOR 6 MONTHS now.

            And guess what, last night my PT was there... I saw him wearing smithing APRON omgwtfbbqlolkkbyethxxxxxx
            There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
            but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
            transform a yellow spot into the sun.

            - Pablo Picasso


            • #21
              Re: Smithing moneymakers

              Yeah that guy is relentless, its really pissing a couple my friends off that like to desynth pauldrons.
              Typho - Elvaan - San d'Oria - Rank 10 - Titan

              THF - 75 | RNG - 55 | NIN - 38 | WAR - 27 | WHM - 20 | SAM - 16 | MNK - 14 | BLM - 10


              • #22
                Re: Smithing moneymakers

                For fast lvl? I'd say Iron Scales. They sell for 40k a stack in Shiva, so it's not that huge a loss. You can always sell 1/3 of your sheets to break even. But then again, Iron Sheets don't sell that fast. But since you farm your own ores, then I suppose you can break even by selling scales alone.

                Just remember not to take my words as is =p
                Do some price checks at your local AH to make sure the prices are fine. I've lost about 100k making the mistake of crafting without checking AH prices. XD

                Take The quiz yourself!


                • #23
                  Re: Smithing moneymakers

                  wel the farming and synthing go + - good now
                  though there is a other problem that i got more Iron Scales in AH now then that people buy lol
                  (so wanne level up to make some nice gil in stead of breaking even)
                  i also checked the AH all around and wel the highest price isn't Jeuno for this but Bastok
                  with the leading 45k pro stack of them, Sandy goes for 30k
                  so for the moment even though i am farming the ore myself and all i do keep making some loss in my gil

                  anyone maibe know where i can hunt Fire Elements as a lvl 50 WHM?
                  i so hate to switch to lower level job and kill Orc in Ghelsba you know

                  for the Wind Crystals i already spend a nice time in Theine since i know all the spawn points and the drops of Clusters are nice from time to time
                  wel if you know a place where i can farm the fire clusters in a safe way(cough.. there is no safe way lol) then please let me know
                  WAR 13, MNK 7, WHM 64, BLM 31, RDM 13, THF 26, PLD 14, DRK 15,
                  BST 24, BRD 16, RNG 25, SAM 6, NIN 19, DRG 37, SMN 43
                  Avatars: -={FENRIR}=-
                  Prime fights? please let me join


                  • #24
                    Re: Smithing moneymakers

                    Unfortunately, learning Smithing and making significant amount of gil does not go hand in hand, as far as I know. I suggest you look elsewhere to make gil before you've burnt too much XD
                    From my experience, you're doing pretty well if you can break even or have minimal loss.

                    As for Fire Elementals, they are quite hard to find; mostly thanks to the rare occassion of fire weather. Hence, the regularly higher price compared to water, earth, wind, ice and lightning.

                    Take The quiz yourself!


                    • #25
                      Re: Smithing moneymakers

                      i think people call this luck, but in a days mining crafting, crystal buying and all
                      i still seem to have make a amazing 260k profit as a lvl 28 smith
                      i think i found a backdoor in having to skill up + mining + gil making
                      with the current skill level i even pull of a few nice HQ's witch makes my day all the better
                      WAR 13, MNK 7, WHM 64, BLM 31, RDM 13, THF 26, PLD 14, DRK 15,
                      BST 24, BRD 16, RNG 25, SAM 6, NIN 19, DRG 37, SMN 43
                      Avatars: -={FENRIR}=-
                      Prime fights? please let me join


                      • #26
                        Re: Smithing moneymakers

                        Definitely if you're into mining you will make some profits. This slows down as you get higher level though with the rarity of ores. I have a friend who is currently 86 smithing I believe who has funded himself mostly through mining -> synthing -> then the profits received dump into power leveling when he can. The point this slows down though is when you must farm Adaman/Darksteel ores as those are significantly rarer than iron. You may also hit a small road block when you have to deal with Steel. Best thing I can say is if you enjoy mining you will be able to supplement your smithing quite nicely with it, especially since you have WHM leveled(prereq. basically for mining Ifrits). Have fun and good luck!
                        Typho - Elvaan - San d'Oria - Rank 10 - Titan

                        THF - 75 | RNG - 55 | NIN - 38 | WAR - 27 | WHM - 20 | SAM - 16 | MNK - 14 | BLM - 10


                        • #27
                          Re: Smithing moneymakers

                          Okay, Bronze Ingots have been mentioned in desynths, but it should be stressed that you can synth them easily with Fire Crystals. You have two relatively simple options for this.

                          Level 2 smithing: Fire synth, 4x Beastcoin
                          Don't bother with this unless you're a Thief. You can steal these from low-level beastmen, but otherwise they're rare.

                          Level 3 smithing: Fire synth, 3x Copper Ore, 1x Tin Ore
                          You can mine for ores, but when it comes to simple stuff like this, I just camp the guild NPCs. At the Bastok Blacksmith Guild, Copper Ore is usually 9 gil and Tin Ore is usually 30 gil. They become more expensive at times, particularly on Windday, Iceday, and Lightningday, iirc, but still manageable. If you're doing these in bulk, you'll probably end up buying stacks of Fire Crystals. I have a San d'Orian char buy them, but even if you buy them in Bastok, a stack of Fire Crystals is around 60% of the cost of a stack of Bronze Ingots, so you can turn a profit without much difficulty.

                          Also worth mentioning: Copper Ingot
                          Level 3 goldsmithing: Fire synth, 4x Copper Ore
                          Marginally cheaper to make than Bronze Ingot and sells better (usually). On Midgardsormr at the moment things have swung in Bronze's favor a bit, as Bronze is selling at 15k and faster than Copper at 17-18k. Normally in my experience Bronze goes for about 12k a stack and Copper for 20k.

                          Also, raising Smithing to start with isn't that expensive. I funded my first 10 levels of smithing by selling Bronze Ingots. Meant at times that I had to make 2 stacks of ingots to sell before I could make 1 stack as skillup material, and then another 2 stacks to sell before actually skilling on it, but it still wasn't too bad. Do take advantage of some of the wind synths for skillup, wind crystals are a lot cheaper than fire if you have to buy.
                          Last edited by Lunaryn; 11-08-2005, 07:35 PM.
                          Kumei, pickpocket of Midgardsormr(Bastok Rank 10)
                          Alchemy 72, Smithing 51, Goldsmithing 48, Leathercraft 23, Fishing 20
                          Koren, San d'Orian Adv.(Rank 10)
                          Woodworking 29,Cooking 20
                          All celestials(Trial-Size), Fenrir, Diabolos, Alexander, Odin
                          Myrna, Windurstian Merchant
                          Clothcraft 24
                          Nyamohrreh, Windurstian Adv.(Rank 6)


                          • #28
                            Re: Smithing moneymakers

                            l0000l, what i always just did was Fishing, since i never had that great of sucess with smithing or black smithing. i just use the money to buy upgraded armor from friends or the auction house, in my opinion you'll spend more money getting items and skill + ups then you would if you just bought it ><;;;;;;


                            • #29
                              Re: Smithing moneymakers

                              Originally posted by ibroyles
                              I can say is if you enjoy mining you will be able to supplement your smithing quite nicely with it, especially since you have WHM leveled(prereq. basically for mining Ifrits). Have fun and good luck!
                              what do you mean with mining Ifrits?
                              please provide some information about that please, i'l try anything new for my WHM
                              i'm already killing Banshee and Ghosts also in Gusgen Mines just for the fun of it lol
                              and yes GS are camping all the mining spots there, i could try Oldtown or something witch zones to Gusgen, though i do not know any of the mining spots or how to beat up a Moblin if i have to
                              they hit extremely hard (67-130 damage pro hit i get) and yes that is a lot, even though i do have some high DEF equipment on

                              also the price on all servers are a little diffrent, Fire Stacks go for about 8-9k a stack and Wind for about 7k a stack
                              can easely farm Wind Elementals and do some teleporting to get the gil i need to go on with smithing
                              WAR 13, MNK 7, WHM 64, BLM 31, RDM 13, THF 26, PLD 14, DRK 15,
                              BST 24, BRD 16, RNG 25, SAM 6, NIN 19, DRG 37, SMN 43
                              Avatars: -={FENRIR}=-
                              Prime fights? please let me join


                              • #30
                                Re: Smithing moneymakers

                                What I meant was mining Ifrit's Cauldron(a zone, you have to go through Yhoator Jungle to get there). It drops very good ores including iron, darksteel, adaman, and orichalcum. The problem is, even a LV75 player will still get agro there, so you MUST bring some way to stealth yourself. A good way to go is either at least 20WHM/10NIN(sneak at LV20, tonko at LV10) or 40NIN/20WHM. The reason you want NIN sub is that many of the mining points are right next to bombs, which agro magic. Tonko(nin's inivisible spell) does not agro them, but the Invisible spell from WHM will. Other than that you will also need sneak to get past various bats/raptors and other aggresive mobs. It can be a frustrating area to mine in, but after you get used to it very profitable as there is very little competition(no gil sellers there on my server, period).

                                BTW here's a good website for mining maps:
                                Typho - Elvaan - San d'Oria - Rank 10 - Titan

                                THF - 75 | RNG - 55 | NIN - 38 | WAR - 27 | WHM - 20 | SAM - 16 | MNK - 14 | BLM - 10

