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^(o.o) Smithing Questions

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  • ^(o.o) Smithing Questions

    ^(O.o) Hi, all! Eagleheart, 36.5 Blacksmith on Kujata.

    I'm staring at a thirty thousand gil loss via Steel Scales right now, from Steel Sheets. Friend suggest making some Iron Scale armor pieces and I think I might go with that, but was wondering if anyone else had any ideas for a Blacksmith in my level range. o.o

    Also, a sidenote - My AIS individual is telling me to make items involving Mythril Ingots. I checked the recipes he gave me and they indicated only Smithing skill, but I was under the impression Mythril was a GOLDSMITHING product....? Can anyone clarify this for me?

    Thank you in advance for your time. (vO.o)
    ~ Eagleheart ~ Kujata
    | PLD 51 | WAR 30 | DRG 01 | SAM 10 |
    Smithing | 43.7 || Goldsmithing | 15.6
    San d'Oria, Rank Five
    LS: Heavensent / TheAncients
    Paladin AF:
    Coronet [X] Surcoat [X] Breeches [X]
    Gloves [X] Boots [O] Sword [O]
    (o.o)> There is a God, and he loves you more than you can know. ( ^^)

  • #2
    Re: ^(o.o) Smithing Questions

    It's a start, reminds me I need to look for alternatives too. I have a mule at smithing L36 I want to level. You'll just have to research the costs of any alternatives, any suggestions would be appreciated. With steel ingots/sheets now at 70k/stack, I'd like to depend less on them.

    Yeah, those mythril-using recipes are correct. The information about required sub-crafts comes from guild npcs, so it should be accurate, if a bit odd.

    war25 whm40 blm75 rdm41 thf45 nin42


    • #3
      Re: ^(o.o) Smithing Questions

      ( o.o) Indeed. I think I will spend some more time looking around for alternate recipes; thirty thousand gil down per stack of scales is simply unacceptable, and for me right now, totally unrealistic in regards to my funding. I will check around for alternate skillpaths, but I am on Kujata server, so I don't really know if they'll be feasible where you are. Guess we'll see in a bit. ^^

      (vo.O) Thank you for clearing the Mythril bit up for me, Jinnistacia.
      ~ Eagleheart ~ Kujata
      | PLD 51 | WAR 30 | DRG 01 | SAM 10 |
      Smithing | 43.7 || Goldsmithing | 15.6
      San d'Oria, Rank Five
      LS: Heavensent / TheAncients
      Paladin AF:
      Coronet [X] Surcoat [X] Breeches [X]
      Gloves [X] Boots [O] Sword [O]
      (o.o)> There is a God, and he loves you more than you can know. ( ^^)


      • #4
        Re: ^(o.o) Smithing Questions

        You may be able to put it off a bit, and use war picks (L38, wood 6, guild 3915). After that, it doesn't seem much better than your loss on steel scales until maybe juji shuriken or darksteel ingots.

        war25 whm40 blm75 rdm41 thf45 nin42


        • #5
          Re: ^(o.o) Smithing Questions

          It's not pretty, but bite the bullet and do the scales. If War Picks only go for 4k at the guild it's still a similar loss because Steel Ingot prices are nasty nowadays. You should be able to make Mythril Bolt Heads (didn't try these, don't know how well they sell but I never made these as a woodworker and I'm up to 61 so you'd better check first) or Juji Shurikens with Advanced Synth Support at 37-38 fairly well (both recipes cap at 44.) If you're feeling lucky you could wait for a Full Moon and Lightsday and try them at 36. The Shurikens are costly but they break even. Yeah, the scales are gonna be a loss...but I've levelled a few other crafts and you should consider yourself lucky. You'll only be losing 30k for a level or two, at least it's not like leather where you'll have to blow 20k a dozen synths for quite a few levels even early on, with just a few break-even synths in between

          So yeah, that's the only thing I can think of. Just remember that you don't have to do scales until 40. Hope that helps


          • #6
            Re: ^(o.o) Smithing Questions

            ( o.o) I must agree, I've looked all over and found no real options other than what was mentioned here. ( ><) {/sigh}

            The Mythril Bolt Heads? Odd, never heard of that one. I'll check into that and hope I can somehow pull it off. (^o.o)> And that it comes off clean and easy. First, though, I've gotta build my coffers back up for another day of smithing.

            Darksteel - :D 10k profit per ingot last I checked. Barring breaks....

            ( >.>) I endure it all for the darksteel one day.... @_@
            ~ Eagleheart ~ Kujata
            | PLD 51 | WAR 30 | DRG 01 | SAM 10 |
            Smithing | 43.7 || Goldsmithing | 15.6
            San d'Oria, Rank Five
            LS: Heavensent / TheAncients
            Paladin AF:
            Coronet [X] Surcoat [X] Breeches [X]
            Gloves [X] Boots [O] Sword [O]
            (o.o)> There is a God, and he loves you more than you can know. ( ^^)


            • #7
              Re: ^(o.o) Smithing Questions

              Haha, I just got to the darksteel phase. It's awesome and all the same time it's a bit frustrating. I mean, I'm limited to pretty much a dozen synths at a time because my current gil is in the ~500k range and breaks will make you scream in pain like a little girl. That aside, I'm just grateful for recipes that won't cost me an arm and leg in losses, even if it's expensive. Darkteel Picks though...ugh...that's gonna hurt. I've heard they sell for 12k to NPCs, which was great back when Darksteel was like 10k an ore, but now...ew.


              • #8
                Re: ^(o.o) Smithing Questions

                Originally posted by Eagleheart
                Also, a sidenote - My AIS individual is telling me to make items involving Mythril Ingots. I checked the recipes he gave me and they indicated only Smithing skill, but I was under the impression Mythril was a GOLDSMITHING product....? Can anyone clarify this for me?
                Yes, Mythril is a Goldsmithing product but is not limited to Goldsmithing recipies.


                • #9
                  Re: ^(o.o) Smithing Questions

                  I don't like blowing up darksteel ore either, 20k each here, with stack of ingots selling for 320k+. After juji shurikens, I used mythril picks (npc 7500ish, guild 8300ish) to L47 as a bridge to darksteel. It works pretty well if you can get a good price on the ingredients. It becomes insanely expensive for me after nodowa, so I won't be progressing much further anytime soon.

                  war25 whm40 blm75 rdm41 thf45 nin42


                  • #10
                    Re: ^(o.o) Smithing Questions

                    ( o.o) Shurikens and stuff sound good, I'd like to do something while skilling to help the community. <.< Iron Sheets, my primary source of profit, don't seem to be in demand anymore on Kujata. x_X

                    I observe that the Shurikens cap at lv. 44 and use Iron Sheets and Steel Ingots. I've got four darn stacks of sheets that won't sell so there's always that part done. <(<.<) Likewise, Mythril Bolt Heads seem to cap at level 44, so I guess I could try either. It all depends on the price of Mythril Ingots per stack, which, due to extended PLing in the Dunes and RSE raids, I have not had the chance to do, even all these days *after* I first posted on this thread. o.o;;

                    Considering my resources are severely limited right now, (farming when I can to improve this situation) I think I will check out the Mythril Bolt Heads recipes and also turn an eye towards the Juji Shurikens. Now,IF I CAN ONLY GET TO AN AUCTION HOUSE. -_-

                    I'm always so busy helping people I never get a day to myself in the game anymore. ;_; /sigh

                    (^o.o)> As to darksteel picks, Armando, yeah, that sounds awful. I highly advise digging around and trying to find an alternative if at all possible. ( o.o) We Blacksmiths should be a frugal lot, I think.

                    Thanks again to everyone for their feedback and suggestions. ^_^ I shall try to get back to smithing A.S.A.P. and put your suggestions to work!
                    ~ Eagleheart ~ Kujata
                    | PLD 51 | WAR 30 | DRG 01 | SAM 10 |
                    Smithing | 43.7 || Goldsmithing | 15.6
                    San d'Oria, Rank Five
                    LS: Heavensent / TheAncients
                    Paladin AF:
                    Coronet [X] Surcoat [X] Breeches [X]
                    Gloves [X] Boots [O] Sword [O]
                    (o.o)> There is a God, and he loves you more than you can know. ( ^^)


                    • #11
                      Re: ^(o.o) Smithing Questions

                      Can someone help me i started the game earlier this week, and want to upgrade smithing but i dont have a clue where to find tin ore and fire crystals


                      • #12
                        Re: ^(o.o) Smithing Questions

                        tin ore can be mined (alot) in zeruhn. fire crystals drop from the vultures (pink birds) in Gustaberg.

                        Thanks Yyg!


                        • #13
                          Re: ^(o.o) Smithing Questions

                          You could try something else to cut your losses considerably with your iron scale synth, try farming some wind crystals, getting adv support and make the scales into maksibishi. also later on with steel sheets, wait for the steel ingot price in mhaura to fall to it lowest (usually after watersday) and buy them there, if your lucky you can get them for around 40-50k per stack.

                          hope this helps!


                          • #14
                            Re: ^(o.o) Smithing Questions

                            Iron mittens and iron subligar baby tiny loss great skillups if you can be bothered to get leather to about 10.

