Mitsu: Darksteel picks actually sell for 12k to NPCs, not on the AH. This, of course, is even better. That means you can make 36 or 48 darksteel picks for skill and then dump them on any NPC merchant you like for instant gil returns(and, hopefully, profit). I don't think anyone actually uses darksteel picks for anything other than blacksmithing skill *)
Calladan: Iron ingots can make you money, but iron sheets are often better. Take a look at the individual and stack prices of iron ingots vs iron sheets on your server. If the price difference is more than the cost of a single fire crystal, you're probably going to make more money on the sheets once you have the ability to make sheets reliably. Also take a look at the rates of sale. There's no sense in making iron sheets if ingots are selling 5x faster, unless you're the only guy making the sheets(not likely). Ore supplies should also affect your decisions regarding ingots vs sheets. If ore supplies are tight, sheets are probably a better option.
As far as rams are concerned, I'd do both. Make ingots/sheets, put them on the AH by the stack, then hunt rams like mad and put ram horns and skins on bazaar or on AH with a mule character. Earn money from multiple angles. You can also try growing yourself some fire crystals on the side and selling the extras. Blacksmiths are not notorious for having "extra" fire crystals, mind you.
Calladan: Iron ingots can make you money, but iron sheets are often better. Take a look at the individual and stack prices of iron ingots vs iron sheets on your server. If the price difference is more than the cost of a single fire crystal, you're probably going to make more money on the sheets once you have the ability to make sheets reliably. Also take a look at the rates of sale. There's no sense in making iron sheets if ingots are selling 5x faster, unless you're the only guy making the sheets(not likely). Ore supplies should also affect your decisions regarding ingots vs sheets. If ore supplies are tight, sheets are probably a better option.
As far as rams are concerned, I'd do both. Make ingots/sheets, put them on the AH by the stack, then hunt rams like mad and put ram horns and skins on bazaar or on AH with a mule character. Earn money from multiple angles. You can also try growing yourself some fire crystals on the side and selling the extras. Blacksmiths are not notorious for having "extra" fire crystals, mind you.