of course he was lying... you can't get 2 crafts to 90+ (on the same character).. 
my guess is that the thf you talked to got the hauberk from a friend who quit the game or something... come on, if the guy managed to craft his own hauberk, you would have had to get the damascus from jeuno.. and thus he would be smart enough to sell it in Jeuno instead of shouting for to sell it in bastok (which I assume was what he was doing)

my guess is that the thf you talked to got the hauberk from a friend who quit the game or something... come on, if the guy managed to craft his own hauberk, you would have had to get the damascus from jeuno.. and thus he would be smart enough to sell it in Jeuno instead of shouting for to sell it in bastok (which I assume was what he was doing)
