Re: Analyzing Recipes for 80-88
I just noticed your other crafting lvls, sabaron and I guess you don't have other crafts to support your alchemy lvling in term of gil so you have to solely depend on your alchemy. For me, I have fishing 97 which is/was reliable on making some gils and can support my alchemy lvling reliably. I lvled alchemy through potions route, paralyze, venom, poison, ether, hi pots and using any recipes that involves fish.
So for me, Mamushito is really cheap to make and just cost my time basically and crystals.
Paralyze potions: Paralyze Dust + Mercury
2xParalyze Dust = Lightning + Three eyed fish (which I can fish them easily in qufim)
Mercury = Lightning + 4xCobalt Jellyfish (100 gil each) (which I can buy them from guild)
Animal Glue: 2xBone Chip 1xrabbit hide 1xdistilled water + fire
Buy all from AH and HQ them easily to further decrease my cost
Shinobi Gatana: 2000-3000 gil from Norg Vendor. I never buy if it's 4000+ gil.
It's a slow path as I have to gather all the ingredients first. I sell all mamushitos for 1.1k each to vendor. It's a lost for sure but it's very minimal for me ^^
Good INfo on infinity cores btw ^^b
I just noticed your other crafting lvls, sabaron and I guess you don't have other crafts to support your alchemy lvling in term of gil so you have to solely depend on your alchemy. For me, I have fishing 97 which is/was reliable on making some gils and can support my alchemy lvling reliably. I lvled alchemy through potions route, paralyze, venom, poison, ether, hi pots and using any recipes that involves fish.
So for me, Mamushito is really cheap to make and just cost my time basically and crystals.
Paralyze potions: Paralyze Dust + Mercury
2xParalyze Dust = Lightning + Three eyed fish (which I can fish them easily in qufim)
Mercury = Lightning + 4xCobalt Jellyfish (100 gil each) (which I can buy them from guild)
Animal Glue: 2xBone Chip 1xrabbit hide 1xdistilled water + fire
Buy all from AH and HQ them easily to further decrease my cost
Shinobi Gatana: 2000-3000 gil from Norg Vendor. I never buy if it's 4000+ gil.
It's a slow path as I have to gather all the ingredients first. I sell all mamushitos for 1.1k each to vendor. It's a lost for sure but it's very minimal for me ^^
Good INfo on infinity cores btw ^^b