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Alchemy Money Makers
Re: Alchemy Money Makers
Originally posted by BalfreeYou're lazy! check your auction house and see what's worth synthingbecause things are different across servers..
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Re: Alchemy Money Makers
Bullets, lots of bullets...
I NEED MORE GUNZ!!! 1337 H4X0R!!!Hacked on 9/9/09
FFXIAH - Omniblast
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Re: Alchemy Money Makers
Basicly, look for comsumable goods. IE stuff that are gone when used. Bee wax, silent oil, etc. There are tons in alchemy.There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
transform a yellow spot into the sun.
- Pablo Picasso
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Re: Alchemy Money Makers
What kyoma said...
I find myself farming and NPCing:
Slime Oils:
Drops ALOT in korroloka tunnel, pwn all the slimes for it, with TH subbed i sometimes get 2-3 drops from one single slime, i'd say about an hour to get 3-4 stacks, unless theres alot of people hunting them down.
Slime oils are your friend! Sneak oils are made with this, thats a money maker, however you should also farm...
Beehive chips:
Beeswax is needed for sneak oils, farm these like hell in konsctat highlands or gideus, its a matter of preference:
Gideus: Lots of yagudo to farm some cheap gil off of, also if you're looking for the norg fame quest, this is where you should farm ur bees, also theres the monster signa NM that pops every hour or so, lots of campers though, but still a good chance to get him if youre good.
KHighlands: Bees. Tons of bees... hit one with ur bare fists or a weak spell, also hit a sheep, a goblin and a sappling, run around like crazy and link all mobs you can find, kill em all with some AOE (im a blm :p so)
Goblins can drop animal glue, which is useful, they also drop cheap gil, doesnt hurt does it.
Sapplings drop seeds if you like to garden, they also usually sell good, sheep drop sheepskin, you can make sheep leather with lvl 4 leathercrafting, bring dark crystals and turn these into sheep leather for awesome profit, check the recipe for sheep leather on or something, and lastly, bees drop your beehive chips, get craftin.
O boy.. these rose in price alot lately atleast in ragnarok.. so overated it hurts, go in almost any low level inner dungeon, like KRT or the ruins in sarutabaruta, kill bats with THF subbed or ideally with TH2, these drop so often its silly, use batwings for hi-ethers that suddenly rose to 20k each in ragnarok D: ...
Dryad roots:
These are BITCHY, guess you can farm walking trees in jugner, theyre easy to kill, and you can also go Logging in some spots, i got 5 of these in an hour.. wasnt too good, but i did have to look for spawns of both walking trees and logging points, i guess a second trip would prove more fruitful, still dryad roots seem like a semi-rare drop, you need em for hi-ethers though.
Malboro vines:
Hi-potions and Hi-ethers, 2 best-sellers, you need vines for them though, and they dont come in easily, best bet would be ordelle's caves, camp near stroper chyme, kill all mobs, kill em all because only 2 malboros pop in there, they almost allways drop 1-2 vines, ive once gotten 3 drops from both of the 'boros, totalling for 6 vines, theres more pops, if you know the dungeon well, you can make trips around and kill the malboros on the 2 spots they pop, i think 4 malboros pop in the cave, the spawns are sort of far appart thouhg, knowing ordelle caves, you know what i mean :p
Uh.. what else.. hm, i think thats it for easy recipes that you can profit off of, but you need to work ur ass off for them.signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine
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Re: Alchemy Money Makers
Please note that Alchemy, like other guilds, requires lvl 100 skill to start really raking in the dough to the full potential that the guild has to offer. Level 90+ skill suffices, level 100=big money
Once you obtain level 55 in Alchemy you can start making some speedy gil but in small amounts by HQing beeswax, your goal is to take your profit and make it to level 80+ so you can start HQing silent oils. You can actually profit from most things that are skill up able like bloody bolt heads (cap 84) so financing level increases in this guild is very easy.
Here are some things you can do for gill when you are at a sufficient level.
I always check the guild for cobalt jellyfish, they sell for about 150 each and 4 makes a mercury which is worth 2k. I tirturate these things into poison potions and sell them, they make a decent profit if you make enouph of them. Another thing that the guild sells profitable are the glass fibers, when these things are at 2k each I buy every one and make prism powders. Tirturating prism powders is not worth it as either way youll get 12. another profitable guild item is Marlboro vines, when they around 2k I start pumping out the Hi-potion drops until the Vines run out, sometimes these are a decent price in AH as well.
I don't farm. I buy the materials and I HQ them. Farming is nice and everything but buying materials in the game saves time and helps the game economy anyway.
HQ beeswax then use the Beeswax to HQ silent oils. The more stacks you make the less per stack you make, or the slower your full return will come. I ussually opt to undercut the current value for a quick return and sell through various Jueno mules. Silent oils are consumable and are used quickly in the game, this is something that can be done daily though beware a market flooding, if too many silent oils are selling and the price is too low I tend to bow out and move to other gil making oppurtunities.
Making boltheads may seem like a crappy idea, but since they have been stackable to 99 they are now profitable. Acid bolt heads are the most profitable as people are buying them near Bloody bolt head prices and they cost much less the BBheads to make. Of course if more players start making these bolt heads then there are platers to buy them then the value will drop.
HQing low leveled items can make you a surprising amount of gill. I tried my hand at Bee Spathas once and made 8/10 HQ, which made about a 25k profit each sword. Level 1 Wax swords can be HQed at a good rate by lvl 55 fyi. Any HQ weapon is profitable.
Once you have obtained your Emeralda you stand to make some serious gil. Atleast you'll have better chances. I got mine and it makes a big difference, also dont make the crafting guild leader angry, like getting other guilds past lvl 60, when I did that my crafting seemed to suffer so I lowered to craft that I had raised above 60 and raised that craft (cook) on a mule instead. With Emeralda your HQ rate increases 20%.
With Emeralda in Moghouse and gp items on your character the best thing I can think of to make are Stun knives+1, Stun Kukri+1, etc. Pretty much any hi level HQ weapon synth is worth alot because it is rare. For instance the HQ Hawkers knife is worth over 1 million most of the time. Cursed-1 stuff is worth alot but costs alot to attempt.
Paying attention to what is selling in AH helps alot, when Pheodro chips first came out some people were selling them for 30k a stack while regular beehive chips where @30k also. The sellers had no idea that a pheodro chip is = to 3 beehive chips when making wax. There was only around a dozen but I bought them all and made 2-3 million on that. I hawked the AH for more pheodro chips even when they where up to 50k for the profitability of those were so high. Players have now caught on to thier value and sell them for more but still not 3x the amount beehive ships sell for. So watch the AH, especially in crucial gil making times like right after patch updates or expansion releases. For instance Robot parts made a nice return during the first week of expansion.
I'm not sure how much can be made making platinum nuggets, I haven't tried that yet.
Since most of the time you are only doubling the gil you spend when profiteering using the AH gil making in alchemy tends to be like rolling a snowball where you always need some gil around to make more. It is not wise to spend all your gill on that item you've been drooling over until you can afford it by means of gil you don't use to profiteer with. For a long time your gp collecting will cut into your profits until you have all the available items your guild offers.
After reading all of this I hope you have some ideas of what is possible with Alchemy.
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Re: Alchemy Money Makers
Its just easier to farm, than waste the money leveling the craft. It seems that for any craft to be effective it needs to be in the 80's-100's. It drives me batshit.66MNK | 37WAR | 22SAM | 20THF | 20BST | 18 NIN | 17BLM | 10WHM
Cooking 69 / Fishing 4801 / 10 on Hoo Mjuu the Torrent (Monster Signa: O)
01 / 08 on Mee Deggi the Punisher (Ochiumsha Kote: O)
01 / 04 on Quu Domi the Gallant (Sarutobi Kyahan: O)
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