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Full Metal Alchemist! - Alchemy 101

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  • #46
    Re: Full Metal Alchemist! - Alchemy 101

    I know this thread is old and has a lot of info, but I will share those things which I have made to get to my current level, 65, and some of the methodologies I used. The level cap is in parenthesis.

    Group 1: Amateur
    Antidote (3)
    Tsurara (6) - Profitable
    Silencing Potion (8) - Cobalt Jellies & Mercury
    * - On Asura when I was crafting, Mercury was priced below 48 x Cobalt Jellyfish + 12 x Lightning Crystals. This happens frequently, if you are patient, just wait for it to happen. Silencing potions will be worth your time. Mine sold for more than I paid, buying cheap Mercury and crystals and a good purchase of Cobalts from the Guild. Keep at least 1 stack.

    Group 2: Recruit
    Poison Dust (11 & 12) - Not profitable, save
    Silence Dagger (13) - Very nice weapon, sometimes flooded market
    Mercury (16)
    Poison Potion (18)
    * - I made Poison Dust from Stingers I found on bazaars in Bastok and later from Yellow Globes purchased from Windurst and Jeuno. The dust itself is worthless as a sale item, and costs more to make than it does to buy it from Stinknix at the Junk Shop in Lower Jeuno. We are trying to get in range of Poison Potion which is a nice cheap synthesis that sells nicely b/c people drink them in battles where the enemy uses Sleep. You should save some for later, too. With mercury, try to be especially conservative and note the price on the market. Make only enough Mercury to bring you in range of Poision Potion. You'll only want to take Dust and Mercury to 11 or 12. If you can make the daggers for a profit, use them too.

    Poison Potion (18) -
    Once you're in range of PP, you may be able to make a little money. These were selling for 90,000 per stack at the time I sold mine--well above their cost of production. Use the dust and mercury you made first, and then when you run out buy dust from Stinknix in Lower Jeuno and buy Mercury where it is the cheapest. This is usually the Bastok Auction House. Make sure to check the Guild Shop (especially on Darksday), too. Just try to keep your costs below the Poison Potion market price. Keep at least a stack for yourself.

    Group 3: Novice

    Echo Drops (20)
    Poison Arrowhead (21) - [20 Cap Smithing]
    Poison Dagger (22)
    Mokuto (23)
    Poison Knife (23)
    Blinding Potion (27)

    These are an excellent synthesis. Get your sage from the Valdeaunia Regional Merchant wherever he may be. If Valdeaunia is under Beastmen control, you'll have to buy it from the Auction House where it can be costly. Honey also varies in price--it will most likely be the largest factor in your production costs. If the stars align, you'll make some money here. If not, the tuition cost should be quite bearable. Again, if it is unprofitable, move off of it ASAP. If it's profitable, stick with it until you can't skill up anymore. If you're a mage, save some for yourself, especially if you like to tangle with Malboro and other Silencing monsters.

    Now it's time for the Great Void of Novice. Silent Oil is in here, but you won't be able to touch the price of this staple. Either recipe is likely to put the hurt on your pocketbook, and I recommend you stay away until you can HQ Beeswax AND preferably Silent Oil as well.

    We only need a couple of points to come into range of our next synthesis, Blinding Potions. Now we finally get to use those wonderful Silencing Potions and Poison Potions we saved from before. We have three weapons: Mokuto, Poison Dagger, and Poison Knife. You'll want to make some of each--you need Tenshodo membership to buy Shinobi-Gatanas from the Bastok Tenshodo, so make sure you get that. If you happen to be lucky enough to have Smithing in range of the 20-cap, you can make those if they're profitable. If you've got deep pockets and a sizeable inventory, consider saving these items because they come up as Guild Contract syntheses.

    You have a couple of options with Blinding Potion. You can either have a mule or friend mail you Poison Flour from the Junk Shop in Jeuno, or you can camp Pawkrix yourself. If you take the first option, your synthesis will go slowly. If you camp Pawkrix (what I did) you can't use Synthesis Assistance so see the lower portion of the guide for help with that. You probably don't want to try the Nebimonite recipe. Fish are expensive (they take a lot of work to get, so don't fault the fishermen) and Mercury is as well. You should probably save ALL of your Blinding Potions--they sell for a profit, but there's a reason why...

    At this point you'll want to head over to the Blacksmith and get 12-14 skill there--it's not hard and there are other guide for that. You'll need to use the first synthesis in the next section to cap off Novice. (NOTE: You should've done this before for Poison Arrowheads if they sell where you are, I didn't).

    Group 4: Recruit

    Blind Bolt Heads (31) - [14 Cap Smithing]
    Artificial Lens (34)
    Bronze Bullet (38) - [13 Cap Smithing]

    [EDIT: Changed Firesand and Prism Powder levels, you don't have any (or at the very least enough) Ahriman Lenses, and you don't have any (or enough) Yuhtunga Sulfur.]

    This is about the point where the budding Alchemist's become giddy. Prism Powder and BB Heads are awesome syntheses--even for low levels. We need to do a little bit of preparatory work first...

    You must now camp all of the auction houses for Goblin Masks. Buy the cheap ones ONLY... On Asura their price fluctuates between 1,000 and 5,000+. I didn't buy masks for more than 3,000 and it took about an earth week to collect enough. You are going to blast these masks with Lightning Crystals to produce Glass Fiber. My "Lucky Rabbits Foot" for this Desynthesis was: New Moon on Watersday facing North, but I have no empirical evidence to support that this is correct. When you see 8 Glass Fiber pop off of a mask, you shall be very happy. When you blow one up, you will wince with pain--get used to it. You'll want to camp for the elusive cheap Light Crystal stack or Light Cluster. It may be a hard decision but you will have to choose between Moghancement: Lightning which will reduce your "explosions" and Moghancement: Desynthesis which will increase your High Qualities. I chose MH: Desynthesis.

    Make your lenses and save them up until your inventory is bursting at the seams. Then you'll probably have enough skill to start Prism
    Powders (see Apprentice). This is an excellent profit here. Stick with it until you ruin the Goblin Mask market.

    Firesand sells well if you don't plan to make bullets, but I strongly recommend that you plan to sell some kind of bullet--either Goldsmithing Bullets or Smithing bullets.

    Bronze Bullets sell, too (slowly), but you'll probably want to make your own Bronze and Firesand (see Apprentice). The Gustaberg Regional Merchant in Port Bastok sells Sulfur and Bomb Ash can be purchased from the Gunpowder Room.

    Blind Bolt Heads do not sell quickly. Sure lots of people use blind arrows, but after 15th level, they will fire at most a handful of these per battle. It is a good idea for you to pick up Woodworking in the skill range of 12-16 so you can make bolts. After all, you got into Alchemy for the money right? Glue will be your biggest expense here. I suggest you make your own unless you can't save money by doing so.

    At this time, you'll want to seriously consider investing in Concoction. If your lucky, those Poison Daggers, Knives, and Mokuto that you made might be exchangable for some GP.

    Group 5: Apprentice
    Firesand (40)* - NOT The Yuhtunga Sulfur recipe
    Prism Powder (41)*
    Potion/Potion Drop (40) - NOT The Ahriman Lens recipe
    Vitriol (43) - NOT The Dhalmel Saliva recipe
    Acid Bolt Heads (45)
    Holy Water (51)

    Potions and Potion Drops are my favorite and most common Alchemy Synthesis. I think they're awesome and I rarely sell them--they are not terribly profitable and they take a bit of work, so I only make them for myself, even though I have on occasion sold them at the Auction House just as a teaser. I made Prism Powder during this area for money and they supported my Potion Drop habit nicely.

    Vitriol is an incredibly cheap synthesis. Take it all the way to 43 and then make bolt heads. Sell some heads and make some heads into bolts as before.

    I hope you didn't stop camping Light Crystals...because it's time for Holy Water. Unlike most other syntheses, you will feel pain at the loss of the crystal rather than the ingredient in this synthesis. Light Crystals are expensive, but generally not nearly as expensive as the Holy Water you buy from Tu'Lia, so you'll be quite safe especially if you're planning to make bolt heads which I hope, by now, you are.

    Group 6: Journeyman
    Holy Bolt Heads (53)
    Sleeping Potion (56)
    Hi-Potion/Hi-Potion Drop (60)

    We'll start with Hi-Potion/Hi-Potion Drops because even though you can't make them yet, you will need to start gathering Malboro Vines now that your inventory has been voided of Artificial Lenses. Make sure you don't let the Malboro vine farmers get greedy, remember that the Guild sells Malboro vines for just over 5000 each most of the time--just buy a whole bunch when they're low at the guild if you can't get them cheaper from farmers. Make sure you keep your cost BELOW the market value because Lab Coat Alchemists can use Emerelda to HQ Drops easily and use Guild Vines the whole time. Of course, we're getting ahead of ourselves...

    Remember all that Holy Water you made? Well, now you can make bolt heads with it. The nicest thing about Holy bolt heads is that there is no glue involved! Glue has been and still is my arch-nemesis. Early on because of the expense, now because of the extra time it takes for me to camp bone chips. However, he dare not show his face before the mighty Holy Bolt (some assembly required)!

    Sleeping Potions are next and, again, I recommend you camp Pawkrix rather than shipping flour. Most of you weekend alchemists will leave me now, and will not break your 60 caps. If you are one of these, you should sell your Sleeping Potions now because the Sleep Bolt Heads (64) will be just beyond your reach as a good profit synthesis. Those of you who are continuing on will want to reserve your potions.

    Now that you're done with Sleeping Potions, make your Hi-Potions and/or Drops that you've been camping Malboro Vines for.

    The Money

    You've been exposed to a number of markets through your Alchemic path and you've seen which ones sell and which don't. You may now add a few more items to your reportoire:

    HQ Beeswax: You'll want to achieve maximum bonus when you do any HQ Synthesis (see below).

    HQ Animal Glue: Yes, you can ally yourself with my archnemesis if you want.

    HQ Silent Oil: You may not get a very good HQ rate from these, but if you combine this HQ rate with your Beeswax HQ rate, you'll make out nicely. Beware the Lab Coats however.

    HQ Low-level Durable Goods: Yes, there is sometimes a market in these, but remember that Durable Goods markets are very easy to disturb so try not to rock the boat.

    HQ Low-level Medicines: People buy drops and Poison Potions. Make some and you'll make some money.

    As always, you can make your higher-level consumables and bolts. The markets up in the Journeyman area are quite stable in general as few have the patience to take The Craft that far. Bolts, and Bullets will always be your friends. Just remember the Golden Rule of the little guy: Beware the Lab Coats.

    Beware The Lab Coats
    (A short essay on High Level Crafters for Journeyman- Crafters):

    I will start by saying that there are two kinds of Lab Coats: Regular Lab Coats and Super Lab Coats. The Difference? Super Lab Coats have Emerelda. Fortunately for you, there are few of them. The common theme among Lab Coats is that they like selling their wares for the same price you like to, they just get a lot more HQs than you therefore they make a lot more money. If you decide to try to undersell them for a prolonged period of time and their products end up being mailed back to them, you will call down the hammer that is their wrath. You will have your 18 stacks of Silent Oil on the market when they're trying to sell 3 or 4 stacks for 1500 less than the LCs were selling before. They are, in actuality, producing their oils for around 4000 less per stack than you are. What happens next? Any good Lab Coat can estimate your price per stack and then price his wares just lower than yours--say 500gil. He can also keep doing this until all of your stacks end up in your Delivery Box and you won't make a dime. So one more time, let me state: Beware The Lab Coats.

    It is not to say that the Lab Coat Alchemists are your enemies, they are usually quite helpful if you have a question. They just get to set the line on the products in the market place. You have to follow suit or they will crush you. Be nice and share the gil or your greed will come up from behind you and bite you in the rear.

    Last edited by Sabaron; 05-31-2006, 06:42 PM.


    • #47
      Re: Full Metal Alchemist! - Alchemy 101

      [Continuation of Previous Post]

      Getting the Most HQ Bang for Your Buck and Skilling up at +7/+8:

      There are three factors that can influence your ability to craft these are listed below. Keep in mind that I don't factor in my partial skill points when calculating recipe difficulty, I consider only my whole number skill score.

      Synthesis Assistance
      It is assumed that Advanced Image Support (the one you pay for) is +1 and that Free Image Support is +0.5.

      The Day of the Week
      Almost all crafters know that synthesis is easiest on the day of the crystal and hardest on the day whose element is strong against the crystal. I use the following mnemonic to remember my crystal order:

      I Wish Everyone Looked Alot Fatter.
      Ice > Water > Earth > Lightning > Air > Fire > ...
      [Please don't tell me that Alot should be spelled A lot... ]
      Some people prefer Thunder to Lightning, but I'm sticking to mine.

      Darksday is always bad for synthesis (except for Dark synthesis, for which it good), and Lightsday is always good (alas, it doesn't appear to be twice as good Light synthesis).

      Day of my crystal or Lightsday: -1 Recipe Difficulty
      Day opposite my crystal or Darksday: +1 Recipe Difficulty
      All other days are neutral: +0 Recipe Difficulty

      The Phase of the Moon

      The Light Elements like the Full Moon: Light, Fire, Air, Lightning
      The Dark Elements like the New Moon: Dark, Earth, Water, Ice

      Moon of my crystal: -1 Recipe Difficulty
      Moon opposite my crystal: +1 Recipe Difficulty
      Half moon: +0 Recipe Difficulty

      Unlike the day, the moon increases gradually, so the 75 Gibbous and Crescent moons give about +/- 0.5 difficulty although this does not factor in much since your partial skill points do not appear to affect the synthesis results.

      The Direction You Face*
      * - There have been studies on many FFXI web communities and there seems to be evidence to suggest that this affects your crafting results, but most agree it is to a lesser degree than the Moon and Day. There is a Star Chart NPC in each of the starting towns.

      Dark: North
      Light: Northeast
      Ice: East
      Wind: Southeast
      Earth: South
      Lightning: Southwest
      Water: West
      Fire: Northwest

      Since the effect is lesser, it is most commonly assumed that direction is only half strength, so it can only serve to buffer the effect of the moon and to enable you to use Free Synthesis effectively. Since partial skill points don't really help, Free Synthesis might not be effective unless you combine it with direction. Free Synteshesis doesn't last very long, so I generally don't bother.

      Direction of my crystal: -0.5 Recipe Difficulty
      Direction opposing my crystal: +0.5 Recipe Difficulty
      Other Direction: +0 Recipe Difficulty

      Using these three factors, you can manipulate the recipe difficulty. For instance say that you have 20 skill and you need to make Blinding Potions at 27. 7 points is an awfully big jump, but during a new moon on Watersday or Lightsday with guild assistance, you can reduce the difficulty to 24, which is quite reasonable. Furthermore, you can use Directional Synthesis to craft at the same level as long as the moon is at 25% or less. When you get to 26 skill, you might consider synthing on Darksday and Lightningday instead and face toward Lightning during a 75% or better moon to bump the difficulty to 29 and keep your skill-up rate high. +8 difficulty syntheses will be difficult using this method, but they are still within the realm of possibility for those of you who like to gamble. I would strongly advise against +9 or worse.

      I generally assume that any partial point is of no use, but feel free not to--there is no statistical information from Square Enix on any of these effects, but there are hints, studies, and information that suggest they work.

      Treasures of Aht Urhgan Items:

      The Iron Bullet (45) [Cap 22 Smithing] is a possible synthesis for Apprentices, but I have never made an Iron Bullet and did not do so during my Alchemy training. I have also not tried to make any of the 55th level Puppet parts or the 17th level cards and most items using materials from Aht Urhgan. Please note that "new" items are often wildly inflated and that only 50th level+ people can farm for the materials to make such things, so I will say that if you wish to make them, go ahead and do so, but make sure to do your homework at ALL of the auction houses.


      Some of the items in the guide were not made by me during my training. For instance, I did not make Acid Bolt Heads, I made Carbon Fiber instead. Acid Bolt Heads are leagues better than Carbon Fiber and I make them now for profit. I suggest you get your supporting crafts along with your Alchemy to enhance your experience of the craft itself.

      I in no way guarantee that this information will help you make money. You have to actually use your head to make money. Don't be greedy. Share the market with others.

      Many times in Alchemy, you will find others in the area crafting items that use the item you are crafting as an ingredient. You may be able to sell your materials directly to them (at a discount of course)--this will save you a lot of Auction House time and inventory space--remember that you may be making a lot more of an item than you can feasibly sell. Don't be greedy and be good to your fellow Alchemists (you have to work with these people).

      Notes for Future Lab Coat Alchemists:

      I am not going to write a guide for 60+. I am a 65th level alchemist and am therefore not quite skilled enough to suggest any course of action for you other than to mention that I've already told you where to go to get to where I am even though I haven't spelled it out in Alpha-Bits for you. By now, you should be familiar enough with The Craft to continue on your own. I intend to push 100 skill in Alchemy. I had at one point considered Goldsmithing, but I see the Durable Goods markets as lossy and volatile, so pushing 100 in Gold is a monumental task. That is not to say that Panacaea and Pro-Ether are a walk in the park, they just happen to be consumables, so they never come back on the market.

      Alchemy is a guild of consumables. Our Guild Veterans and Artisans can make some very nice Durable Pieces such as Hawker's Knives +1,Bloody Weapons, and some Cursed pieces, but the bulk of the money is in consumable items. That is why Alchemy is such a nice guild. There are other consumable guilds, so if you can't see yourself as a dottering senile chemist mixing arcane elements in a tower on a hill (insert your own fantasy here), then perhaps one of the more solid crafts will wet your whistle.

      I wish you luck if you wish me the same (crossing my fingers that Emerelda won't be sold out when I get to 88).


      Last edited by Sabaron; 05-31-2006, 06:34 PM.


      • #48
        Full Metal Alchemist! - Alchemy 101

        I found this List, and thought I would share it with you all.

        Not sure who wrote this.


        Crystal: Water
        San d'Orian Grape
        Distilled Water

        Where to buy/get item?
        Wijnruit: Upih Khachla in Windurst Waters H-9 (Price 110-124 Gil )
        San d'Orian Grape: Aveline in San d'Oria South F-7 (Price 69-79 Gil )
        Destilled Water: Boncort in San d'Oria North F-8 ( Price 10-12 Gil )

        I sugesst you sell these to NPC because they dont sell good at AH, and you
        dont loose so much money.

        Here you have a chooise. You can now synth Beewax if u want until level 5
        but u wont earn any money if u dont Farm your items here. But if do that u
        will make a nice profit so u can continue with your skillup if you are low
        in cash. If u already got money for skillup i sugesst you continue with
        Tsaura that cap at level 6.

        Alternetive 1

        Beewax (x1)
        Crystal: Fire
        Beehive chip x3
        Destilled Water

        Where to buy/get item?
        Beehive chip: Farm them in Giddeus by killing bees or if u really want you
        can buy them from AH for 6k/stack (Hades server) price can various on
        Destilled Water: Boncort in San d'Oria North F-8 ( Price 10-12 Gil )

        Comment: Very good money if u farm the Beehive chips, a stack of Beewax
        sells for 20k on Hades server.

        Alternetive 2 ( Recommended )

        Tsaura (x10)
        Crystal: Ice
        Rock Salt
        Destilled Water

        Where to buy/get item?
        Destilled Water: Boncort in San d'Oria North F-8 ( Price 10-12 Gil )
        Rock Salt: Benaige in San d'Oria South F-7 ( Price 14-16 Gil )

        Comment: You can sell these on AH and hopefully make some profit.

        Deodorizer (x1)
        Crystal: Wind
        Olive Oil

        Where to buy/get item?
        Olive Oil: Aveline in San d'Oria South F-7 ( Price 14-16 Gil )
        Chamomile: Dabih Jajalioh in Ru'Lude Gardens F-9 ( Price 119-135 Gil )
        Sage: Aveline in San d'Oria South F-7 ( Price 170-192 Gil )

        Comment: Dont put these on AH they wont sell so sell them to NPC or save
        them for later when the guild wants them so you can collect some Guild

        Turn in Item to Alchemy Guild ( Level 8-10 )
        Animal Glue (Cap level 7)
        Crystal: Fire
        Bone chip x2
        Rabbit hide
        Destilled Water

        Poison Dust (x1)
        Crystal: Lightning
        Yellow Globe x2

        Where to buy/get item?
        Yellow globe: Babubu in Windurst Port C-8 (Dont remember price but they are
        cheap). Or buy them from AH 2k/stack on Hades server.

        Comment: Save these for later levels to skillup on ^_^

        Mercury (x1)
        Crystal: Lightning
        Cobalt Jellyfish x4

        Where to buy/get item?
        Cobalt Jellyfish: Babubu in Windurst Port C-8 and also in Alchemy Guild

        Comment: Save these too for later level

        Poison Potion
        Crystal: Water
        Poison Dust

        Where to buy/get item?
        You already go the items ^^

        Comment: Now you can sell these on AH and get some money back.

        Turn in item to Alchemy Guild (Level 18-20 )
        Poison Potion
        Echo Drops (x1)
        Crystal: Water
        Distilled Water

        Where to buy/get item?
        Sage: Aveline in San d'Oria South F-7 ( Price 170-192 Gil )
        Distilled Water: Water: Boncort in San d'Oria North F-8 ( Price 10-12 Gil )
        Honey: Kopopo in Windurst Waters E-8 ( Price 100 gil dont know exact)
        you can also farm these by killing bee´s or buy from AH ~3k/stack.

        Comment: Sell these on AH to get your money back and mabye get some profit.

        Here we get a choise again i sugesst you make Sairui-ran but you will need
        Cooking 11 also. If you dont wanna make those u can make Blinding Potions.
        And Blinding Potions can u use to later skillups i will tell when we comes

        Alternative 1

        Sairui-ran (x33)
        Crystal: Earth
        Bast Parchment:
        Birg Egg:
        Kahzam Pepper:
        Bomb Ash:

        Where to buy/get item?
        Bast Parchment: Buy from AH ~10k/stack
        Kahzam Pepper: Ghemi Sinterilo in Kazham G-7 ( Price 55-62 Gil )
        Bomb Ash: Olaf in Metalworks G-7 (Price 470-530 Gil )
        Birg Egg: You can buy these inside the area there u take the fly for 51 gil,
        but if u dont got airship pass you can buy them at Cooking Guild or AH.

        Comment: On hades server ~2k profit / stack

        Alternative 2

        Blinding Potions (x2)
        Crystal: Lightning

        Where to buy/get item?
        Nebimonite: Buy from AH ~18k/stack
        Mercury: You know how to make them ^^

        Comment: Save these for skillup 27-31

        Ok here your choise depends on what u just skilled up on.
        If u did Sairui-ran its time to make some Artificial Lenses.
        If u did some Blinding Potions its time to make some daggers.

        Sairui-ran way:

        Artificial Lense (x1 not stackable)
        Crystal: Fire
        Glassfiber x2

        Where to buy/get item?
        Glassfiber: Buy from AH or desynth Goblin Mask (Lightning + Goblin Mask = x4
        Glass fiber)

        Comment: Sell these on AH

        Blinding Potion way:

        Blind Dagger:
        Crystal: Water
        Blinding Potion:
        Bronze Dagger:
        Animal Glue:

        Where to buy/get item?
        Blinding Potion: You already got them
        Bronze Dagger:Ashene in San d'Oria South K-7 ( Price 150 Gil )
        Animal Glue: You know how to make them

        Comment: On hades server 2k profit per dagger but they dont sell so fast

        Blind Knife
        Crystal: Water
        Blinding Potion:
        Bronze Knife:
        Animal Glue:

        Where to buy/get item?
        Blinding Potion: You already got them
        Bronze Dagger:Tavourine in San d'Oria North E-4 ( Price 150 Gil )
        Animal Glue: You know how to make them

        Comment: Same here, profit but dont sell so fast

        Now we are on same way again for those who did sairui-ran and Blinding
        potions ^^

        Potion (x1)
        Crystal: Water
        Lizard Tail
        Distilled Water

        Where to buy/get item?
        Sage: Aveline in San d'Oria South F-7 ( Price 170-192 Gil )
        Lizard Tail: Buy from AH or kill lizards
        Distilled Water: Boncort in San d'Oria North F-8 ( Price 10-12 Gil )

        Comment: Sell to NPC to get some money back or put them on AH they sell

        Turn in item to Alchemy Guild ( Level 38-40 )
        Firesand (cap 40)

        Firesand (x2)
        Crystal: Fire
        Bomb Ash x2

        Comment: I sugesst you buy one from AH, but Sulfur can be bought at AH and
        you know where to buy Bomb Ash ^^

        Crystal: Water
        Treant Bulb x2

        Where to buy/get item?
        Treant Bulb: Buy from AH ~2k/stack or kill all kinds of Saplings

        Comment: Sell on AH to get money back

        Holy Water
        Crystal: Light
        Destilled Water:

        Where to buy/get item?
        Destilled Water: Boncort in San d'Oria North F-8 ( Price 10-12 Gil )

        Comment: Here you can loss a little when u sell these on AH or you can make
        some profit it depens on your server, and what price it is on Light
        Crystals. You will fail a lot in the start but you wont loose much money.

        Turn in item to Alchemy Guild (Level 48-51 )
        Fire Sword (Cap 46)

        Crystal: Earth
        Iron Sword
        Slime Oil

        Comment: Buy one from AH but if u refuse u can kill jellys to get Slime oil
        and u know how to make firesand. Iron Sword can be bought at Ashene in San
        d'Oria South K-7 for around 7500 Gil.

        Ok lets keep the skillup but now it starts to go slower, a lot slower. You
        will get like 0.2-0.4 skillup per stack of synths now ><

        Sleeping Potion (x1)
        Crystal: Water
        Poison Flour

        Where to buy/get item?
        Chamomile: Dabih Jajalioh in Ru'Lude Gardens F-9 ( Price 119-135 Gil )
        Sleepshroom: Kill fungars or buy from AH ~2.4k/stack
        Poison Flour: Pawkrix in Jeuno Lower H-10 ( Price 515 Gil )

        Comment: These dont sell fast on AH and Poison Flour isnt stackable so i
        sugesst you put a mule in Jeuno for this skillup. But then the potions sells
        on AH you will get the money back ~10k/stack at Hades server.

        Crystal: Water
        Sage x2
        Malboro Vine
        Distilled Water

        Where to buy/get item?
        Sage: Aveline in San d'Oria South F-7 ( Price 170-192 Gil )
        Malboro Vine: Buy from AH 800-1200 Gil or at Alchemy Guild
        Distilled Water: Boncort in San d'Oria North F-8 ( Price 10-12 Gil )

        Comment: Here you will get some profit for like 1k-1.5k per potion it
        depends on your server.

        Turn in item to Alchemy Guild ( Level 58-60 )

        You know how to make it ^_^

        Ok now we will go past 60 and just so u know u gona start loose money now on
        a lot of synths.

        Here u can skillup on 2 things

        Venom Dust (x1)
        Crystal: Lightning
        Scorpion Claw x2

        Where to buy/get item?
        Scorpion Claw: Kill Scorpions or Buy at AH

        Comment: On Hades server this is a loss, Scorpion Claws goes for 1k each,
        that makes 2k per synth. And one stack of Venom Dust goes for 5k/stack so on
        12 synths you will pay 24k for Claws and u can sell the Dust for 5-10k
        depens on server. But my sugesstion is that u save the dust for further
        skillup. This one is only good if u farm the claws.

        Venom Dust (x1)
        Crystal: Lightning
        Ogre Eel x2

        Where to buy/get item?
        Ogre Eel: Buy at AH, on my server they sells for 4k/stack
        Comment: This is a much better option if u dont wanna farm the claws for the
        other recipt. Save these for further skillup.

        Venom Potion (x1)
        Crystal: Water
        Venom Dust

        Where to buy/get item?
        Venom Dust: You got them.
        Mercury: You know how to make them.

        Comment: Save these for later skillup

        Ok time for some bigger losses ^^. And now i REALLY sugesst u level your
        Smithing to level 14 because some recipts will now contain smithing . And
        level 14 dont take long time to make.

        68-71 (Smithing 13)
        Spartan Bullets (x33)
        Crystal: Fire
        Copper Ingot
        Twinkle Powder
        Bronze Ingot

        Where to buy/get item?
        Copper Ingot: Make or buy from AH
        Twinkle Powder:Upih Khachla in Windurst Waters H-9 ( Price 350-400 Gil )
        Bronze Ingot: Make or buy from AH
        Firesand: You know how to make them.

        Comment: i did like -3k / stack here but that wasnt so bad, and they sell
        quiet good on AH aswell.

        Venom Bolt Heads (x6)
        Crystal: Wind
        Animal Glue
        Bronze Ingot
        Venom Potion

        Where to buy/get item?
        Animal Glue: You know how to make them
        Bronze Ingot: Make or buy them
        Venom Potion: You already got them

        Comment: Ok here you make big losses because these Bolt Heads sells for 1-2k
        / stack.
        Nothing to care about just keep going ^^

        Which FF Character Are You?


        • #49
          Re: Full Metal Alchemist! - Alchemy 101

          Holy Shit.

          Last 3 threads O_O


          You two, win the internets.

          All of them

          Thank you.
          The Tao of Ren
          FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

          If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
          Originally posted by Kaeko
          As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


          • #50
            Re: Full Metal Alchemist! - Alchemy 101

            Thanks, when do I get my prize?

            Originally posted by WishMaster3K
            Holy Shit.

            Last 3 threads O_O


            You two, win the internets.

            All of them

            Thank you.

            Which FF Character Are You?


            • #51
              Re: Full Metal Alchemist! - Alchemy 101

              on venom bolt heads now -_-.

              I skipped spartan bullets which was a bad idea it looks like a cheaper synth and problably would npc for more than the stinky venom bolt heads.

              if there is anything that even remotely looks good synth that, bolt heads are a waste of gil selling like molasses or slower.

              I'm not looking forward to the bloody bolt head stage either, 60+ at least I don't have to do them for a long stretch going by the recipie list.

              All I've been getting is .1 skillups so you can imagine how many stacks of venom bolt heads I have. Adding further insult to injury NPCing them for about 50gil a piece doesn't come close to covering 1/2 the costs.

              I guess grinding these stages really takes a toll on the shihei fund
              Teh Jobs - 75- nin (I spend more time at 74 =P ) / 50-pld / 55-thf (currently leveling)/ 48-rdm / 43-war / 43-rng / 35-brd / 37-blm /34-whm / 20-sam / 16-mnk
              Teh crafts 81 Alchemy / 59 Woodcraft / 51 Cooking


              • #52
                Re: Full Metal Alchemist! - Alchemy 101

                Originally posted by levish
                if there is anything that even remotely looks good synth that, bolt heads are a waste of gil selling like molasses or slower.
                You could level WW to 16+ and make your own bolts. I found that by doing this I didn't have to really wait to move anything as the bolts sell much faster then just the bolt heads, and I made a little more doing the whole thing then I would have selling the bolt heads alone.

                I like leveling on status Bolt Heads because of this, and I would really recommend this if you end up sitting on a few stacks and a partial stack of bolt heads.

                Shihei is lvl29 woodworking which is really just a hop, skip and a jump from 16 and since even NQ shihei sells at a little profit, at least on Kujata, you'd end up saving a little more and you can make one of the ingredients yourself.
                I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                • #53
                  Re: Full Metal Alchemist! - Alchemy 101

                  I did Spartan Bullets for 1 point. Anima are expensive; Venom Bolt Heads are worthless as a sale (on Asura they sell for 20k per stack, but I got lucky and sold mine for 40k). I made back the money from them by HQing the glue I needed to make them. People on Asura sell Venom Potion for a loss, so there's another savings.

                  The problem with making the bolts themselves is that, even though you can sell them at a profit, an Alchemist levelling 71-76 will produce something on the order of 1200 bolt heads! That makes 400 stacks of bolts, or 33 12-stacks of quivers. The wood is the biggest problem. If you don't have Lumberjack (which means you need to take WW to novice first AND contract with the WW guild--don't get me started on WW guild contract items 50 Maple Harps? No thank you), it will take you 1200 synths just to make the wood and another 1200 synths to make the bolts themselves. It is infeasible at best for a levelling alchemist to do this especially since the bolts (at least on Asura) turn only a meager profit (they have a good sell rate though).
                  Last edited by Sabaron; 06-29-2006, 06:24 AM.


                  • #54
                    Re: Full Metal Alchemist! - Alchemy 101

                    I've got ww to 59, the trouble has to do with the same reason boltheads are slow sellers. I've made a few stacks of shihei and bundled them up on occasion but it defeats the purpose of leveling alchemy to synth woodworking stuff.

                    Going to move to fireworks after bloody bolt heads and then churning them into bolts, worst case i can use them to solo my thief a bit further.
                    Teh Jobs - 75- nin (I spend more time at 74 =P ) / 50-pld / 55-thf (currently leveling)/ 48-rdm / 43-war / 43-rng / 35-brd / 37-blm /34-whm / 20-sam / 16-mnk
                    Teh crafts 81 Alchemy / 59 Woodcraft / 51 Cooking


                    • #55
                      Re: Full Metal Alchemist! - Alchemy 101

                      Venom Bolt head stacks were crap on my server (Hades) when I went through that stage, selling for 20k each. I make my own mercury for the potions, my own animal glue, desynthed bronze harness for ingots and I still couldn't make them that cheap.

                      This pissed me off so much I bought all of the Venom Bolt Head stacks that were up for 20k and then posted them at 100k. I sold a few at that price and then dropped the price down to 90k, and then to 80k. I made several stacks of quivered and unquivered Venom Bolt Heads and sold them also. Eventually I have sold all of my stacks plus the ones I bought, all at a profit.

                      Of course I made a lot of bolt makers very angry with me (lots of nasty tells). They were paying 20k a stack for bolt heads and generating 4+ stacks of quivered Venom Bolts which they were selling for 50k (180k profit).

                      I am glad that I am through that stage. The price of Venom Bolt Head stacks has dropped to 50-60k since I stopped, I don't know what is up with people. The only reason I would make them anymore is for personal use.
                      Hades Server
                      Elvaan, San d'Oria Rank:6
                      CoP: 3-5, ZM: 4
                      DRK:51, THF:50, RNG:36, RDM:31, BLM:30, NIN:30, WAR:30, DRG:21, MNK:21, SAM: 21, BST:21, WHM:20, SMN:20, PLD:18, BRD:16, COR:1, BLU:1, PUP:1

                      Alchemy: 80, Bonecraft: 52, Clothcraft: 52, Cooking: 40, Fishing: 2, Goldsmithing: 41, Leathercraft: 53, Smithing: 42, Woodworking: 60


                      • #56
                        Re: Full Metal Alchemist! - Alchemy 101

                        going to see what x potions cost to cook up, might be a better alternative till i get closer to bloody bolt heads
                        Teh Jobs - 75- nin (I spend more time at 74 =P ) / 50-pld / 55-thf (currently leveling)/ 48-rdm / 43-war / 43-rng / 35-brd / 37-blm /34-whm / 20-sam / 16-mnk
                        Teh crafts 81 Alchemy / 59 Woodcraft / 51 Cooking


                        • #57
                          Re: Full Metal Alchemist! - Alchemy 101

                          just a little update, x potions were great for the stretch to their cap, they sell reasonably fast (if you time selling them for the weekend when most people plan events) and at a slight profit. In other news my bolt heads and most of my bolts that i made from some of the bolt heads still haven't sold.
                          Teh Jobs - 75- nin (I spend more time at 74 =P ) / 50-pld / 55-thf (currently leveling)/ 48-rdm / 43-war / 43-rng / 35-brd / 37-blm /34-whm / 20-sam / 16-mnk
                          Teh crafts 81 Alchemy / 59 Woodcraft / 51 Cooking


                          • #58
                            Re: Full Metal Alchemist! - Alchemy 101

                            Why does Sairu-ran is set up at 20 ? Silent oil before Sairu-ran. I thought the guide was correct when I attempted it at 20 and got so many failures.


                            • #59
                              Re: Full Metal Alchemist! - Alchemy 101

                              Silent Oil is produced with Beeswax and Slime Oil. The reagents are ocassionally prohibitively expensive--it is not a recommended synthesis for skill-ups, unless you end up losing less money than you otherwise would for other skills. I made Mokutos, Poison Knives, Poison Baselards (Sandy in 1st or 2nd can't remember, a stack of Vermillion Laquer, and a stack of Silent Oil). You may be failing Sairui-ran because it requires cooking skill, but eight points to Sairui-ran is a stretch--try Blinding Potions on Watersday. Making 6 stacks of Silent Oil might put the hurt on your wallet, be careful unless your filthy rich--the weapons (if you don't make too many) will be profitable over time.


                              • #60
                                Re: Full Metal Alchemist! - Alchemy 101

                                Originally posted by Sabaron
                                Silent Oil is produced with Beeswax and Slime Oil. The reagents are ocassionally prohibitively expensive--it is not a recommended synthesis for skill-ups, unless you end up losing less money than you otherwise would for other skills. I made Mokutos, Poison Knives, Poison Baselards (Sandy in 1st or 2nd can't remember, a stack of Vermillion Laquer, and a stack of Silent Oil). You may be failing Sairui-ran because it requires cooking skill, but eight points to Sairui-ran is a stretch--try Blinding Potions on Watersday. Making 6 stacks of Silent Oil might put the hurt on your wallet, be careful unless your filthy rich--the weapons (if you don't make too many) will be profitable over time.
                                But its listed here as level20-28 Sairui-ran skillup. Thats wrong.

                                Its not bad really if you can farm. I farmed 3 stacks of slime oils in 2 hours using a thf sub. Got pretty lucky too since sometimes they drop 2 or 3x (happened once). I guess no one was farming that time since I saw only 1 or 2 people who are killing jellies.

                                Beeswax on the other hand is expensive. This you have to buy since some people can HQ them easily and sell them at 2/3 of what the price is for 3 stacks of beechips (for 1 stack of beeswax).

