Since I"m upping my post count and have seen a lot of people complain that crafting isn't profitable I thought I'd open a discussion.
There now seem to be more people trying to supply crafters, their items sell more slowly, than there are crafters. People seem to want to mostly hunt NM and BCNM for quick gil and anything that takes a bit of time is figured as not worth it. I've enjoyed having at least 500k a week to my name without camping an overcamped NM or beg friends to do BCNM (which is hard to find for me). Now if I get to do any of those things its extra.
A Little Background on my Crafting History
Though I've been crafting for a while now none of my crafts are very high because up until now I thought the only profitable thing to craft was low level ingots. I used to have the same idea a lot of people had as far as crafting so though I wanted to level a craft I'd stop because I thought I had to loose a lot of gil to raise it. I had hardly any gil and it took forever just to farm for my gear since I don't have a lot of time to hunt the NM with nice drops. Then two friends of mine told me two things that that opened my eyes. Since then I have been able to actually make gil to put toward decent gear and start raising the craft I actually had my eye on to get to 99 Clothcraft again.
Here I'm sharing these three pieces of advice coupled with one of my own that helped me hoping to give others a way to also make crafting profitable for them too.
Advice #1: Watch the AH to Decide on a Gil Making Item
There are always certain pieces of gear or items that sell consistantly well and are craftable. Making one of these as a goal gil making item as part of your routine is a way to make a craft worth getting into. Once you find the item discover the items that go into making them and knowing these is a secret to making a craft worth it! Support that item keeping a stable availability and price by farming or providing materials for it as you work your way up to actually making it. You'll make money off the materials you synth that are used in its creation even before you get there by working on not just your man craft but the subcraft.
Advice #2: Diversify
Anyone whose's made it to the upper levels of crafting know that they need materials to make certain items that sell well for nice ammounts of gil and often need subcrafts. This often is a complaint, the concept is often that you can't make any gil leveling up to those points and it takes time so its not worth it.
The other complaint is that to buy/make many of the recommended items to level up on you need materials that to buy are expensive and end in a lose of gil. Collecting your own ingredients is often seen as far too time consuming and isn't worth it.
Both of these problems are solved by being a little patient and diversifying. How? Knowing a few facts and putting them into practice helps. Here I'll give the facts and in closing I'll show why knowing these will make you gil.
Fact 1: All crafts support another craft! I'm not talking about as subcrafts here, I'm talking about items used in the synth. Often you'll find materials in a craft are made in another craft. I'll explain in a minute how to use this to your advantage. Lets first see how this is true by taking just one reciepe for example:
Trader's/Baron's Saio: Clothcraft (25 - Initiate)/ Sub-Skill: Leathercraft (9 - Amateur)
Crystal: Earth
Brass Chain (Goldsmithing (19 - Recruit)
Cotton Cloth (Clothcraft (12 - Recruit)
Sheep Leather (Leathercraft (2 - Amateur)
Ram Leather (Leathercraft (35 - Novice)
Beeswax (Alchemy (5 - Amateur)
Red Grass Thread (Clothcraft (15 - Recruit)
Red Grass Cloth x2 (Clothcraft (16 - Recruit)
Notice every item in the receipe is a synth item from other crafts. Also notice that in general all you need is recruit at the highest in order to make the materials. You will loose gil on NQ if you buy every piece of this receipe but if you have all of these other crafts leveled to the skill required it just costs a little bit of time to get them yourself and you will make a profit. If clothcraft is your chosen craft This item whether HQ or NQ generally sells well which is why I picked it. You can also desynth the NQ item and reuse the items until you get to the HQ without loosing tons of gil if you make your own materials.
Fact 2: Higher Level Crafters will need these material items too! These items are also used in other crafting receipes. You can make a business out of suppling items for just one piece of gear or medicine you see sells well. Generally if you make enough of a batch of the materials to sell half of them you'll pay yourself back for the items you needed. Materials sell faster than gear generally so you get your investment made back while the gear/weapon item is up on the AH by selling extra materials. By the time your gear item sells you have nothing but profit!
Fact 3: The market often changes so check the AH to make gil off synths! Often one week an item/material is selling well and the next it isn't. If you have a few crafts leveled to make materials for various crafts you can follow the trend to maximize your profits. You can use this kind of synth to fund your truw chosen craft and gear you need to buy.
Putting these 3 facts together makes you even more gil. Using our example synth above with our 3 facts lets see how gil can be made with some patience by having goal products. Using this example Baron's Saios are a gear piece we've decided to make once a month for gil.
Say we check the AH and see this week people are buying a lot of Silent Oils. As a saavy crafter you happen to know one of the key ingredients to it is beeswax. Now you know you'll also need beeswax for your Saios so now is a perfect time to make them yourself! Farm some beechips in Giddeus, enough to make 2 stacks for yourself and 2 to put up on the AH now, buy your distilled water and make your chips into wax. Sell 2 stacks on the AH and keep 2 for making your Saios later in the month. Once those wax stacks sell you've paid yourself back for the waters you bought (especially if you garden for crystals) and have one ingredient for your Saio crafting session later in the month which is an investment! Follow this same method making each ingredient the time is most profitable and you'll either pay yourself back or profit. By the time you get to making and selling that Saio you've now actually made more off the Saio than the 60,000 it sold on the AH for. Adding it up you'll be surprised to see how much profit you actually made you just didn't notice it since it came in slowly and steadily. Now use the gil you made off your money synth to fund getting to your next Clothcraft level or save toward your piece of dream gear! Either way you just benefited.
Advice #3: Garden
People typically only think of the tried and true method of Wildgrass Seeds in making gil or garden for elemental ores but in doing so they often miss a huge gil maker that can support their craft: Crystals. Every type of seed can yeild crystals as a crop. Again sell some of the crystal stacks, NPC or AH your other harvest (depending on prices for them you get) and you'll pay yourself back or profit from your investment in time (if you farm them) or money (if you buy them). For instance you get tons of Fire Crystals from Wildgrass seeds use half of them to make ingots and your gardening crop has made you even more of a profit! In the above example of the baron's saio use those Fire crystals to make yourself brass ingots and make those into the brass chains you need!
If you happen to be a cook then grow your ingredients! More profit to be made!
Advice #4: Harvest, Mine, Fish or Log
Depending on your chosen craft and goal money making items pick up the most benficial of these activities for you. If you make it a part of your routine you'll make a profit even when you are brand new to the craft.
For instance lets take Goldsmithing and Blacksmithing paired with mining. You buy your pick axes from an NPC and you'll both pay yourself back and make a profit from your investment. All of your starter ores are there in Zeruhn Mine plus a couple of nice rarer items as follows:
Copper Ores- Your first goldsmith synth is copper ingots and your first blacksmith synth is bronze ingots which use copper. Plus you use these down the line to make Brass Ingots, bronze ingots and various gear items on your journey with these 2 crafts. This is a common item so the more you can do with them the better. Buy any extra you need from the guild cheap and you'll still profit making ingots of these.
Tin Ores- Used to make bronze and tin ingots when leveling black smith. Tin are worthless ingots but you won't loose gil on this painful step by making all ingredients in the receipe. I NPCed them just to get them out of my hands though I only got I think 9 gil for each lol. Bronze ingots on the other hand sell well!
Zinc Ores- A fairly common item. Just sell these in bazaar or the AH until you can use them yourself and you'll still profit at lower levels of skill when you're making bronze and copper ingots. Used to make brass ingots you use when leveling goldsmith later on also.
Iron Ores- A fairly common item. Just sell these in bazaar or the AH until you can use them yourself and you'll still profit at lower levels of skill when you're making bronze ingots. Used to make iron ingots you use when leveling blacksmith later on also.
Snapping Moles- A rare item but rejoice when you get them. These guys NPC for 400-440 gil a piece for me depending on fame.
Darksteel Ore- A very rare item but sell for 3k when you get on the AH.
Your profit will go up the higher you get in those two crafts if you just mine in this one low level area!
I hope this helps you like it has me!
There now seem to be more people trying to supply crafters, their items sell more slowly, than there are crafters. People seem to want to mostly hunt NM and BCNM for quick gil and anything that takes a bit of time is figured as not worth it. I've enjoyed having at least 500k a week to my name without camping an overcamped NM or beg friends to do BCNM (which is hard to find for me). Now if I get to do any of those things its extra.
A Little Background on my Crafting History
Though I've been crafting for a while now none of my crafts are very high because up until now I thought the only profitable thing to craft was low level ingots. I used to have the same idea a lot of people had as far as crafting so though I wanted to level a craft I'd stop because I thought I had to loose a lot of gil to raise it. I had hardly any gil and it took forever just to farm for my gear since I don't have a lot of time to hunt the NM with nice drops. Then two friends of mine told me two things that that opened my eyes. Since then I have been able to actually make gil to put toward decent gear and start raising the craft I actually had my eye on to get to 99 Clothcraft again.
Here I'm sharing these three pieces of advice coupled with one of my own that helped me hoping to give others a way to also make crafting profitable for them too.
Advice #1: Watch the AH to Decide on a Gil Making Item
There are always certain pieces of gear or items that sell consistantly well and are craftable. Making one of these as a goal gil making item as part of your routine is a way to make a craft worth getting into. Once you find the item discover the items that go into making them and knowing these is a secret to making a craft worth it! Support that item keeping a stable availability and price by farming or providing materials for it as you work your way up to actually making it. You'll make money off the materials you synth that are used in its creation even before you get there by working on not just your man craft but the subcraft.
Advice #2: Diversify
Anyone whose's made it to the upper levels of crafting know that they need materials to make certain items that sell well for nice ammounts of gil and often need subcrafts. This often is a complaint, the concept is often that you can't make any gil leveling up to those points and it takes time so its not worth it.
The other complaint is that to buy/make many of the recommended items to level up on you need materials that to buy are expensive and end in a lose of gil. Collecting your own ingredients is often seen as far too time consuming and isn't worth it.
Both of these problems are solved by being a little patient and diversifying. How? Knowing a few facts and putting them into practice helps. Here I'll give the facts and in closing I'll show why knowing these will make you gil.
Fact 1: All crafts support another craft! I'm not talking about as subcrafts here, I'm talking about items used in the synth. Often you'll find materials in a craft are made in another craft. I'll explain in a minute how to use this to your advantage. Lets first see how this is true by taking just one reciepe for example:
Trader's/Baron's Saio: Clothcraft (25 - Initiate)/ Sub-Skill: Leathercraft (9 - Amateur)
Crystal: Earth
Brass Chain (Goldsmithing (19 - Recruit)
Cotton Cloth (Clothcraft (12 - Recruit)
Sheep Leather (Leathercraft (2 - Amateur)
Ram Leather (Leathercraft (35 - Novice)
Beeswax (Alchemy (5 - Amateur)
Red Grass Thread (Clothcraft (15 - Recruit)
Red Grass Cloth x2 (Clothcraft (16 - Recruit)
Notice every item in the receipe is a synth item from other crafts. Also notice that in general all you need is recruit at the highest in order to make the materials. You will loose gil on NQ if you buy every piece of this receipe but if you have all of these other crafts leveled to the skill required it just costs a little bit of time to get them yourself and you will make a profit. If clothcraft is your chosen craft This item whether HQ or NQ generally sells well which is why I picked it. You can also desynth the NQ item and reuse the items until you get to the HQ without loosing tons of gil if you make your own materials.
Fact 2: Higher Level Crafters will need these material items too! These items are also used in other crafting receipes. You can make a business out of suppling items for just one piece of gear or medicine you see sells well. Generally if you make enough of a batch of the materials to sell half of them you'll pay yourself back for the items you needed. Materials sell faster than gear generally so you get your investment made back while the gear/weapon item is up on the AH by selling extra materials. By the time your gear item sells you have nothing but profit!
Fact 3: The market often changes so check the AH to make gil off synths! Often one week an item/material is selling well and the next it isn't. If you have a few crafts leveled to make materials for various crafts you can follow the trend to maximize your profits. You can use this kind of synth to fund your truw chosen craft and gear you need to buy.
Putting these 3 facts together makes you even more gil. Using our example synth above with our 3 facts lets see how gil can be made with some patience by having goal products. Using this example Baron's Saios are a gear piece we've decided to make once a month for gil.
Say we check the AH and see this week people are buying a lot of Silent Oils. As a saavy crafter you happen to know one of the key ingredients to it is beeswax. Now you know you'll also need beeswax for your Saios so now is a perfect time to make them yourself! Farm some beechips in Giddeus, enough to make 2 stacks for yourself and 2 to put up on the AH now, buy your distilled water and make your chips into wax. Sell 2 stacks on the AH and keep 2 for making your Saios later in the month. Once those wax stacks sell you've paid yourself back for the waters you bought (especially if you garden for crystals) and have one ingredient for your Saio crafting session later in the month which is an investment! Follow this same method making each ingredient the time is most profitable and you'll either pay yourself back or profit. By the time you get to making and selling that Saio you've now actually made more off the Saio than the 60,000 it sold on the AH for. Adding it up you'll be surprised to see how much profit you actually made you just didn't notice it since it came in slowly and steadily. Now use the gil you made off your money synth to fund getting to your next Clothcraft level or save toward your piece of dream gear! Either way you just benefited.
Advice #3: Garden
People typically only think of the tried and true method of Wildgrass Seeds in making gil or garden for elemental ores but in doing so they often miss a huge gil maker that can support their craft: Crystals. Every type of seed can yeild crystals as a crop. Again sell some of the crystal stacks, NPC or AH your other harvest (depending on prices for them you get) and you'll pay yourself back or profit from your investment in time (if you farm them) or money (if you buy them). For instance you get tons of Fire Crystals from Wildgrass seeds use half of them to make ingots and your gardening crop has made you even more of a profit! In the above example of the baron's saio use those Fire crystals to make yourself brass ingots and make those into the brass chains you need!
If you happen to be a cook then grow your ingredients! More profit to be made!
Advice #4: Harvest, Mine, Fish or Log
Depending on your chosen craft and goal money making items pick up the most benficial of these activities for you. If you make it a part of your routine you'll make a profit even when you are brand new to the craft.
For instance lets take Goldsmithing and Blacksmithing paired with mining. You buy your pick axes from an NPC and you'll both pay yourself back and make a profit from your investment. All of your starter ores are there in Zeruhn Mine plus a couple of nice rarer items as follows:
Copper Ores- Your first goldsmith synth is copper ingots and your first blacksmith synth is bronze ingots which use copper. Plus you use these down the line to make Brass Ingots, bronze ingots and various gear items on your journey with these 2 crafts. This is a common item so the more you can do with them the better. Buy any extra you need from the guild cheap and you'll still profit making ingots of these.
Tin Ores- Used to make bronze and tin ingots when leveling black smith. Tin are worthless ingots but you won't loose gil on this painful step by making all ingredients in the receipe. I NPCed them just to get them out of my hands though I only got I think 9 gil for each lol. Bronze ingots on the other hand sell well!
Zinc Ores- A fairly common item. Just sell these in bazaar or the AH until you can use them yourself and you'll still profit at lower levels of skill when you're making bronze and copper ingots. Used to make brass ingots you use when leveling goldsmith later on also.
Iron Ores- A fairly common item. Just sell these in bazaar or the AH until you can use them yourself and you'll still profit at lower levels of skill when you're making bronze ingots. Used to make iron ingots you use when leveling blacksmith later on also.
Snapping Moles- A rare item but rejoice when you get them. These guys NPC for 400-440 gil a piece for me depending on fame.
Darksteel Ore- A very rare item but sell for 3k when you get on the AH.
Your profit will go up the higher you get in those two crafts if you just mine in this one low level area!
I hope this helps you like it has me!