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Torn between Learther working, Woodworking, and Smithing

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  • Torn between Learther working, Woodworking, and Smithing

    I just started a second character, Mariko, my plans for her are to lvl Pld, Sam, Mnk, and maybe Ninja. Also I am pretty set on Vyuru's main craft to be Weaving, but since I haven't gone beyond lvl 60 yet, this could easily be changed.

    Right now I am torn between Leatherworking, Woodworking, and Smithing as Mariko's main craft.

    Leatherworking seems best suited to be paired with another main of Weaving, however it looks like a large portion of the gil making synths lvl 60+ are armor and the like, which I don't really favor, I prefer the consumables/ingredients for other synths markets. So this craft does not appeal to me, but as I said it seems the best craft to be paired with Weaving. And while I would LOVE to be able to make a few Corselets, obtaining a star sapphire seems almost impossible and it also seems a poor choice to level a craft to 100 just for one synth that really excites you.

    Woodworking has lots of arrows and bolts to be made, I can make pretty furniture and spiff up the mog houses nice It pairs nicely with HELM and chocobo digging activities which I do quite enjoy, and there are some nice polearms and stuff I could make for myself (yay Engetsuto!) Woodworking seems the best craft for the activities that I like to do, Weaving covers the other aspect of the HELMing/digging nicely.

    Smithing has alot of armor/weaponry that, given Mariko's professions, would be nice to make for myself, be kinda cool to sign it too I have a good drk friend who, IMO, would look totally hawt in a signed set of Darksteel armor While there are a number of synths that interest me, like the Hachiman set, I have to question whether I would get to use these in exp parties because something else might be better. Potentially big bucks to be made from Smithing though I think, moreso than Woodworking say.

    Also, while I enjoy mining, I doubt I would go to any of the truely dangerous zones to mine in (Ifrit's Cauldron and the like) which seems to me to eliminate pretty much any of the ingot/sheet synths above darksteel.

    So yeah, not entirely sure which craft to go for. I'm pretty sure I don't want to go into Leatherworking unless someone can give a really compelling reason, and so I think my two choices are Smithing and Woodworking.

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  • #2
    Re: Torn between Learther working, Woodworking, and Smithing


    Make your own Shiele (spelling?) for your nin. If your doing weaving then being able to make beds is a good skill and sellign point, especially as 3 are used for MH quests and I have never seen them not be sold. Also furniture etc. is very popular + of course all the bolt and arrows to keep thf, nin, rng happy etc.

    And if you can chop your own wood, makign lumber from farmed wood is very profitable to help fund your nin and other jobs.


    • #3
      Re: Torn between Learther working, Woodworking, and Smithing

      I'd say smithing, especially if you're taking the time to do Cloth.

      At level 100 (if you ever get that high it's very expensive) with 60 cloth skill you'll be able to break the 31 tier on Haubergeon and potentially make a crapload of money. Not to mention darksteel sells very well, and being able to make Steel instead of Iron half the time is great when you take a small break to mine in Zeruhn or what have you.

      Plus you'll be able to synth your own shuriken!

      Wood is also another good option, but personally I find shihei is so cheap these days when you buy 12 tool bags (same with bolts and arrows I find) there's not much point in it. BLM populations are down for the most part it seems, so there's not quite as much money in the HQ elemental staves as there used to be.

      Smithing and Cloth are the two really big money makers.



      • #4
        Re: Torn between Learther working, Woodworking, and Smithing

        And if you can chop your own wood, makign lumber from farmed wood is very profitable to help fund your nin and other jobs.
        I don't go logging that often, but when I do go chocobo digging I pull in alot of logs, rosewood, ebony, ancient, etc, that require a high Woodworking skill to make into lumber, whose profit is much higher than just the plain log. So yeah, given the mogsafe gear/furniture, and that, it Woodworking would be a nice one to have.

        At level 100 (if you ever get that high it's very expensive) with 60 cloth skill you'll be able to break the 31 tier on Haubergeon
        That really sums up the pros and cons to Smithing nicely

        Ohhh, just thought of something, aren't there REALLY good Smithing Desynths you can do?

        Yeah there are.... Grrrr, nothing is ever easy -.-

        Well, you know, Ebony Lumber caps at lvl 61, which is NOT that far from lvl 60, toss in the Carpenter's Gloves and I should be able to make Ebony Lumber no problem.

        I don't *need* the other high lvl Woodworking stuff, though I do want it and I like the Drawing Table But the Smithing let's me rake in the gil to buy whatever I want with some good selling to NPC value, much like Weaving, that I could utilize if'n I wanted to....

        Learning towards Smithing now =^.^=

        Thanks for the advice and if anyone has any more advice I'd love to hear it ^^

        You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

        I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


        • #5
          Re: Torn between Learther working, Woodworking, and Smithing

          You're welcome. Just be ready to fork out the big bucks or spend a lot of time mining for your own materials

          Thankfully, Smithing *should* pay for itself once you're up in the 80's I believe. I remember one person wrote a guide and because he was patient and liked to mine, he actually profited all the way up to 94.



          • #6
            Re: Torn between Learther working, Woodworking, and Smithing

            I remember one person wrote a guide and because he was patient and liked to mine, he actually profited all the way up to 94.
            You wouldn't happen to have a link would you? It might give me a few ideas as to how to skillup, still looking into it though, I think I've found a good way to go from 0-45ish smithing relatively cheap, with lotsa mining

            You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

            I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


            • #7
              Re: Torn between Learther working, Woodworking, and Smithing

              was a long time ago from someone on the allakhazam forums, which I dare not set foot on anymore.

              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


              • #8
                Re: Torn between Learther working, Woodworking, and Smithing

                Not sure how your server is, but on Hades making your own Shihei is more expensive and in order to do it for wood you will need to uber wood well above shihei level, wood is a stinking money trap, I have leveled it with great pain for all the reasons mentioned and will continue to do so, if you are not interested in logging dont do it, unless you plan to drop considerable cash on it logs are way to expensive when compared to lumber but needed in many points to skill. Smithing is also expensive, but I can make money back in normal game play, goblin helms etc.

                Do what you enjoy, I personally think Leather works well with Bone more so than cloth, and that the three work well together, but thats just me,

