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Would you do this for a friend?

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  • #16
    Re: Would you do this for a friend?

    I craft at cost.
    So what ever the materials, that's all I ask for. so if I HQ, then they get an HQ, if NQ they get NQ either way it is typically cheaper than AH prices.
    75PLD 42RNG 41WAR 41WHM 32THF 49NIN 35SAM 37BLM 20SMN 35DRG
    Rank 7 Windurst


    • #17
      Re: Would you do this for a friend?

      For one of my good friends in game, he's been my friend irl, and because he fishes, I signed an HQ fishing tunic/legs and sent it to him. I didn't ask him for anything, I didn't expect him to give me anything, and he knew that without us having to say anything.
      For other people, it's about how long I know them and how good of a friend they are.


      • #18
        Re: Would you do this for a friend?

        On synths that I make in bulk, I factor in HQs and offer discounts to friends and LS members.

        Or I synth for free if friends and LS members provide the materials.

        But...on a special synth like the one the OP mentions...I wouldn't do it that way. Especially if they want an HQ for an NQ price when the NQ is actually a gil loss.

        I would just say "Give me the materials and I'll synth for free. I'll even spend GP to sign it. But be warned I could critically fail the synth." That way, both the reward and the risk is with them. You're still giving your friends the benefit of your craft skill and time.
        They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin


        • #19
          Re: Would you do this for a friend?

          it depends. If it were a good friend, it would depend on my financial situation, if it wasn't a good friend, or if it was someone nice who I barely know, i'd offer to synth the materials for them, and let them do what they want with the results, unless I was very busy.


          • #20
            Re: Would you do this for a friend?

            It would depend for me too. My thoughts are pretty much the same as Necropolis'.

            It'd depend a bit on the price of the item to me. If I'm losing 15k...meh. If I'm losing 750k, I'm going to care. I don't think I'd ever sell an expensive HQ item for less money than the materials cost. If they're people I trust, they could probably just borrow the item from me though.

            Fortunately, I've never had to deal with questions like that though. The most expensive thing I can make are elemental staves, and I have something around 1% chance of HQing... This reminds me that I need to work on woodworking again. ._.
            Generic Info!


            • #21
              Re: Would you do this for a friend?

              Crafting for friends:

              Friend must provide and gather all materials. Friend assumes all risk and receives any product of the synthesis regardless of HQ level. Friend pays nothing. I rarely sell anything that I make for profit to LS members. Occasionally, if I have a lot or someone asks really nice, I'll sell it at a "good price", but if you get upset with the price I set (which is generally below market), then I'll just put it up on AH and you can buy for full price.

              With respect to some products, asking for HQ at NQ price is not generally how it should be done. A great number of NQ durables sell at below cost and the only way to make up for the NQ losses is to make an HQ. Therefore, selling an HQ at NQ price means you're buying your friend's item for them. I'm a big proponent of fairness and self-reliance. I give gifts on occasion. You do not ask me for gifts. I would find that incredibly insulting (in game or IRL).

              I have been known to sell batches of overstock for cost (copious amounts of X-Potions for instance).

              I will craft for (almost) everyone on my LS. My friends list, on the other hand, contains some clients and contemporaries who have an occasional need to contact me.
              Last edited by Sabaron; 04-08-2007, 09:04 AM.


              • #22
                Re: Would you do this for a friend?

                My crafting levels suck, so my opinion might not count for a whole lot, but I would do it if said friend paid for materials. I'm friendly and try to help peeps out in game as much as possible, but asking someone to make a high dollar item like that for nothing seems a little rude to me. I would never even ask, but then again, I'd never ask for a lot of things that people do all the time, even from friends. When I first started playing a rl friend gave me some gil to get started with, and even though it was a gift, I paid him back's just how I am.

                Now, if said person does favors for you then that's a totally different situation, but if it's just someone you play with or is in a social ls with you and they just ask out of the blue I'd tell them okay provided they pick up the mats. If I asked someone, even a really good friend, I'd expect to have to provide them.
                I'm a slow motion accident, lost in coffee rings and fingerprints...
                -Frou Frou, "Hear Me Out"

                Check out my blog! =>


                • #23
                  Re: Would you do this for a friend?

                  I would only ever do this for an extremely close friend. Asking for someone to sell you an HQ harness for the price of an NQ is functionally the same as asking you to give them a million gil. I'll help you with whatever you want, but I'm not in the business of giving out handouts.

                  Now, doing a synth for someone is completely different. Someone can send me materials for whatever I can make, and I'll happily send back whatever the result is. If it's an HQ you get an HQ. If it's a break you get a "sorry, it happens." But if I buy the materials and I'm incurring the risk, whatever comes from that synth is mine. I wouldn't ask any different of any of my crafter friends.
                  lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                  • #24
                    Re: Would you do this for a friend?

                    Maybe if I had an assload of gil laying around....but I don't.

                    I'll always craft for friends/ls members for free if they bring me mats though.
                    Red Mage ~ White Mage ~ Summoner ~ Black Mage ~ Beastmaster ~ Samurai ~ Paladin ~ Blue Mage


                    Windurst: ★Rank 10★ | San d'Oria: ★Rank 10★ | Bastok: ★Rank 10★
                    Zilart: ★The Last Verse★ | Promathia: ★The Last Verse★
                    Aht Urhgan: ★Eternal Mercenary★| Assault: ★Captain★
                    Goddess: Fate In Haze | Campaign: Moonlight Medal
                    Crystalline: ★A Crystalline Prophecy (Fin.)★ | Moogle: ★A Moogle Kupo d'Etat (Fin.)★



                    • #25
                      Re: Would you do this for a friend?

                      I personally haven't got myself into crafting,

                      But I'm glad to say I'm in a really good linkshell on Remora called CosmicEnigma, When we find ourselves getting an abundance of items that are used in crafting we ask the shell who needs them and pass them on. every little helps.

                      I was collecting beehive chips for myself and everytime a Tremor Ram spawned i killed it for ram skins, rinse and repeat till full then sent them on.
                      Most people im my Ls will make me whatever I want provided I bring the items to them. and sometimes they do it for free cuz we help each other out.

                      I"m not sure if other Ls are like this I've been with mine since 2 mins after logging in and I wouldnt go elsewhere.
                      the only proble i find with my shell is that i spend too much time just chatting instead of lvling my character.

                      I've seen how much things cost on the Ah through crafting like the barons set when i was lvling whm, thankfully I was given pieces because my friend was ditching the job she was using it for.

                      personally I think it was nice at the price you settled on cant believe your friend wasnt happy with it.

                      Signature created by my good friend Naughtymistress, Remora server.


                      • #26
                        Re: Would you do this for a friend?

                        I'm not really into crafting yet (just supplying others thus far, started synthing iron ingots within the past day), but I couldn't see giving more than a moderate discount. I'll give advice for free, I might even do research, but as a rule I help people to do for themselves, not do for them. It's sort of like that proverb about giving a man a fish vs. teaching a man to fish (and I'm a Mithra in-game, so fish proverbs just sort of fit!)

