I would like the advice of a high level crafter (80+) although any and all comments and suggestions are welcome.
Right now I am debating whether or not to keep on leveling cloth craft. Right now I am about... lvl 54 clothcraft I think, give or take a few levels.
What I see happening alot lately is that once profitable synths are decreasing in value to the point of making little to no profit. A good example of this would be a stack of wool threads. They once sold for about 30,000 a stack, they now sell for between 18,000 to 20,000. To make them, you can either buy sheep wool, or farm/steal it, or synth it from sheep skins. If you buy sheep wool from the cloth guild, it costs about 700 per piece, so it costs roughly 16,800 to make it. And really, if I am going to go through all of that running around and synthing, I want more than a mere 3,200 profit per stack, which isn't even counting the AH fees.
Now, that is just one example, but that is happening with alot of the profitable synths right now, and it has been happening for quite some time.
I am pretty patient and very careful of my gil when I craft. but even so crafting in the 50+ range gets expensive when you consider what the ingredients could have sold for. Silk Cloth used to go for about 150k per stack, and I made and used up 3 stacks for a few skillup points. It may have only cost me maybe 100k at most to make them, but I gave up on 350k profit from that, and it seems that it will only get worse the higher I go. Although for some things like Rainbow thread/cloth I am willing to go and farm spiders for the spider webs, or buy them from the AH when they are nice and cheap.
My main concern though is that there seems to be an influx of crafters into all of the crafts that just... completely trash prices on almost everything. I'm partly worried about them, and I am worried about prices coming down to the point where I have to HQ things to make a profit, and when you are talking about expensive items that cost a few million gil to make, this is very risky to me. Simply put, I am a relatively casual player and it takes me awhile to make that much gil, I'd be happy if I could make a normal synth and sell it for a slight profit, but this does not seem to be the case, although I haven't checked lately. Selling a +1 for a ton of gil is highly attractive, but the probability of failing the synth, or making a NQ synth that sells for dirt cheap like the Amemet Mantle is just a bit too much for me right now.
I'm not worried about the cost of leveling a craft to 100, well, if I was leveling goldsmithing I might
However I want to see a return on the investment of taking a craft that high, and I just don't know if I will see that because I know that by the time I take a craft to 100, there will be a whole bunch of other new 100 crafters who I will be competing with. Some of them will be legit crafters who worked hard to get there, and I could be happy competing with them, but I suspect alot of them will have bought gil to get where they are and that they will trash whatever profitable market I may find, even if it is the HQ synths.
I enjoy crafting especially cloth crafting although I don't want to sit there synthing for hours at a time. I am mostly worried about not seeing a profit once I level it high, however there is no way to know if I will or not without doing it, so I am at a slight loss as to what to do right now.
I plan on eventually taking all crafts to 60, but right now clothcrafting is the only one I want to take past 60.
So I guess I'm asking, how did you guys decide to take the plunge and take a craft up high? Any words of advice you might be able to give me?
Right now I am debating whether or not to keep on leveling cloth craft. Right now I am about... lvl 54 clothcraft I think, give or take a few levels.
What I see happening alot lately is that once profitable synths are decreasing in value to the point of making little to no profit. A good example of this would be a stack of wool threads. They once sold for about 30,000 a stack, they now sell for between 18,000 to 20,000. To make them, you can either buy sheep wool, or farm/steal it, or synth it from sheep skins. If you buy sheep wool from the cloth guild, it costs about 700 per piece, so it costs roughly 16,800 to make it. And really, if I am going to go through all of that running around and synthing, I want more than a mere 3,200 profit per stack, which isn't even counting the AH fees.
Now, that is just one example, but that is happening with alot of the profitable synths right now, and it has been happening for quite some time.
I am pretty patient and very careful of my gil when I craft. but even so crafting in the 50+ range gets expensive when you consider what the ingredients could have sold for. Silk Cloth used to go for about 150k per stack, and I made and used up 3 stacks for a few skillup points. It may have only cost me maybe 100k at most to make them, but I gave up on 350k profit from that, and it seems that it will only get worse the higher I go. Although for some things like Rainbow thread/cloth I am willing to go and farm spiders for the spider webs, or buy them from the AH when they are nice and cheap.
My main concern though is that there seems to be an influx of crafters into all of the crafts that just... completely trash prices on almost everything. I'm partly worried about them, and I am worried about prices coming down to the point where I have to HQ things to make a profit, and when you are talking about expensive items that cost a few million gil to make, this is very risky to me. Simply put, I am a relatively casual player and it takes me awhile to make that much gil, I'd be happy if I could make a normal synth and sell it for a slight profit, but this does not seem to be the case, although I haven't checked lately. Selling a +1 for a ton of gil is highly attractive, but the probability of failing the synth, or making a NQ synth that sells for dirt cheap like the Amemet Mantle is just a bit too much for me right now.
I'm not worried about the cost of leveling a craft to 100, well, if I was leveling goldsmithing I might

I enjoy crafting especially cloth crafting although I don't want to sit there synthing for hours at a time. I am mostly worried about not seeing a profit once I level it high, however there is no way to know if I will or not without doing it, so I am at a slight loss as to what to do right now.
I plan on eventually taking all crafts to 60, but right now clothcrafting is the only one I want to take past 60.
So I guess I'm asking, how did you guys decide to take the plunge and take a craft up high? Any words of advice you might be able to give me?