I'm rather interested in the guild aprons you can buy for each of the guilds in the game. (especially the one you can get from the culinarian's guild in Windy Waters which comes with a rather neat looking chefs hat too) I have read up on which guild NPCs you can buy them from, but at the moment for me, they all say something to the fact that I'm lower than novice, so I presume you have to be of a certain guild level to be able to buy one.
Could anyone please tell me which level in a guild you have to reach to be able to buy one? They all seem pretty useful to me. If they act like the advanced image support you can get, (do they all have a +1 on them? For e.g. cooking +1, leathercraft +1, woodworking +1 e.t.c.) then it will mean that I can do the craft without having to go back to a guild everytime to get the image support which gives you the ability to skill up on the craft.
Also, just out of interest..... how many people here have bough them too?
Could anyone please tell me which level in a guild you have to reach to be able to buy one? They all seem pretty useful to me. If they act like the advanced image support you can get, (do they all have a +1 on them? For e.g. cooking +1, leathercraft +1, woodworking +1 e.t.c.) then it will mean that I can do the craft without having to go back to a guild everytime to get the image support which gives you the ability to skill up on the craft.
Also, just out of interest..... how many people here have bough them too?
