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Debunking (Proving?) Directional Synthing

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  • #46
    Re: Debunking (Proving?) Directional Synthing

    Yeah, from the crafting I've done I've had situations were it seemed like time of the day had an effect. Example around noon till before sunset (12:00-19:00) I've had it seem like Fire Crystals worked really well.

    Many times I've had Thunder Crystals seem to work well between (23:00 - 1:00) especially when it's cloudy which it almost always does just before the moon changes color at (0:00).

    Almost like time has an effect but mostly only due to that weather in that environment seems to be changing. Since after sunset it's impossible to get a fire weather effect (well unless you are in Ifrit's Cauldron I would guess).

    Examples of what I'm stating though is doing the crafting while in a city, not out in a zone were you actually see weather effect icons come up.

    Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


    • #47
      Re: Debunking (Proving?) Directional Synthing

      Just letting people know I havn't forgotten about the testing. Just had a few costs. Blew through Riverne A01 -> Riverne B01, Shen run, hakutaku run, several ENM and BCNM back to back. Funds being a little short, and last tests materials being slow to sell, I havn't been able to get more mats for testing. WIll add more soon though I hope ^^


      • #48
        Re: Debunking (Proving?) Directional Synthing

        Originally posted by sevenpointflaw
        Just letting people know I havn't forgotten about the testing. Just had a few costs. Blew through Riverne A01 -> Riverne B01, Shen run, hakutaku run, several ENM and BCNM back to back. Funds being a little short, and last tests materials being slow to sell, I havn't been able to get more mats for testing. WIll add more soon though I hope ^^
        np^^ I'm always short on time and/or gil so I know the feeling. We appreciate the amount of effort you've put into this test already!
        They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin


        • #49
          Re: Debunking (Proving?) Directional Synthing

          Figured you guys might be interested in something i posted on somepage:

          Subcrafts are also affected by tiers. If your 51 levels over main craft and 31 levels over sub craft, your overall synth will be a 31 teir craft.

          Keep in mind tho, that results change when you have subcrafts, I believe the correct formula is +5% loss per craft. So a craft that has 2 subcrafts will have a 15% loss rate. This obviously decreases the impact of the tier.

          These are my results over 4,000 logged synths:
          Single Craft Tier
          0-10: 5% Loss, 93% NQ, 2% HQ (?)
          11-30: 5% Loss, 87% NQ, 8% HQ
          31-50: 5% Loss, 65% NQ, 30% HQ
          51-70: 5% Loss, 48% NQ, 47% HQ
          71+: 5% Loss, 32% NQ, 63% HQ

          Dual Craft Tier (moderately tested)
          0-10: 10% Loss, 88% NQ, 2% HQ (?)
          11-30: 10% Loss, 83% NQ, 7% HQ
          31-50: 10% Loss, 63% NQ, 27% HQ
          51+: 10% Loss, 34% NQ, 56% HQ

          Tripple Craft Tier (very little tested)
          0-10: 15% Loss, 83% NQ, 2% HQ (?)
          11-30: 15% Loss, 79% NQ, 6% HQ
          31-50: 15% Loss, 65% NQ, 25% HQ
          51+: 15% Loss, 46% NQ, 39% HQ

          A little warning for those of you that want to comment on this:
          4,000 synths is NOT enough data to figure much out. It\'s also up to the person looking at the data to interpret what it all means. These are not totally exact numbers but they are all within +/-5%. These are the numbers I suspect are the most correct, based on different assumptions I\'ve made (which many not be the same assumptions everyone would agree on).

          If your intrested in seeing the raw data, I made a post on alla\'s tradeskill forums a while ago - but not too many people said anything about it. The problem with narrowing things down is - if you make it too simple, people accuse you of lying, if you make it too complex, no one understands it.

          I\'ve had a few terrible outlashes from people in the past and its the main reason I\'ve kept things under the table for so long. If no one cares about the information then I\'ll just keep it to myself and a few friends.

          I post it here because there seems to be a lot less flexing of the e-peen than most other areas.

          Oh, and about the direction facing - while I haven\'t been able to prove that directions do anything, I also haven\'t been able to disprove it either. Its unusual to note that if I group all the crafting done in one direction, and compare it to a group done in a different direction, more often then not the \"HQ\" direction does have a better HQ rate. But this rate also lies within the rate of error, which means that:
          1) HQ directions could be +1-3% HQ rate.
          2) Crafting directions are a percieved fallacy due to a +/-5% HQ error margin.

          It\'s worth to note that days and moon DO appear to affect crafting rates, but I can\'t split the two up. I can say that New Moon + Day of the week crystal is weak to offers the Highest skill up rate, but I\'m unable to narrow down HQ, Success or Failure rates.

          Of course, (outside of tiers) crafting is all about luck - cheers!

