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Debunking (Proving?) Directional Synthing

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  • Debunking (Proving?) Directional Synthing

    The long rant about directional synthing...

    The idea to test it, and how...

    Crafting Results

    (B) Breaks - Broke crystal, didn't loose materials
    (L) Losses - Broke crystal and lost materials
    (NQ) Normal Quality yield, successful synthasis/desynthasis
    (HQ1) High Quality yield, successful synthasis/desynthasis
    (HQ2) High Quality yield #2, successful synthasis/desynthasis
    (HQ3) High Quality yield #3, successful synthasis/desynthasis

    Craft Skill Clothcraft for all tests: 53
    Equipment worn for all tests: None
    Moghancement during all tests: Gardening

    Iceday Control

    Lightningday Control

    Lightsday Control

    Windsday Control (Complete)

    Watersday Control
    Attached Files
    Last edited by sevenpointflaw; 07-03-2006, 11:10 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Debunking (Proving?) Directional Synthing

    Good test to perform... thoughts on desynthing are that the results will be skewed as you get from my experiences an equal amount of HQ's to NQ's no matter how high above tier you are, and the most reliable you can get on average for success is around 50%

    My last desynthing run was on leather belts - used 8 lightning clusters and made equal amounts of iron ingots vs sheep leather... where iron ingots are HQ2+3, vs NQ + HQ1 of leather.

    Will be an interesting test, although I always the the FFXI Crafting Timer was a worthwhile aid.

    I wait the results with interest.

    - Saeriel.

    #edit# I'm not saying it won't be a worthwhile aid (as it still has the day/week/moon stuff) anymore.. just won't be as good as I originally thought... although it has definately helped me during my levels.


    • #3
      Re: Debunking (Proving?) Directional Synthing

      Its also occured to me that desynthing seems highly random, but since its the cheapest way for me to get cotton and thus make shinobi-tabi, I might as well do the test on desynths as well. I don't want to go broke doing this, after all.

      I also remembered after I wrote the basic idea down that there isn't a "half moon" phase in FFXI. The 50% phase falls on Quarter Moons waxing and waining which only gives a few hours within which to get the testing done. Looks like I'm going to be setting my schedule around this test for a while. On the upshot, I have a seven hour window today to do testing during the times I will be home and awake.


      • #4
        Re: Debunking (Proving?) Directional Synthing

        Oh - and thanks for the tip about desynthing cotton kyahan... wouldn't have looked at that as a desynth until now... (I've been looking for cotton thread of late but don't want to pay 20k at stack for it).


        • #5
          Re: Debunking (Proving?) Directional Synthing

          Hehe. With cotton prices up as high as 35k a stack, its a quick way to make money. Even when prices are cheap, I was getting seven stacks of cotton on new moon with an investment of about 50k. Have to be careful though. Its easy to get overzelous and flood the market.


          • #6
            Re: Debunking (Proving?) Directional Synthing

            I wasn't planning to sell them, but use them to craft up myself with stuff... I have 53 Cloth too, and using that to help get materials for Leather/Bone...

            The prices on your place suck even fiercer than mine. ><


            • #7
              Re: Debunking (Proving?) Directional Synthing

              My personal belief is that it is not as simple as a direction faced. I think that it is more complicated than that - I theorize that it is a direction faced on certain day, the combination of elelments, like a Skillchain almost. While I have collected a large ammmount of data, I have not performed a systematic test to prove or disprove, though it is an eventual goal of mine. I look forward to hearing your findings.


              • #8
                Re: Debunking (Proving?) Directional Synthing

                As an aside, I'm considering replacing the Hunter's Cotton test with Linen Doublet's. Flax flowers are a dime a dozen, and at my skill level I think that limiting the skillup test to items that I am within 5 levels of (so that skillups occur on breaks) would ultimately be more accurate of a test.

                Double Post Edited:
                Originally posted by Myaku
                My personal belief is that it is not as simple as a direction faced. I think that it is more complicated than that - I theorize that it is a direction faced on certain day, the combination of elelments, like a Skillchain almost. While I have collected a large ammmount of data, I have not performed a systematic test to prove or disprove, though it is an eventual goal of mine. I look forward to hearing your findings.
                Well, I personally don't believe that direction affects anything, but I agree there are many variables involved, which is why I'm trying to control as many of them as possible. Originally I thought limiting myself to specific moon phases would drag the test out from weeks to months, but I didn't realize the phase I choose is a seven hour window practicly every other day.

                I'm going out farming for crystals as soon as I finish muling, and I'll start the first bout of testing sometime around 2pm local time. I hope to have at least the control test done today (funds allowing), possibly even more depending on how fast I can liquidate the assests I obtain.
                Last edited by sevenpointflaw; 06-11-2006, 03:46 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                • #9
                  Re: Debunking (Proving?) Directional Synthing

                  Originally posted by sevenpointflaw
                  What originally sparked my curiousity in all this, however, is that the star-chart does not follow a normal map's labeling. That is, North is the top of the map, South is the bottom of the map. But East is the left side of the map, and West is the right side of the map. Again, if you follow the lables of the map, this matches up with the directional synthing.

                  So the question that nagged me was WTF? How is it that directional synthing is based off a map that is mislabled? I can only assume that someone went outside at night and looked at the sky, and actually faced the stars as they appear on the map, and realized that the map was in fact labeled correctly even if it is shown "backwards."
                  The map isn't mislabeled, it's drawn as if you were facing south and looked straight up at the zenith of the sky. North will be above you, south below you, east to your left, and west to your right.
                  lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                  • #10
                    Re: Debunking (Proving?) Directional Synthing

                    Oh, one quick note - don't forget about the HQ Tiers(11, 31, 51) in your tests. Recipes in different skill tiers will give you different HQ %s.
                    Last edited by Myaku; 06-11-2006, 07:44 AM.


                    • #11
                      Re: Debunking (Proving?) Directional Synthing

                      Originally posted by Taskmage
                      The map isn't mislabeled, it's drawn as if you were facing south and looked straight up at the zenith of the sky. North will be above you, south below you, east to your left, and west to your right.
                      Ah, well. I failed astronomy. I thought it might have something to do with something... astronomy-ish... but I am clueless when it comes to such things. That certainly explains it though Thank you.

                      Double Post Edited:
                      Originally posted by Myaku
                      Oh, one quick note - don't forget about the HQ Tiers in your tests. Recipes in different skill tiers will give you different HQ %s.
                      While this is true, as long as my skill level doesn't change while I perform the tests (at least until I do the skill-up test) then the HQ% will be the same within each testing set. In short, it won't matter. I'm high enough to HQ on both the desynth and the synth, and if HQ are affected by changing direction that should show up in the numbers.
                      Last edited by sevenpointflaw; 06-11-2006, 05:40 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                      • #12
                        Re: Debunking (Proving?) Directional Synthing

                        Still absorbing most of this - will have a think about it.

                        BTW, one way to understand the star map directions is to imagine holding it above your head and face down (i.e. looking up at it). I've seen real star maps that are designed to be used this way.
                        I have heard that those who celebrate life
                        walk safely amongst the wild animals.
                        When they go into battle, they remain unharmed,
                        the animals find no place to attack them
                        and weapons are unable to harm them.
                        Why? Because they find no place for death in them.


                        • #13
                          Re: Debunking (Proving?) Directional Synthing

                          Got it all sorted out in my head now Trying to figure out why it looked "wrong" was just what led me to be curious in the first place. Granted, it ultimately has nothing what-so-ever to do with whether or not directional synthing is a wives tale or a tangable mechanic.

                          Either way, I've got 10 lightning clusters, fixing to get about two or three more, and when 1:30 rolls around local time, I start work. Hopefully I can get the first hundred done before dynamis starts tonight...


                          • #14
                            Re: Debunking (Proving?) Directional Synthing

                            Ok, so there isn't much intersting there yet, but I'm about 1/10 the way through the control group. I have to wait for prices on cotton kyahan to go down, cause between this and crafting for profit, i've managed to buy out the tenshodo several days now. Gonna check other guild vendor. If prices low there, I'll keep going and post more tonight.
                            Last edited by sevenpointflaw; 06-12-2006, 06:20 AM.


                            • #15
                              Re: Debunking (Proving?) Directional Synthing

                              1/10th of the way through? geez... oh well, I wish you luck. I never belived directional synthing, but whats the hurt of taking .5 seconds to do it anyway?
                              Originally posted by Ellipses
                              Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
                              Originally posted by MCLV
                              A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
                              More Sig:

