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Synthesis mysteries unlocked

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  • Synthesis mysteries unlocked

    I'm kinda tired of reading threads that constently ask how to synthesis good and make HQ items. So after much noob synthesis...a lot in any case (with help from friends). I concluded this:

    -There is always a chance you'll create HQ items on darksday

    -There is a big chance by crafting on the day you're element crystal is weak against you'll create HQ items.

    -It is always best to craft on new moon

    -Crafting on the day of you're crystals strenght you'll always fail at HQ items

    -Direction's can always help:

    -dark crystal: North

    -light crystal: Noth East

    -ice crystal: East

    -wind crystal: South East

    -earth crystal: South

    -lightning crystal: South West

    -water crystal: West

    -fire crystal: North West

    Concluding all this I made a index of how to use crystal the best:

    -Dark Crystal: New Moon, Light day, North

    -Light Crystal: New Moon, Dark day, North East

    -Ice Crystal: New Moon, Fire day, East

    -Wind Crystal: New Moon, Ice day, South East

    -Earth Crystal: New Moon, Wind day, South

    -Lightning Crystal: New Moon, Earth day, South West

    -Water Crystal: New Moon, Lightning day, West

    -Fire Crystal: New moon, Water day, North West

    I havent figured out how it would work to make just normal items at no risk yet. I think it would almost be the oposite. So it would be crafting on the day they're strong against. The direction and moon stance would stay the same. So to make a item almost risk proof this would be the idex for that:

    -Dark Crystal: New Moon, Light day, North

    -Light Crystal: New Moon, Dark Day, North East

    -Ice crystal: New Moon, Wind day, East

    -Wind Crystal: New Moon, Earth day, South East

    -Earth Crystal: New Moon, Lightning day, South

    -Lightning Crystal: New Moon, Water day, South West

    -Water Crystal: New Moon, Fire day, West

    -Fire Crystal: New Moon, Ice day, North West

    This one schould be used the most in case you're skill cap isn't verry high. So only attempt HQ items when you can make 5 of the item fail proof on the oposite day.

    Doing this schould give you a higher chance of maker normal items or HQ items. Now everyone can stop asking about it...

  • #2
    This has already been discussed here:
    FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
    FFXI: Shiva Server


    • #3
      Yes, this has been discussed multiple times with similar stuff you've already stated. On one I've even disputed against the idea of the moon phase having any real effect, mostly because the moon phase doesn't give equal share of it's percent to every day. It's definate it works for fishing, but somewere along there I believe someone missinterprited that ended up giving rise to the idea that moon phase effects all crafts.

      I despute that theory because the Moon Phases are in a set pattern were certain phases are always skipped on every other cycle, for example:

      New Moon will skips every other:
      Darksday and Windsday

      Full Moon will skips every other:
      Earthsday and Lightningsday

      100% Full Moon only occurs on:
      Watersday and Lightsday

      0% New Moon only occurs on:
      Firesday and Iceday

      In the length of time it takes and all it's to unbalanced for Moon Phase to take any effect. However Moon Element and day I could see having some relation and possibly effecting crafts.


      Also in terms of direction there is one discrepency that I've seen many dispute and this discrepency even is visible in the game. In terms of direction for Fire and Light there is a difference.

      Stellar Map in Windurst Waters:
      Fire = NorthEast
      Light = NorthWest

      Actual Nightsky between 20:00 - 4:00:
      Fire = NorthWest
      Light = NorthEast


      Also with the Moon elements you'll see an intresting change:

      Darksday -> Firesday = Light Moon
      Firesday -> Earthsday = Earth Moon
      Earthsday -> Watersday = Water Moon
      Watersday -> Windsday = Wind Moon
      Windsday -> Iceday = Ice Moon
      Iceday -> Lightningsday = Lightning Moon
      Lightningsday -> Lightsday = Fire Moon
      Lightsday -> Darksday = Dark Moon

      Notice Firesday and Lightsday Moons are also reversed in the pattern.

      Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


      • #4
        Originally posted by Macht

        Stellar Map in Windurst Waters:
        Fire = NorthEast
        Light = NorthWest

        Actual Nightsky between 20:00 - 4:00:
        Fire = NorthWest
        Light = NorthEast
        You've made the same mistake my friend made. Stellar maps are made as if you are looking up whilst facing South, whereas normal maps are made as if you are looking down whilst facing North, which means East and West are reversed (it's the same principle that flips images in a mirror).

        If you look at the cardinal points on the stellar map in Windurst, you will notice that East is on the left and West is on the right.


        • #5
          it would be nice if you posted you crafting skills as well. i have some discrepencies with the directions you posted. some of the things you say go against everything believed. lokyst crafting timer shows that its best to face east when trying to hq with a wind crystal. for hq, facing east gives you the biggest chance of failure which gives the best chance of hq. u should check his site out as it shows alot and tends to be the more accepted theory.

          youre telling people to face the strong direction which helps skillups between certain levels but doesnt really help with improving hq rate.

