I have started what I thought would be a nice little side project to get away form making gil and XP. I wanted to have a Luisant Haubert made but course none are on sale and don't even have the cash for it anyway >.> (seriously I would have gotten a Haugerbon instead). Well I decided on this cause unlike Haugy I dont have to get an extremely rare Ingot that drops from HNMs or certain BCNMs. Well to add to the challenge I would farm the ores themselves and so I grabed a few picks and headed to Newton. Heres the problem...mining here sucks. Well the way I see this place its divided up into 3 sections. Top section has about 3 points, Middle 2, and Bottom has the 5 points to mine. I can follow the map well, and can mine without much of a problem after kinda mastering the mine then invis quickly while gobs aren't looking technique.
Well I've gotten one Aluminum Ore in my 4 days up here and they have been extremely long. Thanks to the furnace gates and the incredible (-_-) layout of the zone, I can either access the bottom 5 points (though if for some stroke of luck I find the upper section open I get 3 more added but this hasn't happened). After finding the mining points and digging for all my worth, thats it. Hours can pass and not a single point will repop. (I know cause I have sat there waiting and running around). I got lucky 2 days ago and nabbed one Ore (though my first day I got lucky with 4 Platinum Ores Oo). What I need is some advise...how the heck do I get to the other points. In the map I see no way as the middle section is the part that branches out into the others in one way dropways. To access the middle I guess I need to activate the old levers in Oldton but it usually empty in there to even try most the time. So any solutions out there?
Well I've gotten one Aluminum Ore in my 4 days up here and they have been extremely long. Thanks to the furnace gates and the incredible (-_-) layout of the zone, I can either access the bottom 5 points (though if for some stroke of luck I find the upper section open I get 3 more added but this hasn't happened). After finding the mining points and digging for all my worth, thats it. Hours can pass and not a single point will repop. (I know cause I have sat there waiting and running around). I got lucky 2 days ago and nabbed one Ore (though my first day I got lucky with 4 Platinum Ores Oo). What I need is some advise...how the heck do I get to the other points. In the map I see no way as the middle section is the part that branches out into the others in one way dropways. To access the middle I guess I need to activate the old levers in Oldton but it usually empty in there to even try most the time. So any solutions out there?