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Newton Movalpolos help

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  • Newton Movalpolos help

    I have started what I thought would be a nice little side project to get away form making gil and XP. I wanted to have a Luisant Haubert made but course none are on sale and don't even have the cash for it anyway >.> (seriously I would have gotten a Haugerbon instead). Well I decided on this cause unlike Haugy I dont have to get an extremely rare Ingot that drops from HNMs or certain BCNMs. Well to add to the challenge I would farm the ores themselves and so I grabed a few picks and headed to Newton. Heres the problem...mining here sucks. Well the way I see this place its divided up into 3 sections. Top section has about 3 points, Middle 2, and Bottom has the 5 points to mine. I can follow the map well, and can mine without much of a problem after kinda mastering the mine then invis quickly while gobs aren't looking technique.

    Well I've gotten one Aluminum Ore in my 4 days up here and they have been extremely long. Thanks to the furnace gates and the incredible (-_-) layout of the zone, I can either access the bottom 5 points (though if for some stroke of luck I find the upper section open I get 3 more added but this hasn't happened). After finding the mining points and digging for all my worth, thats it. Hours can pass and not a single point will repop. (I know cause I have sat there waiting and running around). I got lucky 2 days ago and nabbed one Ore (though my first day I got lucky with 4 Platinum Ores Oo). What I need is some the heck do I get to the other points. In the map I see no way as the middle section is the part that branches out into the others in one way dropways. To access the middle I guess I need to activate the old levers in Oldton but it usually empty in there to even try most the time. So any solutions out there?

    Xaier - Lv66 Sam/War
    Shuyuo - Lv50 Drg/War

  • #2
    I haven't done any mining in Newton Movalpolos, but from what I have been told by people who have, the points there reportedly respawn the same way all mining points do - virtually instantaneously.

    The trick, as you've noticed, is that there are actually FIVE separate and distinct sections of Newton Movalpolos.

    Observe the map here:

    (A) The first section, in the northern sector, contains 2 mining points at G-6 and I-6 which are accessible from the northmost zoneline when the gates are in the red configuration.

    (B) The second section is the small area just south of the section I just mentioned, which is accessed from the northmost zoneline when the gates are in the blue configuration. It contains only one mining point, at F-7.

    (C) The third section is the central, elevated area accessed via the 3 Old Lever platform bridge from Oldton Movalpolos. It contains 2 mining points, at H-8 and H-9.

    (D) The fourth section contains the 4 mining points scattered across G-10 through J-10. It is accessed from either one of the southern zonelines from Oldton, but only then the gates are in the blue configuration.

    (E) The fifth section contains the single point at the F-11 dead end. Note that this point is accessible at all times (the method of how you reach it changes based on whether the gates are red or blue (thus, if the gates are red, the southern entrance only allows this single point to be reached, while blue gates allow all 5 points from D and E to be accessed).

    So how do you get around in here? Well.. you don't, as a rule. The only way to access section C by yourself is to use one of the teleportation items (Snow Lily if you've got the appropriate CoP mission active, Ahriman Tear if you've got the Bowyer's Ring quest active or completed) to jump directly to Mine Shaft #2718 and backtrack into section C, from which you can theoretically reach every other point in the zone. Of course, this isn't actually practical, since you'd need to drop off one of the red-arrow one-way ledges to reach them.

    Still, there are ways. IF you have 3 people, you can can do this:

    One person who can teleport to Mine Shaft #2718 does so, bringing with them an oversupply of Firesand and hangs out in section C. (alternatively you can use all 3 people to activate the 3 lever switch to get this person across to where they need to be).

    One person hangs out in the north section at A/B. This person also needs to carry a few spare firesand.

    One person hangs out in the south section at D/E.

    All 3 miners must be able to cast invisible or tonko and be GOOD at it.

    Under optimal conditions, you can leave all the gates in the blue configuration, and everyone can access their respective sections quickly and efficiently. The person in section C has access to the only truly safe Furnace Hatch in the zone, located at K-8.

    However, if others are passing through for ENM or whatnot, they're going to want to monkey with the gates, and that's when you could get into trouble, since ENM groups will need to change the gate configurations at least twice, if not 3 times, as they access and move through section C.

    Moral of the story: Bring 2 friends you can trust to split the loot.



    • #3
      Wow thankl you so much ^^ Yea I can see now I have to make due with the points I can reach in Section D and E (or A and B if the fooled around with the gates). Unfortunately my CoP isn't to the point of the Mine Shaft (only in the Promyvion) and I never knew Bowyer Ring could be quested...

      At any rate this is really going to take me a while it seems. I am glad there is an alternative I found. If I complete the Promyvion and get to PM 2-5 I can do ENM 50 in Monarch Linn for the ores and mine the days off and hope for ore drops.

      Xaier - Lv66 Sam/War
      Shuyuo - Lv50 Drg/War


      • #4
        There is also a goblin in the south west corner of the Oldton map near the entrance that you can gamble with to get a teleport to the Mineshaft. I think max bet (and best odds) is to gamble 10k, and then he will teleport you for 2k. He will teleport you for 2k after that as well, I think until you have done an ENM fight. I haven't tested the post-ENM situation yet, haven't been too motivated to mine the past week and I just happened to do an ENM and CoP fight there over the past few days.

        I've only gone through about 10 stacks of picks in Newton, but so far I've only had one aluminum ore drop. They are selling for 80k on my server currently.
        [ 75PLD / 75WAR / 75BLU / 75NIN / 75DNC / 41MNK ] : [100 +3 bonecraft / 60 +1 leathercraft ] : [ LJ: ]

