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Fishing changes!!!111

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  • Fishing changes!!!111

    The fishing system is scheduled for some major improvements.
    Here is an outline of the changes you can expect to see.

    * New action-oriented system

    -The rod will begin to shake wildly when something takes the bait.

    -Countering the movement of the rod will reduce the stamina of your intended catch.

    -A catch is best reeled in when its stamina is close to zero, so much more attention is required when compared to the current fishing system.

    -In accordance with these changes, fishing skill will rise at twice the rate of the current system.

    * Strengthening of lower-level fishing rods

    -Lower-level rods such as the willow rod will become much more durable.

    -Other new characteristics will determine the type of rod best suited for catching certain types of fish.

    * Increased effects of fishing skill

    -The method for comparing fishing skill and the level of the fish will be improved, making it easier for those with higher fishing skill to catch high-level fish.

    * Other changes

    -Everyone will gain a new "fishing instinct."

    -The "instinct" of those with higher fishing skill will be more accurate.
    -In accordance with these changes, fishing skill will rise at twice the rate of the current system.
    heh, so instead of 0.1 skillup every 2 hours, we'll get 0.2. Joy :dead:

    Thanks Yyg!

  • #2
    This just may get me back into fishing.

    Ice, Dark, Fire, & Thunder Staves Aquired
    Genkai FINISHED!!
    Maat finally went down.
    All BLM AF1 - Acquired
    All WHM AF1 - Acquired
    Windurst Rank 7


    • #3
      Originally posted by Irinicus
      This just may get me back into fishing.
      And get the bots out!! /cheer
      FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
      FFXI: Shiva Server


      • #4
        i sincerely hope the new fishing process doesn't take forever and a day to complete. if i have to sit there for 3 minutes and then spend 5 minutes moving my rod around to lower the fish's stamina, i'm gonna go bonkers.

        Thanks Yyg!


        • #5
          Die, botters, die. Anything that thwarts them and increases the value of my fish is a plus.



          • #6
            Looks like i'll be taking my rods out of my safe again.
            PLD: 58 AF: 5/6
            MNK: 60 AF: 6/6
            BST: 52 AF: 1/6


            • #7
              I think my moogle stole my rod and bait and started fishing on his own, Damn him!!

              Ice, Dark, Fire, & Thunder Staves Aquired
              Genkai FINISHED!!
              Maat finally went down.
              All BLM AF1 - Acquired
              All WHM AF1 - Acquired
              Windurst Rank 7


              • #8
                Hey, now it's like an added minigame. I won't be going "jeez...I have to sit around pressing a macro every few minutes so I can make some money. Gah..." I'll be going "yay, fishing!" Or not...hopefully it doesn't suck, lol.

                I've heard WoW fishing is pretty fun (I never did it myself even though I was in beta)...lets hope it's the same for FFXI now.

                And I agree...I hope it doesn't make catching fish annoying now to where it takes forever to reel it in (i.e. Zelda: OoT type fishing). Also, I bet you're gonna hear some complaints from high level fishers. I'd hate to be a high level fisher and then it turned out that I totally sucked at the new fishing system.

                Upgrade in my book!


                • #9
                  Wohoo! Yes! Now botters can go away and we can fish in peace again... and now its something to look forward to!

                  Going to go fishing again! :spin: :spin:

                  43 Monk; 25 Warrior; 20 Theif; 10 Dragoon; 11 Dark Knight; 7 Ninja.

                  55 Red Mage; 32 Black Mage; 27 White Mage.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by lufia22

                    I've heard WoW fishing is pretty fun (I never did it myself even though I was in beta)
                    It's the most boring game to fish ever in the entire world, I swear to god, it's so horrible. Please save the trouble of bothering, it's mind-boggling boring.


                    • #11
                      At first i was excited to hear that fishing skill will go up at twice the rate...but if you consider that actually catching a fish will take twice as long, it'll probably end up being the same rate in the end.

                      Lu Shang's - Obtained: 10/05/04


                      • #12
                        My guess is that the rate the stamina reduces will be more dependant on your fishing skill. So chances are when you start fishing it'll be really slow but you'll gain fishing skill fast. Then as you get higher up you'll be able to catch more faster but the fishing skill ups will start to slow down, in other words it'll probably start to resemble the skill increase rates you can do in the other crafts.

                        I don't know but with the wait times there is in fishing it seems very possible that they can keep the time it takes to fish around the same length of time it takes now or make it even shorter.

                        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Macht
                          My guess is that the rate the stamina reduces will be more dependant on your fishing skill. So chances are when you start fishing it'll be really slow but you'll gain fishing skill fast. Then as you get higher up you'll be able to catch more faster but the fishing skill ups will start to slow down, in other words it'll probably start to resemble the skill increase rates you can do in the other crafts.

                          The rate at which the fish tires being dependant on your skill would be nice, i hope that's the case ^^ I don't want to fight as long for a moat carp at level 80 as i did at 10. But really, if fishing starts to level up as fast as other crafts do...well that'll never happen, you could level up to 100 from 50 in just a few days.

                          I don't know but with the wait times there is in fishing it seems very possible that they can keep the time it takes to fish around the same length of time it takes now or make it even shorter.
                          Yeah are they gonna do away with the fishing pause? that goes down 1 second every 10 fishing levels? Hmmmm, it's a nice little perk i'd hate to see go but if it's compensated with less time fighting to pull up a fish then that would be alright.

                          Lu Shang's - Obtained: 10/05/04


                          • #14
                            I, personally, am a fan of fishing regardless of the old system. I think this new one will rock!! Since it'll be much for fun. I remember in the old system I actually felt asleep while sleeping, I just close my eye and click X when the control rumbles and eventually I slept before I knew it. THe new system should be much more interesting, and lvling up faster would be great!! I remember I spended two days to get from lvl12 to lvl 20something, like 10hour a day -_-;;

                            I am glad it's going to change, I can't wait till sunday!! ^^

                            If I were the rain that bind together the earth and the sky, who in all eternity will never mingle, would I be able to bind the hearts of people together?


                            • #15
                              Lol Bye bye bot fishers! Good thing Playonline finally raelized the mistake of easy fishing lol ..... just reading what u wrote makes me wanna quit fishing :sweat: lol guess ill have to go back to the old fashion farming

