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breaking lushangs with low lvl fishing

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  • breaking lushangs with low lvl fishing

    I'm currently at 31 fishing and although i am able to break a lu shangs, its usually few and far inbetween, far too slow to warrant any skill ups for woodworking.

    I realize breaking lu shang's is not the best way to skill up woodworking fast but i'm cheap like that.

    Is the best way to break shang's still meatball+ferry? I've been trying to break mine on tunas for about an hour last night but no luck.... pulled all of them up.

  • #2
    The only fish the break Lu Shang's are legendary fish - specifically Ryugu Titan, Cave Cherax, Giant Chirai, Tricorn, and Titanic Sawfish. Of those, only Ryugu Titan has decent bite rates (though horrible catch rates at any level).

    Any "guide" you see which states otherwise is, patently ... wrong.

    Best advice - find a high level fisherman and get them to break your rod for you, or find a faster skillpath.



    • #3
      Ive never gotten the whole breaking the lu shangs thing but isnt it possible to FAIL synthesis and it breaks and ur out like 3 mill


      • #4
        It's not possible to lose Lu Shang's fishing rod by failing a synth, though you CAN lose it if you try to fix it while zoning (airship, ferry, Manaclipper, or Phanauet barge) or taking damage.


