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querry about fishing

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  • querry about fishing

    i fish alot as i see there can be alot of money made at high levels. When i say heelo to other fishers they dont reply and often when out in the whiled find them been inder attack and dont stop fishing. i was wondering is this because they use some sort of bot

  • #2

    Well, Some people who play this game don't speak english or whatever language you speak . People who are high lvl can evade the monsters attacks so they don't need to worry about them. When you trying saying hi to some people....doesent it just seem weird when people /tell you Just to say hi when they dont know you?
    Linkshells: TMV, HelplessRain
    -çôƒƒee all gone i go boom.
    Apoc - Bard (Gone again)
    Pocster- Re-activated.
    (Fish 67. Cooking 87. Bone 65. Alchemy 80.)



    • #3
      And others are using bots.

      I used to talk to alot of other fishers. When I was fishing in W.Ronfaure there was nothing else to do. There was normally another 2 or 3 other people there fishing, I didn't know them but we'd talk.

      Try talking to people out fishing in W.Sarutabaruta they'll never respond. They're normally all bots with a couple of exceptions.


      • #4
        Quote from Apoc: When you trying saying hi to some people....doesent it just seem weird when people /tell you Just to say hi when they dont know you?

        Umm, no. I have said hi and waved to a helluva alot of ppl I dont know and got a bunch of responses back from them. And to answer the posters questions, yes these ppl are bots and should be killed,

        Ice, Dark, Fire, & Thunder Staves Aquired
        Genkai FINISHED!!
        Maat finally went down.
        All BLM AF1 - Acquired
        All WHM AF1 - Acquired
        Windurst Rank 7


        • #5

          I mean if a random person sent you a /tell saying -"Hi, How are you feeling today?" ...wouldent you think thats a little bit weird?
          Linkshells: TMV, HelplessRain
          -çôƒƒee all gone i go boom.
          Apoc - Bard (Gone again)
          Pocster- Re-activated.
          (Fish 67. Cooking 87. Bone 65. Alchemy 80.)



          • #6
            Apoc, yes I would feel wierd if a random person out of the blue started to talk to me..... however I also have to agree they they are most likely botting and you know that.
            Honestly, just saying that If someone just says "Hi" to you randomly its odd, I agree, but if you put in the other context of they are both fishing, in the same spot.... why not say <Hello>^^ and help pass the time. I was crafting in Bastok Alc. quild and I chatted with numerous other crafters and I see this as no differnt, except the fact that the fisherman were using a bot!


            • #7
              If i'm fishing and somebody fishing around me says Hi i respond right away just to have somebody to talk to cuz my ls doesnt really chat alot sometimes.
              PLD: 58 AF: 5/6
              MNK: 60 AF: 6/6
              BST: 52 AF: 1/6


              • #8
                AFK botting
                Manual AFK
                Or just get so tired of random "noobs"

       greyish, it's merely a script, and if you're there, why is it a bad thing?

                If they're in a script they won't bother to cancel script, respond, restart script. It's not important, like a pt invite, it's not worth it.

                AFK botting. Of course they won't answer you.

                Manual AFK. We have controllers with rumble. It's pretty easy to do other stuff, while fishing with one hand like this. L1 accept wait for rumble, repeat.

                I heard fishers can get so good they can read a book while fishing. Again no violation of ToS, compelete built in.

                Just plain ignoring. When you raise in levels, your wait time gets shorter and shorter. So short for me I wouldn't even have time to type other stuff, before the next cast is ready.

                If you think everyone is an AFK bot/gillseller. Your as hypercritical as them.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by kuu
                  Manual AFK. We have controllers with rumble. It's pretty easy to do other stuff, while fishing with one hand like this. L1 accept wait for rumble, repeat.

                  I heard fishers can get so good they can read a book while fishing. Again no violation of ToS, compelete built in.
                  I've never heard of that before, but ima try it.
                  GOAL: BST and WAR to 75
                  BST68 WHM34 WAR63 NIN37 RDM32 THF32 BRD20

                  HAMMER TIME!

