Originally posted by Drizzt_991
On Unicorn the prices for adm. ore droped to 40-50k. For some reason though darksteel and gold are arround 10-15k. Ran into yug. grotto the other day and made 30k in about 10min. They might as well remove the mining points from Ifrits all together, expecially after the "if you stay in the zone to long you get worse results"
On Unicorn the prices for adm. ore droped to 40-50k. For some reason though darksteel and gold are arround 10-15k. Ran into yug. grotto the other day and made 30k in about 10min. They might as well remove the mining points from Ifrits all together, expecially after the "if you stay in the zone to long you get worse results"