Just checked the price of Adamans on my server, __DOWN TO 50k__. Now I don't know about you guys, but I figured the patch would make it harder for people to mine up Adaman, hence hopefully keeping the price stable and not making it as affected by the new AH tax. Apparantly I was wrong.
Basically I'm just wondering. Sure you might say 50k is still quite a bit for one ore, but Adamans were a steady 90k before the price crashed. I can make 50k at Gugsen mining up Gold if I really wanted, the whole point of Ifrits was that is was harder to mine there, and you get great rewards if you get lucky. Now, you have to be _REALLY_ lucky(just an example, I've mined for 5 hours there before w/o dying and not getting any rare ores), because not only is there a shitty drop rate with Adamans(even before the patch), the drop rate now deteriorates with time. And this price is DROPPING? May I say wtf?
I know somebody is going to say "normal price fluctuation," but I will say to you that in all the days I've been mining in Ifrits, Adamans have _never_ been below 60k, and the price has only dropped below ~70k one time since the whole time I've been mining there. I just don't understand, Adaman is the second best ore in the game(...right next to orichalum, which don't even get me started on that drop rate...) and it now costs next to nothing? This sucks. /rant
edit: almost forgot the point of this post I was so upset. If the price of any rare ores(including gold, darksteel, adaman, orich) have dropped on your server please respond. I'm trying to get a feel for if some dumbfuck just severely lowered his price or if the mining market is caving in on all servers.
edit2: OK, I just did some reading up on another board, it appears that the reason Adamans are dropping to 50% of original value is because Adamans/Orichalum are now easier to get in certain BCNMs...I saw another guy post that the same thing is happening on his server.
Basically I'm just wondering. Sure you might say 50k is still quite a bit for one ore, but Adamans were a steady 90k before the price crashed. I can make 50k at Gugsen mining up Gold if I really wanted, the whole point of Ifrits was that is was harder to mine there, and you get great rewards if you get lucky. Now, you have to be _REALLY_ lucky(just an example, I've mined for 5 hours there before w/o dying and not getting any rare ores), because not only is there a shitty drop rate with Adamans(even before the patch), the drop rate now deteriorates with time. And this price is DROPPING? May I say wtf?
I know somebody is going to say "normal price fluctuation," but I will say to you that in all the days I've been mining in Ifrits, Adamans have _never_ been below 60k, and the price has only dropped below ~70k one time since the whole time I've been mining there. I just don't understand, Adaman is the second best ore in the game(...right next to orichalum, which don't even get me started on that drop rate...) and it now costs next to nothing? This sucks. /rant
edit: almost forgot the point of this post I was so upset. If the price of any rare ores(including gold, darksteel, adaman, orich) have dropped on your server please respond. I'm trying to get a feel for if some dumbfuck just severely lowered his price or if the mining market is caving in on all servers.
edit2: OK, I just did some reading up on another board, it appears that the reason Adamans are dropping to 50% of original value is because Adamans/Orichalum are now easier to get in certain BCNMs...I saw another guy post that the same thing is happening on his server.