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Making money off of Shihei.

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  • Making money off of Shihei.

    What level Woodworking do I have to have to be able to make money off of shihei?

    Woodworking level 42

  • #2
    A high enough level to HQ it more often that not, I would say. I think Shihei caps at 28 or 29, so I figure you should be 65-70 to HQ it fairly often. Shihei isnt really something you make money in...its a break even item.

    If you only craft on new moon with opposite day of crystal you may get some HQ's at a lower skill level, but certainly not reliably.
    FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
    FFXI: Shiva Server


    • #3
      At level 80 Woodworking, my profit margins on Shihei are pretty good, but it eats up a ton of inventory space.

      This is bearing in mind that I make all of the base ingredients myself, from the black ink to the bast parchment, using woodworking and alchemy skill.

      My costs:

      (bast parchment)
      12 elm logs @ 4K = 48K
      12 lightning crystals @ 2K/12 = 2K
      12 moko grass @ 500/12 = 500

      6 stacks of black ink (synthed from fish), AH value ~7K/12 = 42K

      6 stacks of wind crystals @ 3K = 18K

      Total cost ~ 115,500

      Total produced shihei: ~35 stacks @ 5K each
      Gross revenue: 175K

      Total profit: 60K in roughly 1 hour, not including time spent collecting materials

      It takes the better part of a day to sell that much shihei on a bazaar, even longer through AH.

      By comparison, at level 60, I was producing only ~28 stacks with the same materials for a net profit of perhaps 25K.



      • #4
        elm logs for 4k each? damn, must not be very many Chinese gilsellers hugging the woodworking guild @ your server. prices are up to 6k here, 7k in jeuno...

        for the shiheis, bear in mind that hq rates change drastically @ +31 skill and +51 skill. shihei cap is 29, so you'll have moderate results @ 60, and @ 80 you'll most likely attain the maximum rate of HQs.


        • #5
          My Woodworker (Well, when he can) HQ's all the time on Darksday. He usually spend 15K on Stuffs, and gets roughly 6 stacks, or myabe my numbers are wrong...

          But why would you want to abuse us poor NINs? Someone keeps raising prices so it's alot more to farm. @_@;

          Save my Shihei (|Please|)
          It's Annoying how many people turn a GAME into a CHORE-Ashtyr
          Shinobi 3 High score- 360,750
          Sorin (now Aen)~Elvaan Male~ 37 WAR / 55 SAM / 61 PLD / 52 NIN / 32 BLU: Rank 6 Bastok

