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Smithing Q.. HOw do u..?

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  • Smithing Q.. HOw do u..?

    Ok.. REALLY thinking about putting the gill, the time farming / doing stuff to make gill into raising smithing to a profitable lvl.

    the problem is, what is a profitable lvl in smithing?

    I have a few questions to any high lvl / knowledgable smither..
    1. (to high lvl more) If you were to sit down and make items, how much gill do u think you'd make in profit? (if u did it a whole day, and the econmy was in demand for it, and materials were in)?

    2. Is their anything at low lvls that can make u a preety nice profit? the sheets and ignots don't unless u get lucky and HQ or mine all the ore..

    3. What did u do to afford smithing at lower, and higher lvls?

    4. All and AL is it *worth* it?

  • #2
    well um...

    im sure once u get to ~60-70+ u will start to c some income. not very familar with smithing but im pretty sure u put a lot into it and then get even more out of it.
    SAM-44, THF-45, MNK-34, WHM-37, BST-32

    Cooking-8x, WW-27


