How bad does SE change on fishing. I was fishing at windurst, and it was 95% New moon. But i still didn't get any catch. Did i do something wrong or is fishing really that bad now?
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Weird Fishing
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They drastically reduced catches in cities. Way too much in my opinion, but they are trying to make it hard for bots to operate. In doing so, they punish legitimate fishers too, which is unfortunate. Reports are that fish are more likely to bite in non-city zones. Try there, and see if you notice improvement. The annoying part is its hard to restock bait, and sell your catches, since you arent in town.FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
FFXI: Shiva Server
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Fishing in Windurst was always pretty streaky, and the patch just made it worse.
If you want moat carp, the only viable safe zone that still has them in any quantity is Zeruhn Mines. Other than that, you'll have to deal with monsters of varying strength, depending on the zone you fish in.
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Zeruhn Mines should be completely covered in fishers and botters in 3...
Does the zone you fish in matter with the type of mobs that are pulled up or is it dependant on the fisher's level? Also, what if I were to fish a nasty mob, then warp? Does the mob remain or will it eventually "depop?" I never really fished outside of the towns before and since the change, I've hung up my fishing rod.
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The monsters which appear from fishing are 100% dependent on the zone you are in. Generally speaking, the higher level the normal monsters in the zone are, the higher level the fishing mobs are. For instance, monsters in Sarutabaruta are in the level 1-10ish range, while monsters caught by fishing in Dragon's Aery are closer to level 78(!).
Fished up monsters depop after precisely 10 minutes have passed, IF they have not been attacked/are actively attacking a player.
You can avoid being attacked by a monster you fish up by using a Sneak effect (Sneak spell or Silent Oil) before pulling up the monster. Note that if you lose the effect while remaining within aggro range of the monster, it will still aggro you once the effect disappears. This means you must get out of aggro range to re-apply any Sneak effects safely.
Zoning will not help you avoid aggro. Each monster you pull up from fishing is "attuned" to you. Since the September update, those monsters will not attack any other players, but even if you zone and come back, if the monster has not despawned, and you do not have Sneak active, it will still aggro you.
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