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crafting cap, and skill allocation?

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  • crafting cap, and skill allocation?

    first i would like to apologize if this has been covered before, tried reading a few of the older post and couldnt find it.

    so what is the skill allocation u get after taking a craft 60+ or 80+?

    i remember reading something like, if you have 1 craft thats 100, u can have a 2nd one thats 80, while the rest cannot exceed 60?

    trying to plan out what skill i can take up for the crafts im interested in.


  • #2
    something i read says you can now change guilds, so i think we can take them all to 100 now. but you will still only be allowed 1 craft 100, 1 craft 80. then the rest 60. atleast this is my understanding, i may be way off considering i only have my crafts to 30, besides cooking thats lvl 50.

    Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


    • #3
      Everyone is allowed to gain experience up to the Journeyman level (Capped at 60) in every skill with no restrictions. Each character is then limited to 40 additional points, distributed as one desires.

      Here are some scenarios:

      Player 1 takes Cooking to 100. (60 + 40 = 100) This player will not be able to take other crafts above 60 without a penalty to the cooking skill.

      Player 2 takes Woodworking to 80 (Lu Shang cap) and has 20 points left to put into any craft. She decides to take Alchemy to 80.

      Player 3 takes Woodworking, Clothmaking, Leathercraft, and Goldsmithing to 70. He has used all 40 points and cannot level any more crafts without taking a penalty.

      Note: Fishing is exempt from these restictions. One can take fishing to 100 regardless of any other skills.

