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  • Fishing

    I'm in need of a lot of gil right now to save up for my Haubergeon, and the only 'easy' way out I can see is with fishing. I need about 1.1 million more gil to get the Haubergeon, but the problem is this: I have no clue where to start. What bait/rod should I start out with? Where should I fish? How long will it take me to get the 1.1 million that I need? Keep in mind I am a 62 SAM so most monsters I fish up can be dealt with easily. I just need to know the better spots for prize catches so I can get gil as easily and quickly as possible. Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    You really shouldn't expect to go from zero fishing skill to 1.1 million in any short amount of time. To realistically even make decent gil you need at LEAST fishing lvl 40 and a Lu Shang rod, which costs 2.2 million to buy the carp or you can fish them yourself. You really would be better off farming since you have a decently lvl'd main job.

    However, if you're dead set on fishing grab a carbon rod, some insect paste and head to Knightswell lake in east ron, the unnamed pond in east Rolanberry (better off with mithran rod here), Jugner river (composite rod) or the pond near the outpost in eastern altepa, or wast it western? i can never remember...the one with the out post. You can catch mobs in all these places except the Jugner river. You'll catch moat carp if you're lucky, which you can either use toward a lu shang rod or sell for 4k-5k a stack at the AH depending on server. There are no 'prize' catches beside moat carp until nebimonites which cap at lvl 27 and can only be caught on the ferry or in sea serpents grotto - and which you will loose an absolute TON of if you don't have lu shang's.

    Lu Shang's - Obtained: 10/05/04

