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Yay! Cooking at 60! Now what?

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  • Yay! Cooking at 60! Now what?

    I finally got cooking to 60, and im kinda stumped. What should i make for gil? Im thinking steamed Crabs, with the occocianal HQ, anyone got any ideas?
    *Jobs* Blm: 31, Whm: 30, Rng: 25
    Crafts: Cooking 53, Woodworking: 28 Fishing: 38, Smithing 36, Alchemy: working on it :D goal is 100

  • #2
    Stop cooking and start another craft.
    Cerberus: Purrrfect Mithra 61drk 49pld 47thf 30war 22nin 14sam 7rdm 4rng 4whm
    Lavalamp Taru 32whm 10blm 6brd 5bst....needs to level sub in a bad way ><


    • #3
      staple foods...
      meatkabobs, fishkabobs, boiled crab, melon/yagudo drinks, ___ au lait drinks (probably not high enough for these), various pies.

      Check prices of ingredients and for how much the stacks of food cost. It might only be a tiny amount of profit.
      Warning level cat face.
      : 3


      • #4
        u wont HQ much of anything at lv60, thus meaning not much gil out of it.

        im lv84 cooking and i can usually make about 15-25k profit off a stack of meat kabob materials. steamed crab, heh i made those for friend once and had a 85% HQ rate(wasnt even full/new moon)

        meat mith's will yeild some profit, but the good part is.. u can easily sell 50+ stacks of it in a 4-5 hour session
        SAM-44, THF-45, MNK-34, WHM-37, BST-32

        Cooking-8x, WW-27


