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HQ Levels

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  • HQ Levels

    **Edit: I did some searches and found some of what I wanted to know, so I'm completely changing my post. I still have some questions though.

    First off I'll explain my situation, then get to the question. Almost since the day I got the game my inventory and mog safe has been stuffed full of junk (stuff that I want to keep for later mostly), so I've been looking forward to the Gobby Bag for quite some time. And the other day the goblin in Jeuno finally gave me the quest, which I was quite thrilled about. But I always try to finish quests on my own (with my brother), without using the AH (or other players if at all possible). So the list of items he asked for seemed rather tough to get. I'm currently a level 12 Goldsmith, and they just told me how to make the jewels. I'm guessing that there's almost no chance that I could HQ a Tourmaline (sp) to get my brother and I two Peridots.

    Now on to my question. How high do you think I would have to get my Goldsmithing to be able to make two Peridots? I've heard that, technically, I can do it now if I got really lucky. But I mean more like 1 out of every 10 results in a Peridot. Or even 1 out 20, or 30. Maybe even 1 out of 50. Would I be able to HQ 1 out of 100 right now?

    Anyway, thanks any replies. I know I could just go buy two Peridots, and it would be cheaper than trying to make them, but I would really like to do it myself. (Though, if you know of any NPC that sells them, or any low-ish level desynth that can get one, let me know)

  • #2
    It's totally possible for you to HQ, but youd have to be very lucky. I've gotten about 4 HQ's total while skilling up Bonecrafting to 29, and each time it happened I was within 3 levels or less from the synth's max. On the other hand, while skilling up cooking to 62, I've only had 1 HQ


    • #3
      Something I've read and heard of a lot lately is that when you r skill is 30 above the item's skill cap, you can start HQ'ing it consistently, especially during Full Moon (I know Full Moon raises your chances of HQ for sure.) So I'm guessing you'd need 40-50 goldsmithing skill, if this is true.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Dark Queen
        It's totally possible for you to HQ, but youd have to be very lucky. I've gotten about 4 HQ's total while skilling up Bonecrafting to 29, and each time it happened I was within 3 levels or less from the synth's max. On the other hand, while skilling up cooking to 62, I've only had 1 HQ
        So if I can figure out how to get Green Rocks for cheap (maybe mine them? How rare are they?), I should try to level off them as much as I can from now on? Or would I be better off leveling off other stuff until I pass the cap on them, and start there? Maybe start making them when I'm level 17? (That's three from the cap on them I think)

        Something I've read and heard of a lot lately is that when you r skill is 30 above the item's skill cap, you can start HQ'ing it consistently, especially during Full Moon (I know Full Moon raises your chances of HQ for sure.) So I'm guessing you'd need 40-50 goldsmithing skill, if this is true.
        Ouch =l I hope I can get two of them before that point. Otherwise I'll have to buy the Peridots. I won't be level 50 for a long time.

        Anyway, thanks for the help guys =)


        • #5
          At level 30 you might be able to HQ like 10% of the time. I would recommend you buy them since I think they are only around 10k anyways. You will lose a lot more than that trying for HQ, especially below the cap of the recipe.
          Watch me delete a year's worth of effort


          • #6
            Originally posted by Pandaman
            At level 30 you might be able to HQ like 10% of the time. I would recommend you buy them since I think they are only around 10k anyways. You will lose a lot more than that trying for HQ, especially below the cap of the recipe.
            Yeah I know =l But it's worth the extra gil for me if I can do it myself. If you're right that I can get one out of 10 at level 30, I can just level my Goldsmithing like normal until then, and each one would only cost 10k each anyways. (Unless I make rings out of the Tourmalines instead of selling them..)


            • #7
              Yeah, your best bet is to just buy the damn things. And I can't imagine that trying to level of gems like that is too cost effective, unless of course you mine all of the jewels.

              As far as the consistant HQ'n of synths.... I wish I had a definative answer. I was told twice the level cap for the item, I was told Lv. Cap + 40, or Lightsday & Darksday on a Full or New Moon. All I know, is with almost Cooking Lv.60, I can't HQ Lv.20 items that often. I've made Steamed Crab once out of about 10 stacks of Boiled Crab. Though I am starting to hear that HQ Cooking synths are much more different then other synths.
              PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
              RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

              Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
              SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


              • #8
                from what i read everywhere it sounds like this..

                1. you lvl has to exceed the current lvl of what your making. of course you will get hq syths while still doing skill ups. leads to next idea.

                2. most state the day before the elements strength will return a hq item. or more or less ups the chances of it becoming hq.

                3. new moon.

                4. lots an lots of synths.

                sounds to me like 1-4 is what the mass majority of crafters feels turns out the hq. as for cooking i remember making miths an hqing them.. iceday. on new moon..

                Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


                • #9
                  The most thorough treatment of HQ factors I have ever seen I found here.

                  The person used a sample of 2304 synths, controlling as many factors as possible.

                  While it does not make any determinations beyond the recipes reviewed, it does make a strong case for what it set out to do.


                  • #10
                    Thanks for the replies everyone, and thanks for the link Arctyc. I think I'll just keep leveling my Goldsmithing up making whatever, and start collecting Green Rocks for later. Maybe when I get near 20 (maybe 18 or so) I'll try to log in and make a few Tourmalines (sp) only on Ice Day or Darks Day at near 100% moon.

                    I don't want to buy them, and it's going to be a long time until I have my Goldsmithing over level 40. So doing it on Ice or Dark day on Full Moon with at least level 18 is the best chance I can get. That's taking every bit of advice I've ever heard (that sounds true anyway, I'm not going to bother facing any special direction or anything). And even at that, I'll only try 2 or 3 synths each time. I don't really want to loose 100k trying for them =P Hopefully I can up my odds to at least 1 in 50 or so at around 20 skill.

                    Anyway, thanks again for all the help =) (Especially the link. It just confirms what everyone here told me, but it's still nice to have saved.)

