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Clothcraft, How far could I get?

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  • Clothcraft, How far could I get?

    I'm a current lv 63 clothcraft, it was ok getting up there, I just stopped because i dunno what else to do to skill up, price inflation is crazy.. I need some help.

    I have a total of 3,000,000 gil on me, I wanna know how far could I get from lv 63 and what to do to get there, can somebody tell me and include the moon phases/right days I gotta use to get higher in clothcraft the cheapest way? I'll appreciate it, thank you!


  • #2
    getting you up to 80 might only cost ~300k or so, if the prices on your server are in your favor.

    Can't tell you much about post-80, it gets really expensive from then on, usually exponentially


    • #3
      I found a Clothcrafting 101 post some place. It was either here or on Allakhazam some place. Pretty much giving a tutorial from 1-90. It wasn't cheap, but showed how to do it in a few weeks.

      Try doing a search, I can't remember where I saw it, and I printed out stuff to get me to Lv.50-60 range.
      PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
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      • #4
        300k from 63-80? yea right, i know from experience that this is not cheap, from 72-80 you have to front a lot of money on rainbow threads. Keeping the threads from 72-78 in order to make the cloths from 78-80, and on midgard, stacks of rainbow cloth dont sell often so you wind up with 3 million gil in cloth that you cant use essentially

