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New Recepies

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  • New Recepies

    What new recepies can anyone get from their guild representatives?

    I was able to get the following from the leather guild, but try as I might, I couldn't get anymore. Anyway, here's what I know:

    Bison Wristbands
    Main skill: Leather Support SkilL: none
    Earth crystal
    2x Manticore Leather
    2x Manticore Hair
    1x Buffalo Leather

    Bison Kecks
    Main Skill: Leather Support Skill: Cloth
    Earth Crystal
    1x Black Tiger Leather
    1x Manticore Leather
    4x Manticore Hair
    1x Buffalo Leather

    Bison Warbonnet
    Main Skill: Leather Support Skill: Cloth
    Earth Crystal
    1x Manticore Leather
    1x Manticore Hair
    2x Hyppogryph Feathers
    1x Eft Skin
    1x Buffalo Leather

    Sorry I don't have any information on what level these items cap at, but I would guess fairly high, due to the use of Manticore Leather. Obviously, I couldn't try synthing them yet.

    Anyway, does anyone else have any other new recepies for leather guild, or for any other guilds? Please share.


    Rank 10 San d'Orian.

  • #2
    well since i know this will come out sooner or later..

    Got these from leather guild

    Noct Brais
    Earth Crystal
    1x Linen Thread
    2x Linen Cloth
    1x Sheep Leather

    Seer's Pumps
    Earth Crystal
    2x Wool Thread
    2x Cloth Thread
    1x Sheep Leather

    I hq the first pair of seer's pumps i made, on sale now for 75k lol

    Leather Pouch
    Earth Crystal
    1x Bronze Scales
    2x Sheep Leather
    1x Rabbit Hide

    Yet to figure out what this does


    • #3
      Originally posted by cloud9
      well since i know this will come out sooner or later..
      Seer's Pumps
      Earth Crystal
      2x Wool Thread
      2x Cloth Thread
      1x Sheep Leather

      I hq the first pair of seer's pumps i made, on sale now for 75k lol
      what level is your clothcfraft?


      • #4
        53 Clothcraft 81 leather

        Just visited the guild in Windy and i got a ton more recipes... Ill write em up in a sec


        • #5
          Yay! Seer's stuff is below 50... Now what's the recipe for the body piece? It'd be nice to have that signed for my SMN ^^

          Kale - SMN(58+) WHM(70+) BLM(20) - Pandemonium
          Fenrir obtained =D
          Sky access, rank 10 Windurst, opo crown ^^


          • #6
            Noct Doublet
            Earth Crystal
            1x Linen Thread
            3x Linen Cloth
            3x Saruta Cotton
            1x Sheep Leather

            Noct Beret
            Earth Crystal
            1x Linen Thread
            1x Linen Cloth
            2x Chocobo Feather
            1x Sheep Leather

            Noct Gloves
            Earth Crystal
            1x Linen Thread
            2x Linen Cloth
            2x Saruta Cotton
            1x Sheep Leather

            Seer's Slacks
            Earth Crystal
            1x Wool Thread
            2x Cotton Cloth
            1x Linen Cloth
            1x Sheep Leather

            Seer's Mitts
            Earth Crystal
            1x Wool Thread
            2x Cotton Cloth
            1x Saruta Cotton
            1x Sheep Leather

            These things are selling like crazy 50k for regular and 100k for the +1
            Made almost 200k already /cheer


            • #7
              Originally posted by cloud9
              Seer's Slacks
              Earth Crystal
              1x Wool Thread
              2x Cotton Cloth
              1x Linen Thread
              1x Sheep Leather
              I tried this earlier and kept getting that the combination would not work. Spent 20 minutes at the guild trying to get the NPC to spit out the recipe but only got stuff for all the Noct gear. >_< Any chance you wrote down the recipe incorrectly?


              • #8
                damnit my bad its 1x Linen Cloth not Linen Thread.. I was half asleep when i wrote those ><


                • #9
                  Cloudie! Make me more frog lures! LOL

                  My guess is the Seers stuff and that unpronouncable pld looking +vit stuff will be very much in demand for the Emptiness zone(s) I heard some chat elsewhere about how the price is gonna go down on these items very fast as soon as people figure out it's not all that great...i think differently. Those rich lvl 75 mages will shell out big time for +1 seers stuff. In case you didn't know, Emptiness has a lvl cap of 30.

                  Lu Shang's - Obtained: 10/05/04


                  • #10
                    Do you happen to know the recipe for Garish tunic? I think it's the one that's wearable by RDM...Anyway, I recently got my RDM to 30 and my friends that I was PTing with leveled up and the PLD wore his WAR/PLD equip and my RNG friend wore his THF/RNG equip and on my server i've yet to see Garish tunic at the A.H.

                    I assume one of the required items used to synthesize it is probably something you obtain in one or some of the CoP areas. I hope the Garish set won't be the most expensive out of the new gear around level 30 ish...

                    Thanks in advance. :sweat:

                    "That's pretty interesting, not like the living world.
                    Apparently, on this side, "ultimate master" means a windbag with diarrhea of the mouth."




                    • #11
                      Personally, I'm a little appaled by how the prices have been - just because some level 75s might be buying this stuff when they do their Emptyness runs doesn't mean you should price it like they are the only ones buying. For those of us who are not as high of level, this is nice equipment... but I'm better off saving up for my Monster Stigna or Leaping Boots than armor like this.

                      I expect that the prices will come down to closer to other armors in the level ~30 range, and that will be a big loss to those who have purchased now, since they won't be able to resell for anywhere near as much as they bought these armors from. Seems to be the usual problem with new armor and equipment sets.
                      ~~~Rune Grey~~~
                      Bard 67/WHM33 Bastok Rank 8
                      All AF [x]

                      Genkai 1 - 4 = Complete!
                      Current Zilart Mission=14
                      Sky Pass=Obtained!


                      • #12
                        I just purchased the Seer's Tunic on my server yesterday for 23k, so not all of then new lvl 30 armor is expensive, well at least on my server.

                        Ice, Dark, Fire, & Thunder Staves Aquired
                        Genkai FINISHED!!
                        Maat finally went down.
                        All BLM AF1 - Acquired
                        All WHM AF1 - Acquired
                        Windurst Rank 7


                        • #13
                          It's around 20k ish on my server as well. I sure hope to see Garish stuff soon. :dead:

                          "That's pretty interesting, not like the living world.
                          Apparently, on this side, "ultimate master" means a windbag with diarrhea of the mouth."




                          • #14
                            High level crafters absolutely flooded the market immediately with Seer's and Noct gear, trying to crank out as many HQs as they could. Last thing I saw last night, the gear was selling for not much above cost on my server. Seems this will go the way of most gear--the regular versions decrease in price to either cost of ingredients or less, while the HQs remain high.

                            Also, isn't the Seer's and Noct gear clothcraft main requirement, leathercraft secondary requirement? Are certain parts (gloves? boots?) different? At any rate I heard the cloth requirement is higher than the leather, so...

                            Villainelle @ Seraph, Bastok Rank 8
                            THF63 // NIN31 // RNG32 // WAR15
                            Cloth 63.2 // Cooking 20.0 // Bone 8.0 // Leather 4.0


                            • #15
                              anyone figured out the level needed for these yet?

