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Woodworking 73-80

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  • Woodworking 73-80

    Ok.. in reading a guide it said 73-80 repair broken lu'shangs fishing rods.
    their arn't that many fisherman who have optained a lu'shangs fishing rod that our gona be like "oops, mines broken, guess i'll sell it to AH to let a woodworker get to lvl 80"

    anyone know an alternate route?

  • #2
    You could always give up woodworking :p

    Seriously, god forbid I seem like a greedy bastard, but I'm to the point that I won't offer any help regarding woodworking, just because of the sheer amount of competition on my server. Anything I post is a risk to my own financial health ;_;

    On top of the people who just do wood for the helluvit, I have the competition of every RNG and fisherman if I try any synth below lvl 80. Combine with that the crashing prices of elemental staves do to the elemental ore flood, and you have one craft that is losing its value quickly. Anyone who has a question about woodworking will incur my bitching.

    At this point woodworking is a utility craft for rangers and fishermen. It's not a profitable guild. You can always make profit, but it's tiny compared to the possibilities of other crafts. It's to the point where if even a ranger or fisherman asks me what craft they should take up, I have to tell them "anything but woodworking," just because the profits they could make with another craft overshadow the do-it-yourself savings by a landslide.


    • #3
      ipw... why did you even post... whatever

      mrman i agree that al these guides that recomend fixing rods for skills is just bs... thats no way to gain skill ups at any decent pace.

      now hmm... clothespoles look ok
      [code]Woodworking: 77 Wind Crystal + Mahogany Lbr. + Silk Thread[/code]

      Ebony Poles look 'doable' but a significant loss
      [code]Woodworking: 79 Wind Crystal + Ebony Lumber ×2[/code]

      btw - everyone knows the only way you make money crafting is on HQ's or non hqable items and knowledge of where to get recipe items (i.e. bast parchment) hoping that you can make money otherwise is fine for the first like week of a synth being added but after that if its worth ANYTHING hilvl crafters will pick it up and undercut non hq's b/c their hq's will make up for any loss. while skilling up just try to break even if you can't then o well.. you'll only be crafting that one thing for so long

      Spuncan - Beta 41 mnk - rank 5 - Goldsmith 40
      Spuncan - Retail 73 mnk - rank 10 - Woodworking 63


      • #4
        Originally posted by spuncan
        ipw... why did you even post... whatever

        Because I have several crafts leveled, wood is my main, and I... am... FRUSTRATED by it.

        It's hard to make money because there are so many woodworkers ;_; and yes any novice crafter knows that you make money by HQing. That's what I was referring to.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Ipwnzuall!!!111
          Because I have several crafts leveled, wood is my main, and I... am... FRUSTRATED by it.

          It's hard to make money because there are so many woodworkers ;_; and yes any novice crafter knows that you make money by HQing. That's what I was referring to.
          I think what he meant was, why even post if you're not going to answer the original posters question or give advice. Least that's what it sounded like when he said that.


          brave; integritous; commanding
          New sig. Thank you Graelinn of BeastInTheSack (Garuda)
          75 ナイト, 37 戦士, 31 忍者, 18 シーフ, 16 モンク, 8 侍, others: level 1 T_T.
          ナイト 怒 (いかり)(Level 75 ナ/Level 37 戦)


          • #6
            Ummm... I knew what he meant. That's why I responded with the reason for the intial post. Thanks for spelling it out though?

            To spell out MY post, all I was saying is that I am eternally frustrated by all the people asking for help with skilling up woodworking, and I was just venting it. I'm tired of helping people out when it's doing nothing but biting me in the butt.


            • #7
              Helpful suggestion

              Since IPUA is blatantly offtopic, I'll take a swing at it as well:

              Dear IPUA, if you're feeling a huge frustration regarding woodworking, AND you have access to this dandy forum, WHY not make a thread discussing the matter instead of cluttering a perfectly good other thread? Like I am contributing to doing now?

              It just seems... RUDE. I excuse for my OT post. Good luck in your woodworking endeavours. I bid my leave.


              • #8
                Re: Helpful suggestion

                Originally posted by DrSerpico
                Since IPUA is blatantly offtopic, I'll take a swing at it as well:

                Dear IPUA, if you're feeling a huge frustration regarding woodworking, AND you have access to this dandy forum, WHY not make a thread discussing the matter instead of cluttering a perfectly good other thread? Like I am contributing to doing now?

                It just seems... RUDE. I excuse for my OT post. Good luck in your woodworking endeavours. I bid my leave.
                Oy, he has point.

                Though I'm not one to concern myself with what other people consider to be "rude" (my GOD, like I could actually have any success with determining what each and every single person I meet considers to be socially acceptable behavior...), I do recognize that my lil rant was somewhat ill-placed, so... I apologize? Sure, why not.


                • #9
                  so many ppl post, but only one answer the question ; ;.
                  i am still in 63, but what i will do is making clothpole to around 75-77. since, tons of ppl lving on broken clothspole from lv 65ish to 73. the market flow shouldnt be too bad after all. then fixing mithran rod til 83. i am trying to get my lu sheng now, so i might fixing lu sheng instead of the bullshit i list above, lol.


                  • #10
                    If you have 50+ Alchemy:

                    Kilo Pump - 76 Wood, 54 Alchemy
                    Earth Crystal, Bamboo Stick, 2xCoeurl Whisker, Carbon Fiber, Water Cluster, Animal Glue

                    Mega Pump - 84 Wood, 54 Alchemy
                    Earth Crystal, Bamboo Stick, 3xCoeurl Whisker, Carbon Fiber, Water Cluster, Animal Glue

                    This is the least expensive and most easily accessible way I know of to get to 84 Woodworking without a Lu Shang's Fishing Rod and lots(70+) of Fishing skill to reliably break Lu Shang's Fishing rod.



                    • #11
                      thing is nobody really buys pumps and each synth is 99 pumps.

                      Or am I wrong? Do people actually buy those things? ._.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by poweryoga
                        thing is nobody really buys pumps and each synth is 99 pumps.

                        Or am I wrong? Do people actually buy those things? ._.
                        Whats a pump?

                        Originally posted by Billy Joel
                        I'd rather laugh with the Sinners than die with the Saints.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by poweryoga
                          thing is nobody really buys pumps and each synth is 99 pumps.

                          Or am I wrong? Do people actually buy those things? ._.
                          Sell them back to an NPC in a city you have max fame (pref. San d'Oria) for 40 gil each (x66 per success, remember). The ingredients are expensive, but you get a good chunk of your costs back.

                          Use moghancement: earth to decrease your costs even further.



                          • #14
                            thanks, I'll look into this. The only expensive part I see are the carbon fibers and courel whiskers. The water clusters can be farmed very easily and are only 500-600. ^^


                            • #15
                              Only 3K loss per synth? Lead the way!

