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Moon Phase and Crafting

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  • Moon Phase and Crafting

    We all know that moon affects crafting, more than i think it should, but it does greatly. In general, i've noticed several things.

    1) Light and Dark crystals act completely different than the other 6 crystals.

    2)With Dark crystals, the best HQ times to craft are right after new moon and right after full moon (10%waxing and 90% waning basically)

    3) new moon with dark crystals is just bad, in every aspect.

    4) full moon with dark crystals is very good for HQ


    The normal 6 other crystals is a little bit different.

    1) Full moon is good for success and skill, and bad for HQ

    2) New moon is bad for skill and success and good for HQ

    I've noticed a general sin wave as far as these crystals are concerned, nothing too special.


    As far as desynthing is concerned, I just don't know. I've desnthed Goblin Masks into glass fiber several times, but not enough to get any solid pattern. The only pattern i've noticed with that desynth is Full moon = less material lost, new moon = very good chance of losing material.

    Questions? comments? Please add what you've observed! I'd like to see what other people have gotten from this.

    All my dark crystal info has come from making scads of black ink, lots, and lots of black ink. probably 1mil gil worth or so (only about 200k of which was profit )
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