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Desynth Difficulties?

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  • Desynth Difficulties?

    Hi all,

    For reference, I'm a 24 Goldsmith and I always use image support. I had a very strange experience today and was wondering if this was the norm.

    When I was in my Brass Hairpin stage, I was synthing Brass Ingots for skillups, then synthing them into Brass Hairpins for skillups, then immediately Desynthing the hairpins back into Ingots to save money. All was going very well (Goldsmith 13-17). Now I hit 20 and was working on Silver Ingots just for some extra cash when I had a different idea. I could desynth Copper Rings into Copper Ingots for a quick buck. Oh was I wrong...

    The skill cap to desynth Brass Hairpins back into Brass Ingots is listed as 17. I had about a 90% success ratio with this at skills 13-17.

    The skill cap to desynth Copper Rings back into Copper Ingots is listed as 5. Easy desynth since I was skill 20. I had maybe a 5% success ratio here.

    Getting to my actual question, are some items just innately more difficult to desynth than others? I mean a skillcap 5 when I'm at 20 should be a sinch, even for a desynth right?
    RDM 56 / DRG 36 / BLM 34 / THF 30 / WHM 24 / WAR 17
    NIN 12 / BST 8 / MNK 7 / SMN 5 / RNG 1 / DRK 1
    San d'Oria Rank 5
    AF: 2/6
    Dark Staff: O
    Ice Staff: O
    Light Staff: O
    MND Gear
    INT Gear

  • #2
    I think you just got lucky.. I do a lot of Desynthing with both Goldsmithing and Smithing, and NEVER get a 90% success.. 70% is best I've managed..


    • #3
      you just got lucky.

      most desynthesis is very random. I can't even desynthsis an ash staff successfully most of the time.


      • #4
        Desynthing sucks ;_;

        Personally, I've never found anything that was especially profitable by desynthing, not because of the recipes, but because of the innately high failure rate. Even if a desynth makes you a 400% profit, its not always worthwhile if you fail 2/3s of the time-- and my success rate hasn't even been THAT high.

        You can make/save money from desynthing, but generally it seems to be much more of a gamble than sticking to a profitable synth.


        • #5
          Yeah desynthing is horribly random.

          At 53 Goldsmithing, I bought 6 silver earring to desynth into ingot (lvl22 cap), got 5 ingots (~10k) from about ~7k of earrings. Sounds good, no?

          So I emptied my inventory, bought 24 earrings, waited for lightning day, went to the guild and got advanced synth. From 24 earrings, got 4 ingots. ~8k returns from ~26k of earrings.

          Haven't bothered since.

          [edit] I have noticed though that desynth rate of beastmen items (gold orcmask, etc) tends to be a higher success rate *shrug*


          • #6
            I guess you can make sure to have the desynthesis moghancement. Does this help in any noticeable way?
            SAM 74


            • #7
              Desynthesis Moghancement does NOT affect how often you fail/succeed at synthing. What it does do however is lessen the chance that you lose items when you fail at a desynthesis.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Americayankee
                Desynthesis Moghancement does NOT affect how often you fail/succeed at synthing. What it does do however is lessen the chance that you lose items when you fail at a desynthesis.
                Well better than nothing I suppose. Just losing the crystal is much better than losing the ingredients.
                SAM 74


                • #9
                  It doesn't even do that very much. I haven't noticed a decline in the goblin masks I lose when I desynth. Also if you are going to desynth beastman items I find doing it on the day your crystal is weak to is the best day to do it. I made about 12k from 3-4k worth of gob masks two earthdays in a row.

                  36 War/15 Mnk/22 Thf/62 Pld/Bst 75/Nin 33/Whm 36/Blm 19/Cor 7
                  Full Af X2 • Rank 8 • Alchemy 65


                  • #10
                    I have 38 Taru foot stools, which gives me a strong desynthesis moghancement. I have 76 points, 24 to go. I havent seen a big change at all -_-a

