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Maxing all crafting levels now?

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  • Maxing all crafting levels now?

    I asked this in the main forum, but the thread turned into NinNerf, so I will ask here. With CoP will it now be able to level every craft to 100? If not then what is the advantage to the crafting change they speak of in the announcements.?

  • #2
    Might mean you can take TWO crafts to 100. At least that's what I got from the wording of it.
    No one will know until CoP comes out though.


    • #3
      I hope that Narru is right; what I've heard is that it will allow you to take one craft to 110, which is nice in that it gives you greater chances to HQ profitable items (though it thereby makes them easier to obtain, and hence, less valuable :/) I would much prefer to be able to take two crafts to 100.


      • #4
        "players who have reached the craftsman level in a particular synthesis skill will be able to revoke their title, making it possible to raise another skill to this level without penalties."

        hmm... when i first read this i thought you could deactivate a craft skill temporarily while you level another craft, so that you can't use the first craft, but no levels are taken from it when leveling another. and i thought you could do that with any number of crafts, but i'm not so sure now...

        "craftsman" is skill level 58-70, right? it doesn't mention "or higher" or anything...
        "revoke their title"... and get it back later? does revoking your title lower your skill? or can you only not make things above a certain level?
        and how many titles can be revoked?
        Check out this internet radio station!
        that's my Music Tachnology class's work, along with a bunch of independant artists picked by us!


        • #5
          wish they'd explain stuff in a less mysterious manner...


          • #6
            Originally posted by poweryoga
            wish they'd explain stuff in a less mysterious manner...
            Haha they want us to wonder =P


            • #7
              So by that explanation, you mean that you could essentially have 70 skill in every craft, but you could only have one craft active that would put you at 40 points? For example, w/ 100 wood, I could "deactivate" my wood, and then raise something else to 70. I'd still have 100 in my main craft but it would be as if I didn't if I were to try to craft something... and then maybe I could deactive the craft I got to 70 and then raise another to 70... Effectively you could have one craft at 100 and all other crafts at 70, though for all intents and purposes you could only have one craft past 60 at a time (assuming you don't have, say, 2 skills at 80). That's how I interpret it...


              • #8
                Might as well ask who the winner of the Oscar fo Best Actor in a Dramatic Film will be next year.

                The correct answer is: No one here knows. All we can do is guess. If you want a more "accurate" answer, try calling the Psychic Friends Network. ;P

                For what it's worth, I'm guessing that renouncing your title will set your skill cap back down to the previous rank, and that you'll have to re-take the rank test to restore your capped skills(i.e. lets say you have 70 cooking and 90 alchemy. Renounce your craftsman title for cooking, and your skill will cap at 60, allowing you to get the last 10 points in alchemy), and the game checks to see if trying to recover a lost title would bring your overall points >60 above 40 total.


