hi im level 57 leathercrafting, is there anything i can make to get a decent profit? any help appreciated
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profit on leather
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Hello. I'm a lvl 74 Leathercrafter as of last night, and I have yet to attempt to make a profit, but there are some things I could HQ for a profit. If I was you at lvl 54 and wanted to know if you could profit I would go to
from there go to FFXI and then to the guild recipe lists. From there pick leathercraft and find items you are 30 lvls higher than at least that you could possible HQ. Then check how much a regular synth costs and how much you'll make off of each HQ version. Use Icemage's synthing calendar to pick the highest HQ day and with synth support and that's how you will make profit. Personally I'm waiting unti llvl 90 to try and make profit, but goodluck to you. There are mantles and leather equips you might be able to HQ. I know I made myself a full leather set +1 for lvling my nin for much cheaper than I could have bought it for. So goodluck and I hope I helped.
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