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Help with nebimonite fishing ; ;

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  • Help with nebimonite fishing ; ;

    I read in a guide that i could fish nebimonites on the ship and get skill ups until 31. I was bored with where i was, la theine plateau, and decided to give it a try. I was using a mithran rod with crayfish balls, also i had a composite i tried out too. On 2 trips across i got a few bites and lost them all. I was able to reel in 3 but it says i lost them because the fish was too small to catch with the mithran rod. Now i thought mithran was for small fish? What rod should i be using instead? I'm pretty sure it was a nebimonite because i poked around online and that was the only thing i could find on the ship that bit at crayfish balls. Any help would be appreciated.

    Lu Shang's - Obtained: 10/05/04

  • #2
    Nothing will bite on crayfish balls except Neb's. Without Lu Shangs you will get tons of 'Too Small' messages from most decent rods. Try using a Carbon Rod. It will last a bit but can break. FYI the bite and catch rate is horrible there so.....

    If you are going for skillups ignore neb fishing. Its horrible bite rate and catch rate will make for a miserable fishing leveling experience. Instead take a frog lure with your composite rod and go to La Theine Plateau. There is a small pond in the southeast corner that will level you to 32 easily. You'll catch Catfish, Dark Bass, and the occasional Terrapin. The catfish cap at 32 and sell at guild for 225 gil each.

    Good Luck

    Originally posted by Billy Joel
    I'd rather laugh with the Sinners than die with the Saints.


    • #3
      I actually was doing just that in la theine until i got bored to tears and wanted to try something new :D I went back on the boat with a carbon rod and did catch 2 nebemonites but decided that yeah, it just wasn't worth it yet. I keep hearing about lu shang's being just about necessary at fishing lvl 50+ i thought it was only used for legendary fish and was mostly uneeded for anything else. I can't decide if i want to get it or not, and if so, would i fish my own carp? buy them at AH? or just buy the rod? I'd also need to be able to repair it too.

      Lu Shang's - Obtained: 10/05/04


      • #4
        Lu Shang's necessary if you want to make money that's all. If you are just skilling up, you don't have to actually catch the fish (though Lu Shang has the highest bite rate from all accounts). As long as it hooks, you can still get skill up even if it's too small, line break, lost catch, or even rod break (yes I got skill up on rod break once)


        • #5
          A couple points:

          *Most people do a mix of fish/buy the moats for Lu Shangs. It takes quite awhile to accomplish completely fishing all 800+ stacks of moats. Pace yourself, fishem up, then buy more with the rebate. Rusty fishing is very popular at the moment but this has lead to a jump in the price of light crystals. Do what ever works for you. The 'net cost' of the rod is 2.33 million for some people that is easily obtainable.

          *As for skilling up, yes you only need to 'hook' something for the chance to skillup. It doesn't matter what happens after. A common practice for some fast leveling is to grab a cheap willow rod (43 gil from guild) and some sliced bluetail and break rods all day on the Ferry. This will be some of the fastest leveling in terms of fishing that you will see.

          In the end you have to decide what you want. Uber fishers with Lu's can make consistent money catching and selling fish to NPC's or decent money catching neb's in Sea Serpent Grotto. Lu Shangs is definitely the rod you want if you are at all serious about fishing as a source of income. Only the Post-Zilart legendary fish will break it and you will avoid all of the 'Too Small' messages


          Originally posted by Billy Joel
          I'd rather laugh with the Sinners than die with the Saints.


          • #6
            Just a few notes:

            - Nebimonites cap at 27.
            - Giant Catfish cap at 31.
            - Lost catches seem to produce fewer skill gains than other results on a per-bite basis. The reason people seem to get more skill gains on them more often than other results is because they get more lost catches than successes.



            • #7
              Right now i'm fishing in Knightswell for moat carp, it seems to be by far the best place that i've seen. I've also been buying more moats at the AH with the reward i get for turning them in :D Also i can make my own insect paste which is nice, i do wish that HQ gave more than 12 though. The rusty cap phenomenon isn't for me, i have no smithing skill and i have the feeling it's about to be nerfed, possibly with CoP. Last i saw light crystals were going for 15k or more. I traded 6 caps i fished up to a LS friend in exchange for 6 stacks of crayfish to make bait with. I'd like to use fishing alongside with my cooking (70).

              What lvl of fishing could i go to without the legendary fish? I'd like to avoid the woodworking bit if i can.

              Lu Shang's - Obtained: 10/05/04

