I've been mining alot lately since I'm at the point where i need 400k+ for spells and armor
and I've tried all the mines, and came to a suprising conclusion. Zeruhn Mines is easily the most profitibly/safe way to earn gil. I made 20k in 30 minutes with 2 stacks of axes today after I mined 2 darksteel, loads of Iron and a few Zinc ores(two trips with full inventory). I tried mining in Ifrits, i made around 8k and lost 2k xp:sweat: Unless you are level 70+ and have sneak/invis for certain monsters, Ifrit isn't worth it. Palborough while the platinum ore is a great prospect, the points are hard to find, and Platinum is 2x as hard to mine as darksteel in zeruhn
Gusgen worked pretty good, if you are level 50+ it's great since you can run through without sneak/invis, but at level 30 it takes lots of time, points are hard to find and quite a few times I didn't get sneak on before catchin aggro for magic:sweat: . I did get 2 darksteel and one Gold, but it took me 3 hours to go through two stacks, and all I had was those, and 3 or 4 iron ores and loads of copper
Plus travel from Gusgen and Bastok is quite long and it doesn't help that often there are more people mining the few points there than in Zeruhn. Zeruhn as of late has had around 5 people mining at once, with no people stealing points, the few times I had a point stolen, I sent a /tell about mining courtesy and such, and they apologized and stopped.
Plus with full field gear, I end up with almost an entire inventory of Iron Ore, with a few Zinc Ore which i use for the Tenshodo Quest, or sell depending on current prices. And so ends my lengthy post, all information is based on searches and experience on the Fairy server only, the post was just something to do while bored
