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Zeruhn Mines= Best Mine?

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  • Zeruhn Mines= Best Mine?

    I've been mining alot lately since I'm at the point where i need 400k+ for spells and armor and I've tried all the mines, and came to a suprising conclusion. Zeruhn Mines is easily the most profitibly/safe way to earn gil. I made 20k in 30 minutes with 2 stacks of axes today after I mined 2 darksteel, loads of Iron and a few Zinc ores(two trips with full inventory). I tried mining in Ifrits, i made around 8k and lost 2k xp:sweat: Unless you are level 70+ and have sneak/invis for certain monsters, Ifrit isn't worth it. Palborough while the platinum ore is a great prospect, the points are hard to find, and Platinum is 2x as hard to mine as darksteel in zeruhn Gusgen worked pretty good, if you are level 50+ it's great since you can run through without sneak/invis, but at level 30 it takes lots of time, points are hard to find and quite a few times I didn't get sneak on before catchin aggro for magic:sweat: . I did get 2 darksteel and one Gold, but it took me 3 hours to go through two stacks, and all I had was those, and 3 or 4 iron ores and loads of copper Plus travel from Gusgen and Bastok is quite long and it doesn't help that often there are more people mining the few points there than in Zeruhn. Zeruhn as of late has had around 5 people mining at once, with no people stealing points, the few times I had a point stolen, I sent a /tell about mining courtesy and such, and they apologized and stopped. Plus with full field gear, I end up with almost an entire inventory of Iron Ore, with a few Zinc Ore which i use for the Tenshodo Quest, or sell depending on current prices. And so ends my lengthy post, all information is based on searches and experience on the Fairy server only, the post was just something to do while bored
    Money earned in Ifrit: 8k
    Time spent: 2 hours
    Exp lost: 2k
    Knowing you'll end up going back anyways: sad.

  • #2
    Not remotely. Here's the reason: during peak hours you can have 15+ miners in Zeruhn. Some of these guys are gil sellers. Also, noobs without gear also mine hear since they can do so w/o aggro. What that means is that you either a) camp 1-3 spawn points and hope that no one starts mining the same spot or b) get used to foot races with 2-3 others to spawns all over. Darksteel is RARE as hell in Zeruhn. If you get it, you got lucky, but over time, the statistics say you almost never see it. Ifrits is like wining the lottery. If you get lucky congrats, if not, go gain your lvl back. Yughutt (sp?) is like Zeruhn for slightly higher lvl. You lose the darksteel, gain gold and rocks, but Iron rate is lower. That leaves Gusgen.... do a /sea gusgen. If there's more than a couple people there, might not be worth the trip. Definately not worth the trip until you're lvl 50, since a) you aggro ALOT and b) few spawn points, many with long distances in between.
    Cooking: 60, Alchemy: 56, Smithing: 41, Goldsmithing: 15, Woodworking: 9, Leathercraft: 11, Boneworking: 1


    • #3
      Problem with Zeruhn is that all the bots/mules/ gil sellers mine there since theres no aggro or danger. It can get quite crowded, although I do agree that it can be profitable. I bought a stack of pickaxes and came out of there with 7-8 iron, a bunch of zinc, and some copper/tin. On my server, the gilsellers steal your points without a sweat. It's nothing for you to be mining a point and another to come along and help themselves. You can try sending a /tell, but the gilsellers are chinese, and wont understand or respond.

      At least going to the other mines, while harder to find mining spots, and needing to be higher lvl, will let you mine noob free. (to some extent) At least if someone steals your spot you can accidentally get aggro and warp when the mobs are near them... (oops)
      FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
      FFXI: Shiva Server


      • #4
        OK, Saedius, you're wrong on Yughott. 1) Iron is the most frequent ore found there (more so than tin or copper). 2)you can find gold, colored rocks, and darksteel. IMO this is best place to mine. Usualy no more than 2-3 other miners, and the zone is small with a ton of points.
        Ashmaker Gotblut - 0/34
        Orcish Barricader - 1/14
        Orcish Wallbreacher - 0/12
        Hundredscar Hajwaj - 0/3
        Thousandarm Deshglesh - 1/4
        Valkrum Emperor - 1/8
        Leaping Lizzy - 1/7
        Spook: 5/15
        Crypt Ghost: 2/10


        • #5
          Iron IS the most common ore in Yug, BUT, according to Mysterytour (and I am assuming they're correct w/o verification) Iron is "C" Rated in Yug and "B" in Zeruhn. My experience (annecdotal at best) would support this. Here's the link, select mining and harvesting points from the main menu:

          You're lucky that on your server there's that few miners... its not that way on mine at all. NEVER fewer than 5 when I'm on... more like 8 normally. And the one thing I DID forget was Palborough. Good ore (can you spell PLATINUM... i knew you could) but the mine points are really far away. Gave up that place before I developed a search pattern. The rocks are nice, but I'm more interested in farming materials for crafting so that colors my interpretation. If we're going for just gil farming, Ifrits >>>> all.
          Cooking: 60, Alchemy: 56, Smithing: 41, Goldsmithing: 15, Woodworking: 9, Leathercraft: 11, Boneworking: 1


          • #6
            Pal Mines were the BEST spot to mine....until a little before PS2 launch.

            That was when Plat Nugget recipie was leaked out...

            Prices went from 40k > 30k > 20k > *here is where I am unsure exactly, haven't checked prices in a while* something like 10k.

            So after the Plat Nugget was out, there was nobody in Pal. Mines. It just wasn't worth it. Plat was still rare, but at a horrific price.

            My friends swear by Gusgen though. Also helps that they do some GS on the side *cough*Diamonds*cough*
            •70 Samurai•

            too many assholes choosing money over friends


            • #7
              To elabortate, as of last night on my server, no fewer than 8 miners in Yug at one point... man I wish that wasn't so.
              Cooking: 60, Alchemy: 56, Smithing: 41, Goldsmithing: 15, Woodworking: 9, Leathercraft: 11, Boneworking: 1

