I've tried a few sites and tried searching but I'm rather confused on how to start fishing. What rod, bait, and where do I fish? Thanks in advance. Also does it matter if you push enter when it says "you caught something"? Thanks again! ^-^
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Fishing Question
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Here is a great guide that will tell you most everything you need to get started : Fishing FAQ
If you can get to Rabao, I suggest starting fishing w/ a Carbon Rod and Insect Paste. You'll be leveling off of moat carp until lvl 11 fishing, from there just look at the Clan Wind Fishing Database . And yes, whenever it says "Something caught the hook!" you hit Enter to attempt to reel the fishy in. Good luck and happy fishing ^^b
Ooooo, a really good site w/ many great posts is Marissa's Fishing Forum BUT!!!! Use the search feature before ever even thinking about posting a question because it more than likely has been answered and some people on the board will flame you for not looking. And once you've looked and you think you haven't found what you're lookin for, adjust the keywords you used and try again cause odds are it's been covered.
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Thank you. What's the best way to start up fishing? I'm currently using Little Worms, and Bamboo Pole at Bastok Mines. Also I have fishing gear on...but it's going a lot slower then Goldsmithing >,< lolRDM - 33
BLM - 17
THF - 41
DRK - 25
WAR - 19
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fishing imo (and many others) is the slowest to raise, period, no ? about it. To get to lvl one, i was lucky enough to only spend 2 hours, but my friend spent 4-5 hours doing it -_- The first level can be one of the worst things you'll experience in fishing (in the early stages) and it puts people off. My previous reply suggests where a good place to start is. You'll be starting on moat carp which sells quickly over the AH. so just read that. Also, if you read the Fishing FAQ guide i linked you to you would have noticed a link on it to a fishing guide w/ suggested spots. Also, use the Clan Wind link to find other places. I suggest you don't follow guides (I leveled off of bastore sardines and quus until 9 myself) and find your own way to fish. it's a lot more fun to be in a zone fishing w/ only like 2 other people around you who will talk than to be surrounded by 50 who won't. And it's a lot more satisfying finding your own way knowing you went the path less traveled. But good luck ^^b If you do do the quus/sardine thing, i used the quus for that steam clock quest w/ the old lady. it's a good way to get fame and gil if you're running low.
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I'm a newbie to fishing but I definitely didn't find level 1 hard...of course I had a bit of money in my pocket to start out with.
I traveled to Windurst to join the guild. I started with a Composite Rod (8k...heard it never breaks but it's for big fish) and all the fishing gear, so I put a pretty decent investment into it at first. I started using Little Worms near the Dhamel farm. Unfortunately I've got all this money that I've wasted just to start to make up before I start making money. Luckily I'm slowly making it back. If I'm lucky I can get a stack of moat carp in an hour.
To avoid buying bait since I was mostly wasting it all at this level, my LS suggested that Sabiki Rig (about 2-3k) thing (whatever it's called). I now fish near the windurst guild in the saltwater for quus (rare for me to catch...think it has to do with my rod) and sardine. These seem to level me up about as fast as moat do and I don't need to worry about keeping bait in stock (assuming the line doesn't break for you). Of course, these things won't make you much money but decent for leveling up if you ask me.
How do I obtain the first rank?
EDIT: I'm almost level 8, so I'll post what I did to get to this level. I've spent about three to four days devoting my time to fishing and rarely XPing.
-I bought full fishing gear. It will cost you about 21k all together. If you can't afford that then try and at least get the gloves and boots (about 5k all together, 1k for gloves and 4k for feet), they seem to be the cheapest. I'm not sure how much this gear helps but any help is welcome.
-Join a fishing guild. I traveled to Windurst (I have the airship pass so it's easier for me). If you're level 20, I suggest getting on a chocobo and running there. The guild and location is quite nice. You got water all around the town and the guild and AH are extremely easy to access (takes me about 2 mins to go from the guild to the AH and back, that's including price checking times). God bless Windurst instant warps.
-If you start out in widurst, here's what I suggest you buy. Fast Water Rod (1k...there might be a better rod, not sure) and a Sabiki Rig lure (about 2-3k). Fish right next to the guild. You will catch Sardines a lot of the time (about 700-1000 per stack on my server in the AH). You will also catch Quus (about 540 per stack if sold to guild...AH price is lower than that in my server) and Pamtam Kelp (about 192 per stack if sold at guild...AH price is usually just a LITTLE better so I never waste my time).
-Once you hit around 8-10 I would start Moat Carps. If you do so I would suggest a Carbon Rod (1-2k) or a Composite Rod (8k) and either Little Worms (cheaper) or Insect Paste (more expensive but I heard it's better for catching moats). Catching Sardines and Quus make a steady but very slow income...it's pretty nice for low levels but simply doesn't cut it as you get higher. I'm hoping once I start catching moats I will be able to start making a semi-respectable income from fishing (I get about 7-10k from farming so I'm hoping it will equal or surpass that by at least level 15).
-Once you get to the moat carp stage there are several places I've heard of. Rabao, Windurst near the Dhamel farm, Jugner and the Zeruhn Mines bridge are some places I've heard of.
Hope I helped. If anyone has better suggestions then please give them. I also wouldn't mind a guide for later levels.---
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