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______ Crafting?

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  • ______ Crafting?

    Now, before everyone starts posting "YOUR LEVEL IS TOO LOW FOR YOU TO BE CRAFTING" I'd Like to say I want to get an opinion so when I am Of level and I have gil, I'd like to know what I can do * I Like to plan ahead on everything :spin:

    Anyways, As you see, I may be lv 6, But my Knowledge is WAY more then a Level 6 "Noob" Would have, so Tell me if someone *Or everyone* Put there Imput on these questions...

    1. What Craft?
    2. Does it affect a Job?
    3. How Much it costs

    This may sound alot *To some of you :dead: * But if you could take the minute or two to help this Taru *Cute by the way* In need, Then it would be greatly apprecitated!

  • #2
    The only crafts that 'help' with a job is cooking, since you can make your own juices and foods... Mostly used by mage jobs for juice, for mp.. Since you can buy pies and mithkabobs fairly easily..

    Woodworking is also helpful to Rangers for arrow/bolt crafting, and a mix of crafts is good for Ninjas to make their tools.
    Most other jobs equipment is cheaper on AH then making it yourself from materials, short of the 80+ crafting skill items..

    That's the only answer really to 2..

    As for costs, it really scales with, the more expensive crafts you can make more gil with, but it's really about finding a niche in your server's economy and using it..

    Goldsmithing is most expensive, followed by Smithing to raise..

    Woodworking, Cloth and Leathercraft, Bonecraft, Alchemy are all in the 'mid' range of costs..

    Fishing and Cooking are no doubt the easiest and cheapest to raise, though Fishing is fairly slow to raise and can be expensive if you don't research the proper combination of rods and bait and location.. and time..

