Now, before everyone starts posting "YOUR LEVEL IS TOO LOW FOR YOU TO BE CRAFTING" I'd Like to say I want to get an opinion so when I am Of level and I have gil, I'd like to know what I can do * I Like to plan ahead on everything :spin:
Anyways, As you see, I may be lv 6, But my Knowledge is WAY more then a Level 6 "Noob" Would have, so Tell me if someone *Or everyone* Put there Imput on these questions...
1. What Craft?
2. Does it affect a Job?
3. How Much it costs
This may sound alot *To some of you :dead: * But if you could take the minute or two to help this Taru *Cute by the way* In need, Then it would be greatly apprecitated!
Anyways, As you see, I may be lv 6, But my Knowledge is WAY more then a Level 6 "Noob" Would have, so Tell me if someone *Or everyone* Put there Imput on these questions...
1. What Craft?
2. Does it affect a Job?
3. How Much it costs
This may sound alot *To some of you :dead: * But if you could take the minute or two to help this Taru *Cute by the way* In need, Then it would be greatly apprecitated!
