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Most gil making craft for low investment?

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  • Most gil making craft for low investment?

    I've been wondering which Craft makes the most money for the least gil invested into it? I tried Goldsmithing because I heard it makes tons of money, but after trying I realized you need over 1 million to do any good with it >,<! What about other crafts? Which ones don't require so much money and have a OK payrate?

    I heard fishing was...but I don't like fishing in life neither do I like fishing online =P
    RDM - 33
    BLM - 17
    THF - 41
    DRK - 25
    WAR - 19

  • #2
    Like in real life, the more you invest, the more you can make.

    Fishing is easy. Do it while watching TV or something. You don't have to watch the screen if you have a controller with a rumble feature. You don't need to fish everyday either. You can do fine just fishing on New/Full Moons. WHile you're at it, you can get cooking to 29 to make your own paste. So while you get up fishing, you can have paste selling on the AH.

    Be like a Paladin.
    Take the hit, shrug it off, and ask if their mom hits any harder.


    • #3

      Also remember no one in their right mind will give away the big money making recipes or secrets. ^^
      PLD 72 - WAR 35 - NIN 13 -THF 15
      BLM 42 - WHM 32 - RDM 25
      RNG, BRD, SAM 07
      MNK 12 - DRG and SMN 01

      Sandorian Rank 10
      Zm13 complete

      Cooking 71 ~ Fishing 80 ~ Woodwork 55 ~ Alchemy 55

      'Big' items so far: Steppe Belt, Dark Staff, Earth Staff, Gluttony Sword, Espandon +1 and Cassie Earring.
      Obtained Lu'shang rod 07/19/2004
      /happy Tawu dance. ^-^


      • #4
        Also remember no one in their right mind will give away the big money making recipes or secrets. ^^
        Bah. There aren't really any secrets. However, if you find a market niche your your server, that's something you should try to keep to yourself


        Rank 10 San d'Orian.


        • #5
          Thats actually what I meant by secrets, guess I could have worded it better. ^^
          PLD 72 - WAR 35 - NIN 13 -THF 15
          BLM 42 - WHM 32 - RDM 25
          RNG, BRD, SAM 07
          MNK 12 - DRG and SMN 01

          Sandorian Rank 10
          Zm13 complete

          Cooking 71 ~ Fishing 80 ~ Woodwork 55 ~ Alchemy 55

          'Big' items so far: Steppe Belt, Dark Staff, Earth Staff, Gluttony Sword, Espandon +1 and Cassie Earring.
          Obtained Lu'shang rod 07/19/2004
          /happy Tawu dance. ^-^


          • #6
            Originally posted by csBahamut
            Like in real life, the more you invest, the more you can make.

            Fishing is easy. Do it while watching TV or something. You don't have to watch the screen if you have a controller with a rumble feature. You don't need to fish everyday either. You can do fine just fishing on New/Full Moons. WHile you're at it, you can get cooking to 29 to make your own paste. So while you get up fishing, you can have paste selling on the AH.
            Be careful with this idea. If you are reported as a bot and a GM comes to check, getting no response from you can end up leading them to believe you are a bot and getting you temporarily banned.

            Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


            • #7
              If you check your fishing status every 2 minutes or such you'll be fine, many GMs (from what I hear) are patient and don't go supsending every account they find that doesn't respond within ~5 minutes. Anyways, you probably should look at you screen every few catches so that you can sort your inventory and toss any rusties you fish up. so just read your log then.


              • #8
                Be careful with this idea. If you are reported as a bot and a GM comes to check, getting no response from you can end up leading them to believe you are a bot and getting you temporarily banned.
                You'll have to check your screen every so often so you can sort, or refill your bait(if using bait). Personally though, I'm usually chatting in the LS, otherwise I'd fall asleep(and not be catching any fish ; .

                Be like a Paladin.
                Take the hit, shrug it off, and ask if their mom hits any harder.

