Ok, ive now gotten some money (yay) and im a bit unsure what to do with em.
my blm is at 43 atm, rng is 20 (planning on taking higher when my wood reach 60). Those are my main jobs atm.
crafting arrows is atm NOT profitable on seraph, if you do not hq them. woodworking is atm on 42 and will get higher when they put more horn arrowheads on ah lol.
my goal is to get wood to 60, then ill c if i wanna continue, and how much that will cost me, if you synth demon arrows you loose as much as 24k per stack, will it always be like this? will you hq scorps or demon regurlarly at.. say 90 wood?
when i get wood high enough id reckon elemental staffs is not the best, but a pretty nice source of income. At what lvl do you start to get 1hq out of 20? or 30? Will i earn on this if i put 500-900k into wood to get it to 100, and how long will it take me to earn my money back?
ive read that if you go arrow route with ranger, you spend approx 100k per lvl at 60+, will it be any cheaper if i do have 90-100 wood? or is wood not that good for rng at all? im a bit unsure, everyone sais its great and all but ive lost money so far gettin to 42. so logicly its not cheaper to craft em..
guess my question is; what should you do? I enjoy crafting, its a nice relaxation but i dont want do it if i dont get anything out of it.
cheers all.
my blm is at 43 atm, rng is 20 (planning on taking higher when my wood reach 60). Those are my main jobs atm.
crafting arrows is atm NOT profitable on seraph, if you do not hq them. woodworking is atm on 42 and will get higher when they put more horn arrowheads on ah lol.
my goal is to get wood to 60, then ill c if i wanna continue, and how much that will cost me, if you synth demon arrows you loose as much as 24k per stack, will it always be like this? will you hq scorps or demon regurlarly at.. say 90 wood?
when i get wood high enough id reckon elemental staffs is not the best, but a pretty nice source of income. At what lvl do you start to get 1hq out of 20? or 30? Will i earn on this if i put 500-900k into wood to get it to 100, and how long will it take me to earn my money back?
ive read that if you go arrow route with ranger, you spend approx 100k per lvl at 60+, will it be any cheaper if i do have 90-100 wood? or is wood not that good for rng at all? im a bit unsure, everyone sais its great and all but ive lost money so far gettin to 42. so logicly its not cheaper to craft em..
guess my question is; what should you do? I enjoy crafting, its a nice relaxation but i dont want do it if i dont get anything out of it.
cheers all.