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  • fun

    people are always talking about how the game is boring until u hit lvl 30. how does the fun factor increase at that lvl any more than it does when ur lvl 20? give me details details.
    I'm currently trying to get a party for the airship quest for kazham!

    ffxi name: salador
    xbox live gamertag: brandomaster

  • #2
    Don't exactly know why this was posted on the craft board, but I guess I am qualified to answer your question. At 30 you get to the point where you can start unlocking a lot of stuff, whether it be advanced jobs, certain quests, etc. At least in my eyes that's why it got more fun. I've actually been at 30THF for about a month now just enjoying what the game has to offer at this point. I've still got a lot to do also, like going and getting RSE and stuff like that. What it boils down to is that the higher level you get, the more and more stuff you can do safely with your character. In this respect its probably the same as any other MMORPG. Once you get closer and closer to end game it should theoretically get more and more fun. On top of this, it seems like armor/weapons really start to become badass around the 30-40s. This is prime time to "max your char" for those levels, so to say, if you are into that sort of thing.
    Typho - Elvaan - San d'Oria - Rank 10 - Titan

    THF - 75 | RNG - 55 | NIN - 38 | WAR - 27 | WHM - 20 | SAM - 16 | MNK - 14 | BLM - 10


    • #3
      Re: fun

      Originally posted by salador
      people are always talking about how the game is boring until u hit lvl 30. how does the fun factor increase at that lvl any more than it does when ur lvl 20? give me details details.
      Advanced jobs foo. That and your actually able to run thu the Grotto without getting killed in the first 30 secs.


      • #4
        Because then you can do so much. You can go questing and unlock advanced jobs and do missions and all that fun stuff. You dont just have to level. Then you'll level up later of course but still an nice break.
        Honk if you love bastok!


        • #5
          More to the point, most of the jobs tend to blend together in the first 30 levels. There really isn't a substantial difference between a monk, a sam, a dragoon, a dark knight, or a warrior.

          Its once they start getting their "signature skills", that they start to differentiate themselves.
          You know I'm right.

