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fishing got a question

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  • fishing got a question

    ok i got a question... once i hit level 11 fishing where should i fish near windy ... till what level what fish and what bait will i need:sweat: if u can help me out ill be very gratefull
    Those who live by the sword die by the sword everyone else dies defenceless.

  • #2

    I got this advice once from a very good fisherman, I swear by it. Once you hit the cap for moat carp, I think it's 11 or 14 or so?

    When you hit the cap for moat, go and fish for moat carps in zeruhn. You'll get the most money out of that together with occasional skillups from tricolored carp.

    This should last you to tricolored carp cap, or close too it, I believe it's fishing level 37 or so. Should get you your first 2-3k carps on the road to lu shangs as well. ^^


    • #3
      that sounds pretty damn good lol so i should stay there with insect paste till 37? and what level are u since u been there now:sweat:
      Those who live by the sword die by the sword everyone else dies defenceless.


      • #4
        I'm lazy

        I'm about 1.9k carps turned in, and fishing level 31 or so right now. So just stick to it.

        For you being short on money I'd definately recommend not turning the carps in for the quest in sandoria right now, instead you should sell them at AH, 1.2k vs 4k+ (I'm hearing carp's jumped up to 5k/stack on some servers.)

        I do recommend however that you with your money FROM fishing INVEST in fishing. That is, buy all the fishing gear as soon as you can. It really helps.

        My fishing gear from level6 fishing and up:
        The 4 armor parts with +1 fishing skill
        Composite rod
        Insect Paste.

        I've never gotten my rod broken in zeruhn fishing for carp.
        Oh, and if you don't know where zeruhn is, it's in bastok mines. You go in, then just go straight until you fins a large gate with an NPC standing by it. Talk to him and he'll let you in, and there's the bridge you'll be fishing from. Nice, since it's close to Mines AH, so you can restock Paste/sell your catch.

        Good luck! ^^


        • #5
          Tricoloured carp are good until 27 I believe, after that I fished in rabao and caught many carp and skilled up off sandfish ^^

          Best of luck
          All HQ elemental staves
          Republic circlet obtained w00t.
          Tiamat trouncer : O
          World Serpent Slayer : O
          Vrtra Vanquisher : O


          • #6
            lol actually that sounds pretty damn good lmao staying in one place for a long time is somthing i do not mind because it is not my main so i can fish and not inturupt my main , and i am no where near low on gil ^^ so your idea about lushangs will fit great thank you for your help
            Those who live by the sword die by the sword everyone else dies defenceless.


            • #7
              Fishing in Rabao?

              I have a quick question to ask those at probably a higher lvl or those with the higher fishing experience. He it goes..... at what lvl is it safe to go to RABAO and fish for moat? I am currently a lvl 24WAR/12MNK and have no other high lvl characters. I am currently at lvl 24 in fishin and have heard very good things about RABAO but that mobs could possibly agrroe to me since I was a lower lvl, with this said I was a lower lvl when I asked this question to othe people on the server. Could anyone please help me out I really wanna go there and fish.


              Daballer - Quatzelcoatl Server


              • #8
                Tricoloured carp are good until 27 I believe, after that I fished in rabao and caught many carp and skilled up off sandfish ^^
                Right you are. 27, not 37.
                As soon as you hit 26 in Zeruhn, it's "safe" to go to rabao and start fishing. And in rabao you will be fishing... MOAT CARP!

                *crowd goes wild*

                Seriously, the Carp route to the 50's in fishing is a bit slower than designated target fishing for skillups (i.e. Cheval salmon in Ronfaure around 20's and so on), but it's by far the most profitable. And you'll get about halfways to your lu shangs if you're crazy enough to turn in ALL your Moaties. ^^

                Good luck.

                Edit: Second poster >
                I'm level 64, I still get aggro in second desert from the scorpions. So to get to rabao you need either proficient aggro-avoiding skills, or a whm/rdm lvl 25+.

                Wait until you hit 26-27 in fishing, then go to rabao.


                • #9
                  Thanks, NOW is it possible to go to Rabao and just use the chocobo to get there? with out getting aggroed? Then use a scroll of warp and go back to wherever the HP is set? Is that something that can be done is is it just dumb to think that?

                  Again thanks for the help, I hope that my questions do not sound too :confused:



                  • #10
                    You cannot choco to Rabao. Bring a few prism powder and silent oil.

                    From Bastok, go through Korroloka Tunnel (Taking the route to East Altepa). This should leave you @ K-8 of East Altepa. Go to the "dot" @ I-6 and you should find a small tunnel that leads downwards to West Altepa. You'll be at the "dot " @ K-7 in West Altepa. Just head north to Rabao.

                    You'll need sneak/invis in Korroloka Tunnel once mobs start checking easy prey+ (I think you just need invis for the giants, and sneak for others). In the Altepas, you need sneak only.

                    I have a 10 RDM that runs through Altepa with no sneak invis. It is pretty easy to make your way around both of those zones without getting any aggro.


                    • #11
                      :sweat: ya im 62 now manticore register easy.... but they con lol they been easy for like 5 levels and they got that double hit going and mean poisen.... cactaur to no matter what level u are 1000 needle will kill ya just sneak to first and sneak mabey 1 invis to get to rabao
                      Those who live by the sword die by the sword everyone else dies defenceless.


                      • #12
                        Cactuars stop aggroing at level 65 or so.

                        Honestly, though... skilling on Tricolored Carp from 11 to 26/27 is just plain murder. Sure you make a few extra gil, but you spend 5 times as much time as you need for that level range.

                        There are much faster ways to level fishing skill than fishing for moats. Yellow Globes in Buburimu(17) and Quus in Selbina(19) come to mind. I don't recommend going after Tricolored Carp until at least level 19, your bite/catch rate will be abysmal any lower than that.



                        • #13
                          Fishing in Rabao

                          OK then that info sounds good. So I think I will probably take like 3 of each of the powders, is that enough? Anyways I will try it and see what happens lol, wish me luck. Also at lvl 25 Fishing is that a pretty good lvl to even go to Rabao? Do you guys think that I would have a pretty good rate? Should I go during a good moon phase or Rabao is pretty much a good rate on fishing anytime of the day? Once again thanks for all the help guys



                          • #14
                            yup thats good but u will need 3 oils aswell and if ur going for carp u should have a good rate
                            Those who live by the sword die by the sword everyone else dies defenceless.


                            • #15
                              well my current fishing level is 25 !!! Is that good or should I level it a lot more before even concidering on going over there? Also, when fishing in Rabao can I get aggroad or pull out monsters? Thanks for all the help.


