Hi, I've been looking around using the serch feature typing "Guild Points Rewards" and the like but I can't find anything to what I'm looking for so perhaps you could answer this question without telling me to use the search feature, or maybe I just need to get better at it ^^
Anyways, I was wondering what were the guild rewards for Smithing, not Goldsmithing. I read that cooking gets a hat and a apron, godsmithing gets the black sunglasses and weaving gets the magnifying glasses, but what about smithing? Is smithing the same as goldsmithing? Thanks for the help.
Anyways, I was wondering what were the guild rewards for Smithing, not Goldsmithing. I read that cooking gets a hat and a apron, godsmithing gets the black sunglasses and weaving gets the magnifying glasses, but what about smithing? Is smithing the same as goldsmithing? Thanks for the help.