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AOE kills affecting drop rate

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  • AOE kills affecting drop rate

    I've been killing sheep in highlands to make wool for a little while, grab about 30 of them and spining scythe kill them all. i get a few sheep skins. i'm subbing thf so just TH1 for now. I'm heading over to dunes or mountains to get lizard skins today but i was hoping for some info before i do. a guy in my LS said a while back a fix was put in that lowers the drop rate on mobs killed by AOE, that are not actively engaged. I've seen this when doing lizards before, i'll get skins maybe 1/4 while building TP, then get maybe 1/10 on the train i kill. I just thought it was the crappy drop rate.

    can anyone else confirm this is the case? if it is, no more spining scythe
    Drk 70/ Rdm 30 / Sam 30 / Thf 34 / War 32 / Ninja 20 / Summoner 20
    Bastok 7-2
    Sky Access
    Lufaise Meadows Access

  • #2
    There is a ws that has AOE! :sweat: I feel such like a nooby...

    _( -_-)_zZzZzZ
    Please don't disturb/


    • #3
      I'm not sure if AoE attacks affect drop rates or not. Sometimes it just feels so random. One day I can't get crap to drop and the next day I can't keep my inventory empty. Prime example......I was farming for Yagudo Beads in Giddeus to get my Norg Fame up. The first day I started I was getting at least 5/10 to drop with AoE. The next day, doing the same thing, I was only getting like 1 to 2/10 with using AoE. Plus it didn't seem to matter if I used AoE Nukes or AoE WS.
      61-RDM 33-BLM 32-DRK 15-THF 16-WHM 8-SMN 11-BST 5-PLD 24-RNG 10-NIN 1-SAM 13-WAR 6/6AF 4/4 RSE RANK 8 San'Doria


      • #4
        that's pretty much how i felt, but this guy was adamant about this supposed fix. i'm just trying to get someone else to confirm or deny this. i farmed lizards yesterday without using AOE, and the drop rate sucked. I didn't train any because there were 4 other farmers there so i stuck to 1 kill at a time.
        Drk 70/ Rdm 30 / Sam 30 / Thf 34 / War 32 / Ninja 20 / Summoner 20
        Bastok 7-2
        Sky Access
        Lufaise Meadows Access


        • #5
          I've never heard of aoe's affecting drop rates however I do know that if you are farming enemies far below your lvl the drop rate is nerfed. Maybe your ls mate was confused about that.

          36 War/15 Mnk/22 Thf/62 Pld/Bst 75/Nin 33/Whm 36/Blm 19/Cor 7
          Full Af X2 • Rank 8 • Alchemy 65


          • #6
            AOE Yes Its True

            AOE does affect drops, been doing it as a test i get 1 drop per 10 kills by aoe. So if u train u can still use ws jus dont aoe period. U even get more drops with out using ws. Thats my opinion, plus if u dont have thf job (as main or subjob) get 4leaf it helps alot for drops.

