@Lushangsrod owner: Why was it worth it exactly <.< Do you get more fishes now? Better fishes? Same fishes but less chance to break? >_>
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Going for Lu Shangs, but some questions...
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-Get Hauby
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-Complete G3
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from what i understand from other people asking this question to lu shang's owners....
It eliminates the "the fish you caught was to small to fish for with this rod" message, which in turn = more catchs. And, although it can be broken it can never be lost during synths, unless you zone while in the middle of repairing it, you might lose it. For instance, you start repairing it right before the ship docks. Also, you can catch a lot of the legendary fish's which sell for a lot to NPCs and the fishing guild for a few hundred gil.
A side note from my opinion, you will be "uber" as they call it with this rod, pluse being 1 million gils richer and able to sell the rod for like 3mil~? buy a peacock charm or 2
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I have to say, after reading this thread i have much more encouragment to go after that silly rod :D I didn't take into account the gil reward you get when you turn them in. I already have hero fame in sandy though. I get the 'too small to catch message' sooooo often it would be great if that weren't an issue. Now i have to find a woodworking guide....
What level of woodworking is needed to repair the rod? I don't want to blow up very many light crystals since they're so expensive now. Hopefully, by the time i DO get it...years from now...SE will have fixed the rusty cap phenomenon and lights will have returned to their regular not so crazy price.http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/profile.xml?4946
Lu Shang's - Obtained: 10/05/04
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at 52, you might be better off
doing rusty cap fishing, and use the money you make to buy moat carps to turn in. That's what I did.
Rusty cap, average 15 caps an hour. I had 50 smithing at the time, so I didn't have to level it.
Cost 1 light crystal (800 gil) to make rusty cap into padded cap. Padded cap sells for 2.65K each at max fame. 1.85k x 15 = 27K an hour.
Each stack of moat carp sells for 4K on AH. Turning in a stack give you 1.2K back. So you only lose 2.8K per stack turned in.
27K = buying and turning 9-10 stacks of moat carps.
(1) you can't fish up 9-10 stacks of moat carp per hour even under best circumstances.
(2) fishing moat carp cost you insect paste.
In term of money, it's better to do rusty cap fishing and buy your moat carps than fish moat carps yourself.
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Heh...This quest is making me gget ready to shoot someone. Probably me for being so crazy.It's Annoying how many people turn a GAME into a CHORE-Ashtyr
Shinobi 3 High score- 360,750
Sorin (now Aen)~Elvaan Male~ 37 WAR / 55 SAM / 61 PLD / 52 NIN / 32 BLU: Rank 6 Bastok
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you need 73 woodworking to repair lu shangs
and yea, im doing rusty cap now @34 smith
i will use the gil to buy my moats lol tired of fishing @1609 turned in so far from fishing! lol 1 month almost
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I don't see much of a reason to break lu shangs on the boat. Sure it can be cheap, but you won't really need it till 90ish fishing.
When not even black sole will give skill ups.
At that level maybe just buy 20 composite rods, and sell it back to AH when done. They move pretty fast.
I suppose you can use lu shang if you really want to, but you get really paranoid fixing it.
Lu Shang will never break except on legendary fishes. So unless you go out of your way to break one(I did for kewl title). You're better off not needing to worry about it.
There is the alternate way of fixing one with quest, if you ever mess up unintentionally.
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that quest also requires 2 light crystal and some expensive lumber, 100k+ a stack on my server, he needs 1 piece i think
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oooo thats where that title comes from :D
i was wondering cause getting lu shangs gives you "carp diem" right, wondered how you got the immortal one thx
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does lu shangs catch rusty caps better then comp + rouge?
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lol just wondering if i should buy some good equip first or lu shangs if it would help with rusty caps :D thanks
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Byebye rusty caps! in case you haven't heard. Although i don't know what exactly they reset the price at because i can't seem to complete my update just yet -_-http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/profile.xml?4946
Lu Shang's - Obtained: 10/05/04
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I know this sucks, byebye gil, back to being poor again
this game is starting to suck /slap square
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