after smithing for a while, i've realized that the real money comes in from desynths...whenever they're successful at least. however, i've only tried desynthing goblin equipment, namely helms and mails. are the success rates on desynths horrendous on other pieces of equipment as well, such as mauls for example?
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i tried desynthing ash staffs before, and even those failed miserably. Seeing how desynth failure rate is like 50%+, i wouldn't say its a reliable way of making much money seeing how its mostly luck.... even on a good day and full moon i still fail on about 50% or more of the desynths. (or just get crappy normal ones anyways)
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I desynth <insert my special item> for like a 2k profit every desynth, I get about 4-8k on HQ desynths, which is actually not as rare as normal ones. I get probably about a 75% success rate, and lose them like only 10% of the time. Nice easy money
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Quadav Backplates are probably the most popular desynth (at least in the Bastok area). Buy one 500-700 gil backplate, HQ1 is iron ingot, HQ2 is darksteel ingot (not sure if there's a HQ3). If you've got the appropriately smithing skill (which is, admittedly, quite high), these things are a gold mine. I commonly would see one or two people desynthing dozens of these per night, back when Bastok was my base of operations.61 MNK | 37 WAR | 37 THF | 35 RDM | 29 BLM | 25 WHM
Mithra retired November 2004 - Hume started November 2006
28 WAR | 18 MNK | 15 WHM | 12 BLM
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