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Mog enhancement

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  • Mog enhancement

    Could someone direct me towards some general mog enhancement information, guides, topics..

    Thank you if you can help.

  • #2
    This link lists most (if not all?) of the furniture and what element they add too. There are 3 lvls of moghancement: weak, powerful, overwhelming. I'm not sure of how much is needed to get to the next lvl sorry. You know your lvl of moghancement when you talk to your moogle, and you'll also know what type it is. If it says an elemental type, that means you have less of a chance of losing items when synthesizing w/ that element crystal. Overwhelming means you'll have a better chance of losing less compared to weak. If it's moghancement: gardening this means your plants will last longer before whithering, meaning you can check it less to get the same result. Overwhelming means you can go longer without checking it. If you have Moghancement: fishing, this increases your chance of catching items. You'll catch more items the higher the lvl of moghancement. If you're trying to skill up fishing, this is not something to have. I am not sure what the experience one is though, as to whether or not it decreases amount lost when killed or if it increases amount gained back when raised -_-

    I think I covered the basics but if i missed anything or got something wrong, someone please correct me! ^^b

