Heya all. A week or two ago I hit clothcraft lvl 60. I powerleveled it, probably put 200-300k into it, but that doesn't really concern me. When I hit 60, I took a break to try to make some money with it... only to find out I can't :O, There are a few synths that give a little money back, but if you fail you only break even or worse. I've tried HQing, and that doesn't seem to be very good at 60 either: all of the items i can HQ decently are worthless anyway(one of the soil gears that I HQ'd is actually worth 3k LESS than the regular, don't ask me why). Now I was looking at the higher level recipes, the obvious one being Vermillion Cloak. In a guide I read, the person said they could profit 500k on a cloak, but I checked it out on Carbuncle, and the materials cost about 2,810,000, and cloak sells for about 2,900,000, so you're risking 2.81 mil for a 90k profit
It would be really frustrating to get to lvl 100 clothcraft only to find I could only make 90k a synth and then get screwed if I fail(and that will happen, I've failed a lvl ~20 synth twice while trying to HQ). Most other high level synths are money-losers. Master's Gi, which is in the mid 80s, loses 50k or more per synth, if you suceed.
Thus said, my question is this: Should I continue clothcraft past 60, or should I switch to a craft that uses cloth as a support skill?

Thus said, my question is this: Should I continue clothcraft past 60, or should I switch to a craft that uses cloth as a support skill?